Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/Other, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9


Комментарии в файле vmstat.c :

usage: vmstat [-n] [DELAY [COUNT]]

Печатать статистику виртуальной памяти, повторяя каждые DELAY секунд, COUNT раз. (Без ЗАДЕРЖКИ печатает одну строку. Без СЧЁТЧИКА повторяется до тех пор, пока не будет уничтожен.) Показать запущенные и заблокированные процессы, обмен килобайтами, свободные, буферизованные и кэшируется, килобайты подкачки в секунду, файловый диск блокирует ввод и выход в секунду, прерываний и переключений контекста в секунду, % процессорного времени, потраченного на выполнение пользовательского кода, системного кода, бездействия и ожидания ввода-вывода. Первая строка — с момента запуска системы, последующие строки — с последней строки.
  • -n Отображать заголовок только один раз

  • usage: vmstat [-n] [DELAY [COUNT]]

    Print virtual memory statistics, repeating each DELAY seconds, COUNT times. (With no DELAY, prints one line. With no COUNT, repeats until killed.) Show processes running and blocked, kilobytes swapped, free, buffered, and cached, kilobytes swapped in and out per second, file disk blocks input and output per second, interrupts and context switches per second, percent of CPU time spent running user code, system code, idle, and awaiting I/O. First line is since system started, later lines are since last line.
  • -n Display the header only once

  • Исходный текст в файле vmstat.c

    #define FOR_vmstat
    #include "toys.h"
    struct vmstat_proc {
      // From /proc/stat (jiffies)
      uint64_t user, nice, sys, idle, wait, irq, sirq, intr, ctxt, running, blocked;
      // From /proc/meminfo (units are kb)
      uint64_t memfree, buffers, cached, swapfree, swaptotal;
      // From /proc/vmstat (units are kb)
      uint64_t io_in, io_out;
      // From /proc/vmstat (units are pages)
      uint64_t swap_in, swap_out;
    // All the elements of vmstat_proc are the same size, so we can populate it as
    // a big array, then read the elements back out by name
    static void get_vmstat_proc(struct vmstat_proc *vmstat_proc)
      char *vmstuff[] = { "/proc/stat", "cpu ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        "intr ", "ctxt ", "procs_running ", "procs_blocked ", "/proc/meminfo",
        "MemFree: ", "Buffers: ", "Cached: ", "SwapFree: ", "SwapTotal: ",
        "/proc/vmstat", "pgpgin ", "pgpgout ", "pswpin ", "pswpout " };
      uint64_t *new = (uint64_t *)vmstat_proc;
      char *p = p, *name = name, *file = NULL;
      int i, j;
      // We use vmstuff to fill out vmstat_proc as an array of uint64_t:
      //   Strings starting with / are the file to find next entries in
      //   Any other string is a key to search for, with decimal value right after
      //   0 means parse another value on same line as last key
      for (i = 0; i<ARRAY_LEN(vmstuff); i++) {
        if (!vmstuff[i]) p++;
        else if (*vmstuff[i] == '/') {
          // /proc/stat for a 48-core machine doesn't fit in toybuf.
          file = xreadfile(name = vmstuff[i], 0, 0);
        } else p = strafter(file, vmstuff[i]);
        if (!p || 1!=sscanf(p, "%"PRIu64"%n", new++, &j))
          error_exit("Bad %sin %s: %s", vmstuff[i], name, p ? p : "");
        p += j;
    void vmstat_main(void)
      struct vmstat_proc top[2];
      int i, loop_delay = 0, loop_max = 0;
      unsigned loop, rows = 25, page_kb = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)/1024;
      char *headers="r\0b\0swpd\0free\0buff\0cache\0si\0so\0bi\0bo\0in\0cs\0us\0"
                    "sy\0id\0wa", lengths[] = {2,2,7,7,6,7,5,5,5,5,5,5,2,2,2,2};
      memset(top, 0, sizeof(top));
      if (toys.optc) loop_delay = atolx_range(toys.optargs[0], 0, INT_MAX);
      if (toys.optc > 1) loop_max = atolx_range(toys.optargs[1], 1, INT_MAX);
      for (loop = 0; !loop_max || loop < loop_max; loop++) {
        unsigned idx = loop&1, offset = 0, expected = 0;
        uint64_t units, total_hz, *ptr = (uint64_t *)(top+idx),
                 *oldptr = (uint64_t *)(top+!idx);
        if (loop && loop_delay) sleep(loop_delay);
        // Print headers
        if (rows>3 && !(loop % (rows-3))) {
          char *header = headers;
          if (!(toys.optflags&FLAG_n) && isatty(1)) terminal_size(0, &rows);
          else rows = 0;
          printf("procs ------------memory------------ ----swap--- -----io---- ---system-- ----cpu----\n");
          for (i=0; i<sizeof(lengths); i++) {
            printf(" %*s"+!i, lengths[i], header);
            header += strlen(header)+1;
        // Read data and combine some fields we display as aggregates
        top[idx].running--; // Don't include ourselves
        top[idx].user += top[idx].nice;
        top[idx].sys += top[idx].irq + top[idx].sirq;
        top[idx].swaptotal -= top[idx].swapfree;
        // Collect unit adjustments (outside the inner loop to save time)
        if (!loop) {
          char *s = toybuf;
          xreadfile("/proc/uptime", toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
          while (*(s++) > ' ');
          sscanf(s, "%"PRIu64, &units);
        } else units = loop_delay;
        // add up user, sys, idle, and wait time used since last time
        // (Already appended nice to user)
        total_hz = 0;
        for (i=0; i<4; i++) total_hz += ptr[i+!!i] - oldptr[i+!!i];
        // Output values in order[]: running, blocked, swaptotal, memfree, buffers,
        // cache, swap_in, swap_out, io_in, io_out, sirq, ctxt, user, sys, idle,wait
        for (i=0; i<sizeof(lengths); i++) {
          char order[] = {9, 10, 15, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 16, 17, 6, 8, 0, 2, 3, 4};
          uint64_t out = ptr[order[i]];
          int len;
          // Adjust rate and units
          if (i>5) out -= oldptr[order[i]];
          if (order[i]<7) out = ((out*100) + (total_hz/2)) / total_hz;
          else if (order[i]>17) out = ((out * page_kb)+(units-1))/units;
          else if (order[i]>15) out = ((out)+(units-1))/units;
          else if (order[i]<9) out = (out+(units-1)) / units;
          // If a field was too big to fit in its slot, try to compensate later
          expected += lengths[i] + !!i;
          len = expected - offset - !!i;
          if (len < 0) len = 0;
          offset += printf(" %*"PRIu64+!i, len, out);
        if (!loop_delay) break;