Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/Pending, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9


Комментарии в файле tr.c :

usage: tr [-cds] SET1 [SET2]

Переводить, сжимать или удалять символы из стандартного ввода, записывая в стандартный вывод
  • -c/-C Взять дополнение SET1
  • -d Удалить входные символы, закодированные SET1
  • -s Сжать несколько выходных символов SET2 в один символ

  • usage: tr [-cds] SET1 [SET2]

    Translate, squeeze, or delete characters from stdin, writing to stdout
  • -c/-C Take complement of SET1
  • -d Delete input characters coded SET1
  • -s Squeeze multiple output characters of SET2 into one character

  • Исходный текст в файле tr.c

    #define FOR_tr
    #include "toys.h"
      short map[256]; //map of chars
      int len1, len2;
    enum {
      class_alpha, class_alnum, class_digit,
    static void map_translation(char *set1 , char *set2)
      int i = TT.len1, k = 0;
      if (toys.optflags & FLAG_d)
        for (; i; i--, k++) TT.map[set1[k]] = set1[k]|0x100; //set delete bit
      if (toys.optflags & FLAG_s) {
        for (i = TT.len1, k = 0; i; i--, k++)
          TT.map[set1[k]] = TT.map[set1[k]]|0x200;
        for (i = TT.len2, k = 0; i; i--, k++)
          TT.map[set2[k]] = TT.map[set2[k]]|0x200;
      i = k = 0;
      while (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_d) && set2 && TT.len1--) { //ignore set2 if -d present
        TT.map[set1[i]] = ((TT.map[set1[i]] & 0xFF00) | set2[k]);
        if (set2[k + 1]) k++;
    static int handle_escape_char(char **esc_val) //taken from printf
      char *ptr = *esc_val;
      int esc_length = 0;
      unsigned  base = 0, num = 0, result = 0, count = 0;
      if (*ptr == 'x') {
        base = 16;
      } else if (isdigit(*ptr)) base = 8;
      while (esc_length < 3 && base) {
        num = tolower(*ptr) - '0';
        if (num > 10) num += ('0' - 'a' + 10);
        if (num >= base) {
          if (base == 16) {
            if (!esc_length) {// Invalid hex value eg. /xvd, print as it is /xvd
              result = '\\';
        count = result = (count * base) + num;
      if (base) {
        *esc_val = ptr;
        return (char)result;
      } else {
        switch (*ptr) {
          case 'n':  result = '\n'; break;
          case 't':  result = '\t'; break;
          case 'e':  result = (char)27; break;
          case 'b':  result = '\b'; break;
          case 'a':  result = '\a'; break;
          case 'f':  result = '\f'; break;
          case 'v':  result = '\v'; break;
          case 'r':  result = '\r'; break;
          case '\\': result = '\\'; break;
          default :
            result = '\\';
            ptr--; // Let pointer pointing to / we will increment after returning.
      *esc_val = ptr;
      return (char)result;
    static int find_class(char *class_name)
      int i;
      static char *class[] = {
      for (i = 0; i != class_invalid; i++) {
        if (!memcmp(class_name, class[i], (class_name[0] == 'x')?10:9)) break;
      return i;
    static char *expand_set(char *arg, int *len)
      int i = 0, j, k, size = 256;
      char *set = xzalloc(size*sizeof(char));
      while (*arg) {
        if (i >= size) {
          size += 256;
          set = xrealloc(set, size);
        if (*arg == '\\') {
          set[i++] = (int)handle_escape_char(&arg);
        if (arg[1] == '-') {
          if (arg[2] == '\0') goto save;
          j = arg[0];
          k = arg[2];
          if (j > k) perror_exit("reverse colating order");
          while (j <= k) set[i++] = j++;
          arg += 3;
        if (arg[0] == '[' && arg[1] == ':') {
          if ((j = find_class(arg)) == class_invalid) goto save;
          if ((j == class_alpha) || (j == class_upper) || (j == class_alnum)) {
          for (k = 'A'; k <= 'Z'; k++) set[i++] = k;
          if ((j == class_alpha) || (j == class_lower) || (j == class_alnum)) {
            for (k = 'a'; k <= 'z'; k++) set[i++] = k;
          if ((j == class_alnum) || (j == class_digit) || (j == class_xdigit)) {
            for (k = '0'; k <= '9'; k++) set[i++] = k;
          if (j == class_space || j == class_blank) {
            set[i++] = '\t';
            if (j == class_space) {
              set[i++] = '\n';
              set[i++] = '\f';
              set[i++] = '\r';
              set[i++] = '\v';
            set[i++] = ' ';
          if (j == class_punct) {
            for (k = 0; k <= 255; k++)
              if (ispunct(k)) set[i++] = k;
          if (j == class_cntrl) {
            for (k = 0; k <= 255; k++)
              if (iscntrl(k)) set[i++] = k;
          if (j == class_xdigit) {
            for (k = 'A'; k <= 'F'; k++) {
              set[i + 6] = k | 0x20;
              set[i++] = k;
            i += 6;
            arg += 10;
          arg += 9; //never here for class_xdigit.
        if (arg[0] == '[' && arg[1] == '=') { //[=char=] only
          arg += 2;
          if (*arg) set[i++] = *arg;
          if (!arg[1] || arg[1] != '=' || arg[2] != ']')
            error_exit("bad equiv class");
        set[i++] = *arg++;
      *len = i;
      return set;
    static void print_map(char *set1, char *set2)
      int n, src, dst, prev = -1;
      while ((n = read(0, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf)))) {
        if (!FLAG(d) && !FLAG(s)) {
          for (dst = 0; dst < n; dst++) toybuf[dst] = TT.map[toybuf[dst]];
        } else {
          for (src = dst = 0; src < n; src++) {
            int ch = TT.map[toybuf[src]];
            if (FLAG(d) && (ch & 0x100)) continue;
            if (FLAG(s) && ((ch & 0x200) && prev == ch)) continue;
            toybuf[dst++] = prev = ch;
        xwrite(1, toybuf, dst);
    static void do_complement(char **set)
      int i, j;
      char *comp = xmalloc(256);
      for (i = 0, j = 0;i < 256; i++) {
        if (memchr(*set, i, TT.len1)) continue;
        else comp[j++] = (char)i;
      TT.len1 = j;
      *set = comp;
    void tr_main(void)
      char *set1, *set2 = NULL;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) TT.map[i] = i; //init map
      set1 = expand_set(toys.optargs[0], &TT.len1);
      if (toys.optflags & FLAG_c) do_complement(&set1);
      if (toys.optargs[1]) {
        if (toys.optargs[1][0] == '\0') error_exit("set2 can't be empty string");
        set2 = expand_set(toys.optargs[1], &TT.len2);
      map_translation(set1, set2);
      print_map(set1, set2);