Путь: Toys/Pending, команды версии: Ver.4 Ver.9 tftpd Комментарии в файле tftpd.c :
Исходный текст в файле tftpd.c #define FOR_tftpd #include "toys.h" GLOBALS( char *user; long sfd; struct passwd *pw; ) #define TFTPD_BLKSIZE 512 // as per RFC 1350. // opcodes #define TFTPD_OP_RRQ 1 // Read Request RFC 1350, RFC 2090 #define TFTPD_OP_WRQ 2 // Write Request RFC 1350 #define TFTPD_OP_DATA 3 // Data chunk RFC 1350 #define TFTPD_OP_ACK 4 // Acknowledgement RFC 1350 #define TFTPD_OP_ERR 5 // Error Message RFC 1350 #define TFTPD_OP_OACK 6 // Option acknowledgment RFC 2347 // Error Codes: #define TFTPD_ER_NOSUCHFILE 1 // File not found #define TFTPD_ER_ACCESS 2 // Access violation #define TFTPD_ER_FULL 3 // Disk full or allocation exceeded #define TFTPD_ER_ILLEGALOP 4 // Illegal TFTP operation #define TFTPD_ER_UNKID 5 // Unknown transfer ID #define TFTPD_ER_EXISTS 6 // File already exists #define TFTPD_ER_UNKUSER 7 // No such user #define TFTPD_ER_NEGOTIATE 8 // Terminate transfer due to option negotiation /* TFTP Packet Formats * Type Op # Format without header * 2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte * ----------------------------------------------- * RRQ/ | 01/02 | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 | * WRQ ----------------------------------------------- * 2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes * --------------------------------- * DATA | 03 | Block # | Data | * --------------------------------- * 2 bytes 2 bytes * ------------------- * ACK | 04 | Block # | * -------------------- * 2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte * ---------------------------------------- * ERROR | 05 | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 | * ---------------------------------------- */ static char *g_errpkt = toybuf + TFTPD_BLKSIZE; // Create and send error packet. static void send_errpkt(struct sockaddr *dstaddr, socklen_t socklen, char *errmsg) { error_msg_raw(errmsg); g_errpkt[1] = TFTPD_OP_ERR; strcpy(g_errpkt + 4, errmsg); if (sendto(TT.sfd, g_errpkt, strlen(errmsg)+5, 0, dstaddr, socklen) < 0) perror_exit("sendto failed"); } // Advance to the next option or value. Returns NULL if there are no // more options. static char *next_token(char *at, char *end) { if (at == NULL) return NULL; for (; at < end; at++) { if (*at == '\0') { at++; break; } } return (at < end) ? at : NULL; } // Used to send / receive packets. static void do_action(struct sockaddr *srcaddr, struct sockaddr *dstaddr, socklen_t socklen, char *file, int opcode, int tsize, int blksize) { int fd, done = 0, retry_count = 12, timeout = 100, len; uint16_t blockno = 1, pktopcode, rblockno; char *ptr, *spkt, *rpkt; struct pollfd pollfds[1]; spkt = xzalloc(blksize + 4); rpkt = xzalloc(blksize + 4); ptr = spkt+2; //point after opcode. pollfds[0].fd = TT.sfd; // initialize groups, setgid and setuid if (TT.pw) xsetuser(TT.pw); if (opcode == TFTPD_OP_RRQ) fd = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0666); else fd = open(file, FLAG(c) ? (O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT) : (O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC), 0666); if (fd < 0) { g_errpkt[3] = TFTPD_ER_NOSUCHFILE; send_errpkt(dstaddr, socklen, "can't open file"); goto CLEAN_APP; } // For download -> blockno will be 1. // 1st ACK will be from dst,which will have blockno-=1 // Create and send ACK packet. if (blksize != TFTPD_BLKSIZE || tsize) { pktopcode = TFTPD_OP_OACK; // add "blksize\000blksize_val\000" in send buffer. if (blksize != TFTPD_BLKSIZE) { strcpy(ptr, "blksize"); ptr += strlen("blksize") + 1; ptr += snprintf(ptr, 6, "%d", blksize) + 1; } if (tsize) {// add "tsize\000tsize_val\000" in send buffer. struct stat sb; sb.st_size = 0; fstat(fd, &sb); strcpy(ptr, "tsize"); ptr += strlen("tsize") + 1; ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%lu", (unsigned long)sb.st_size)+1; } goto SEND_PKT; } // upload -> ACK 1st packet with filename, as it has blockno 0. if (opcode == TFTPD_OP_WRQ) blockno = 0; // Prepare DATA and/or ACK pkt and send it. for (;;) { int poll_ret; retry_count = 12, timeout = 100, pktopcode = TFTPD_OP_ACK; ptr = spkt+2; *((uint16_t*)ptr) = htons(blockno); blockno++; ptr += 2; if (opcode == TFTPD_OP_RRQ) { pktopcode = TFTPD_OP_DATA; len = readall(fd, ptr, blksize); if (len < 0) { send_errpkt(dstaddr, socklen, "read-error"); break; } if (len != blksize) done = 1; //last pkt. ptr += len; } SEND_PKT: // 1st ACK will be from dst, which will have blockno-=1 *((uint16_t*)spkt) = htons(pktopcode); //append send pkt's opcode. RETRY_SEND: if (sendto(TT.sfd, spkt, (ptr - spkt), 0, dstaddr, socklen) <0) perror_exit("sendto failed"); // if "block size < 512", send ACK and exit. if ((pktopcode == TFTPD_OP_ACK) && done) break; POLL_INPUT: pollfds[0].events = POLLIN; pollfds[0].fd = TT.sfd; poll_ret = poll(pollfds, 1, timeout); if (poll_ret < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == ENOMEM)) goto POLL_INPUT; if (!poll_ret) { if (!--retry_count) { error_msg("timeout"); break; } timeout += 150; goto RETRY_SEND; } else if (poll_ret == 1) { len = read(pollfds[0].fd, rpkt, blksize + 4); if (len < 0) { send_errpkt(dstaddr, socklen, "read-error"); break; } if (len < 4) goto POLL_INPUT; } else { perror_msg("poll"); break; } // Validate receive packet. pktopcode = ntohs(((uint16_t*)rpkt)[0]); rblockno = ntohs(((uint16_t*)rpkt)[1]); if (pktopcode == TFTPD_OP_ERR) { char *message = "DATA Check failure."; char *arr[] = {"File not found", "Access violation", "Disk full or allocation exceeded", "Illegal TFTP operation", "Unknown transfer ID", "File already exists", "No such user", "Terminate transfer due to option negotiation"}; if (rblockno && (rblockno < 9)) message = arr[rblockno - 1]; error_msg_raw(message); break; // Break the for loop. } // if download requested by client, // server will send data pkt and will receive ACK pkt from client. if ((opcode == TFTPD_OP_RRQ) && (pktopcode == TFTPD_OP_ACK)) { if (rblockno == (uint16_t) (blockno - 1)) { if (!done) continue; // Send next chunk of data. break; } } // server will receive DATA pkt and write the data. if ((opcode == TFTPD_OP_WRQ) && (pktopcode == TFTPD_OP_DATA)) { if (rblockno == blockno) { int nw = writeall(fd, &rpkt[4], len-4); if (nw != len-4) { g_errpkt[3] = TFTPD_ER_FULL; send_errpkt(dstaddr, socklen, "write error"); break; } if (nw != blksize) done = 1; } continue; } goto POLL_INPUT; } // end of loop CLEAN_APP: if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) { free(spkt); free(rpkt); close(fd); } } void tftpd_main(void) { int fd = 0, recvmsg_len, opcode, blksize = TFTPD_BLKSIZE, tsize = 0, set =1, bflag = 0; struct sockaddr_storage srcaddr, dstaddr; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); char *buf = toybuf; char *end; memset(&srcaddr, 0, sizeof(srcaddr)); if (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *)&srcaddr, &socklen)) help_exit(0); if (TT.user) TT.pw = xgetpwnam(TT.user); if (*toys.optargs) xchroot(*toys.optargs); recvmsg_len = recvfrom(fd, toybuf, blksize, 0, (void *)&dstaddr, &socklen); end = toybuf + recvmsg_len; TT.sfd = xsocket(dstaddr.ss_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (setsockopt(TT.sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const void *)&set, sizeof(set)) < 0) perror_exit("setsockopt failed"); xbind(TT.sfd, (void *)&srcaddr, socklen); xconnect(TT.sfd, (void *)&dstaddr, socklen); // Error condition. if (recvmsg_len<4 || recvmsg_len>TFTPD_BLKSIZE || toybuf[recvmsg_len-1]) { send_errpkt((struct sockaddr*)&dstaddr, socklen, "packet format error"); return; } // request is either upload or Download. opcode = buf[1]; if (((opcode != TFTPD_OP_RRQ) && (opcode != TFTPD_OP_WRQ)) || ((opcode == TFTPD_OP_WRQ) && FLAG(r))) { send_errpkt((struct sockaddr*)&dstaddr, socklen, (opcode == TFTPD_OP_WRQ) ? "write error" : "packet format error"); return; } buf += 2; if (*buf == '.' || strstr(buf, "/.")) { send_errpkt((struct sockaddr*)&dstaddr, socklen, "dot in filename"); return; } buf = next_token(buf, end); // As per RFC 1350, mode is case in-sensitive. if (buf == NULL || strcasecmp(buf, "octet")) { send_errpkt((struct sockaddr*)&dstaddr, socklen, "packet format error"); return; } //RFC2348. e.g. of size type: "ttype1\0ttype1_val\0...ttypeN\0ttypeN_val\0" for (buf = next_token(buf, end); buf != NULL; buf = next_token(buf, end)) { char *opt = buf; buf = next_token(buf, end); if (buf == NULL) break; // Missing value. if (!bflag && !strcasecmp(opt, "blksize")) { errno = 0; blksize = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10); if (errno || blksize > 65564 || blksize < 8) blksize = TFTPD_BLKSIZE; bflag ^= 1; } else if (!tsize && !strcasecmp(opt, "tsize")) tsize ^= 1; } tsize &= (opcode == TFTPD_OP_RRQ); //do send / receive file. do_action((struct sockaddr*)&srcaddr, (struct sockaddr*)&dstaddr, socklen, toybuf + 2, opcode, tsize, blksize); if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) close(0); } |
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