Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/Pending, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9

Комментарии в файле mdev.c :

Команд: 2


usage: mdev [-s]

Создавайте устройства в /dev, используя информацию из /sys.
  • -s Сканировать все записи в /sys для заполнения /dev

  • usage: mdev [-s]

    Create devices in /dev using information from /sys.
  • -s Scan all entries in /sys to populate /dev

  • mdev_conf

    Файл конфигурации mdev (/etc/mdev.conf) содержит строки следующего вида:
         hd [а-я] [0-9]
         (sd[a-z]) корень:диск 660 =usb_storage
         Каждая строка должна содержать три поля, разделенных пробелами. Первое поле — это регулярное выражение, соответствующее одному или нескольким именам устройств, второе и третье поля — это uid:gid и права доступа к файлам для соответствующих устройств.
      Четвертое поле является необязательным. Его можно использовать для изменения имени устройства (префикс '='), пути (префикс '=' и постфикс '/') или создания символической ссылки (префикс '>').

    The mdev config file (/etc/mdev.conf) contains lines that look like:
        (sd[a-z]) root:disk 660 =usb_storage
        Each line must contain three whitespace separated fields. The first
        field is a regular expression matching one or more device names,
        the second and third fields are uid:gid and file permissions for
        matching devices. Fourth field is optional. It could be used to change
        device name (prefix '='), path (prefix '=' and postfix '/') or create a
        symlink (prefix '>').

    Исходный текст в файле mdev.c

    #include "toys.h"
    #include <stdbool.h>
    // mknod in /dev based on a path like "/sys/block/hda/hda1"
    static void make_device(char *path)
      char *device_name = 0, *custom_name = 0, *s, *temp;
      bool create_symlink = false;
      int major = 0, minor = 0, type, len, fd, mode = 0660;
      uid_t uid = 0;
      gid_t gid = 0;
      if (path) {
        // Try to read major/minor string, returning if we can't
        temp = strrchr(path, '/');
        fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
        *temp = 0;
        len = read(fd, toybuf, 64);
        if (len<1) return;
        toybuf[len] = 0;
        // Determine device type, major and minor
        type = path[5]=='c' ? S_IFCHR : S_IFBLK;
        sscanf(toybuf, "%u:%u", &major, &minor);
      } else {
        // if (!path), do hotplug
        if (!(temp = getenv("MODALIAS"))) xrun((char *[]){"modprobe", temp, 0});
        if (!(temp = getenv("SUBSYSTEM"))) return;
        type = strcmp(temp, "block") ? S_IFCHR : S_IFBLK;
        if (!(temp = getenv("MAJOR"))) return;
        sscanf(temp, "%u", &major);
        if (!(temp = getenv("MINOR"))) return;
        sscanf(temp, "%u", &minor);
        if (!(path = getenv("DEVPATH"))) return;
        device_name = getenv("DEVNAME");
      if (!device_name)
        device_name = strrchr(path, '/') + 1;
      // as in linux/drivers/base/core.c, device_get_devnode()
      while ((temp = strchr(device_name, '!'))) {
        *temp = '/';
      // If we have a config file, look up permissions for this device
      if (CFG_MDEV_CONF) {
        char *conf, *pos, *end;
        bool optional_field_valid = false;
        // mmap the config file
        if (-1!=(fd = open("/etc/mdev.conf", O_RDONLY))) {
          int line = 0;
          len = fdlength(fd);
          conf = xmmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
          // Loop through lines in mmaped file
          for (pos = conf; pos-conf<len;) {
            int field;
            char *end2;
            // find end of this line
            for(end = pos; end-conf<len && *end!='\n'; end++);
            // Four fields (last is optional): regex, uid:gid, mode [, name|path ]
            // For example: (sd[a-z])1  root:disk 660 =usb_storage_p1
            for (field = 4; field; field--) {
              // Skip whitespace
              while (pos<end && isspace(*pos)) pos++;
              if (pos==end || *pos=='#') break;
              for (end2 = pos;
                end2<end && !isspace(*end2) && *end2!='#'; end2++);
              switch(field) {
                // Regex to match this device
                case 4:
                  char *regex = strndup(pos, end2-pos);
                  regex_t match;
                  regmatch_t off;
                  int result;
                  // Is this it?
                  xregcomp(&match, regex, REG_EXTENDED);
                  result=regexec(&match, device_name, 1, &off, 0);
                  // If not this device, skip rest of line
                  if (result || off.rm_so
                    || off.rm_eo!=strlen(device_name))
                      goto end_line;
                // uid:gid
                case 3:
                  char *s2;
                  // Find :
                  for(s = pos; s<end2 && *s!=':'; s++);
                  if (s==end2) goto end_line;
                  // Parse UID
                  uid = strtoul(pos,&s2,10);
                  if (s!=s2) {
                    struct passwd *pass;
                    char *str = strndup(pos, s-pos);
                    pass = getpwnam(str);
                    if (!pass) goto end_line;
                    uid = pass->pw_uid;
                  // parse GID
                  gid = strtoul(s,&s2,10);
                  if (end2!=s2) {
                    struct group *grp;
                    char *str = strndup(s, end2-s);
                    grp = getgrnam(str);
                    if (!grp) goto end_line;
                    gid = grp->gr_gid;
                // mode
                case 2:
                  char *beg_pos = pos;
                  mode = strtoul(pos, &pos, 8);
                  if (pos == beg_pos) {
                    // The line is bad because mode setting could not be
                    // converted to numeric value.
                    goto end_line;
                // Try to look for name or path (optional field)
                case 1:
                  if(pos < end2){
                    //char *name = strndup(pos, end2-pos);
                    char *name = malloc(end2-pos+1);
                      strncpy(name, pos, end2-pos+1);
                      name[end2-pos] = '\0';
                        case '>':
                          create_symlink = true;
                        case '=':
                          custom_name = strdup(&name[1]);
                        case '!':
                          device_name = NULL;
                          goto end_line;
                      optional_field_valid = true;
                  goto found_device;
            // Did everything parse happily?
            // Note: Last field is optional.
            if ((field>1 || (field==1 && !optional_field_valid)) && field!=4)
              error_exit("Bad line %d", line);
            // Next line
            pos = ++end;
          munmap(conf, len);
      if(device_name) {
        if(custom_name) {
          sprintf(toybuf, "/dev/%s", custom_name);
          if(custom_name[strlen(custom_name) - 1] == '/') {
            DIR *dir;
            dir = opendir(toybuf);
            if(dir) closedir(dir);
            else mkdir(toybuf, 0755);
          sprintf(toybuf, "/dev/%s", device_name);
          if ((temp=getenv("ACTION")) && !strcmp(temp, "remove")) {
          if (strchr(device_name, '/')) mkpath(toybuf);
          if (mknod(toybuf, mode | type, dev_makedev(major, minor)) &&
              errno != EEXIST)
            perror_exit("mknod %s failed", toybuf);
            char *symlink_name = malloc(sizeof("/dev/") + strlen(device_name) + 1);
            if(symlink_name == NULL)
              perror_exit("malloc failed while creating symlink to %s", toybuf);
            sprintf(symlink_name, "/dev/%s", device_name);
            if(symlink(toybuf, symlink_name)){
              perror_exit("symlink creation failed for %s", toybuf);
          if (type == S_IFBLK) close(open(toybuf, O_RDONLY)); // scan for partitions
          if (CFG_MDEV_CONF) mode=chown(toybuf, uid, gid);
    static int callback(struct dirtree *node)
      // Entries in /sys/class/block aren't char devices, so skip 'em.  (We'll
      // get block devices out of /sys/block.)
      if(!strcmp(node->name, "block")) return 0;
      // Does this directory have a "dev" entry in it?
      // This is path based because the hotplug callbacks are
      if (S_ISDIR(node->st.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(node->st.st_mode)) {
        int len=4;
        char *dev = dirtree_path(node, &len);
        strcpy(dev+len, "/dev");
        if (!access(dev, R_OK)) make_device(dev);
      // Circa 2.6.25 the entries more than 2 deep are all either redundant
      // (mouse#, event#) or unnamed (every usb_* entry is called "device").
      if (node->parent && node->parent->parent) return 0;
    void mdev_main(void)
      // Handle -s
      if (toys.optflags) {
        dirtree_read("/sys/class", callback);
        if (!access("/sys/block", R_OK)) dirtree_read("/sys/block", callback);
      } else { // hotplug support