Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/Pending, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9


Комментарии в файле userdel.c :

usage: userdel [-r] USER

использование: deluser [-r] ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ Удалить ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ из СИСТЕМЫ
  • -r удалить домашний каталог

  • usage: userdel [-r] USER

    usage: deluser [-r] USER

    Delete USER from the SYSTEM
  • -r remove home directory

  • Исходный текст в файле userdel.c

    #define FOR_userdel
    #include "toys.h"
    static void update_groupfiles(char *filename, char* username)
      char *filenamesfx = NULL, *sfx = NULL, *line = NULL;
      FILE *exfp, *newfp;
      int ulen = strlen(username);
      size_t allocated_length = 0;
      struct flock lock;
      filenamesfx = xmprintf("%s+", filename);
      sfx = strchr(filenamesfx, '+');
      exfp = xfopen(filename, "r+");
      *sfx = '-';
      if (link(filename, filenamesfx)) error_msg("Can't create backup file");
      *sfx = '+';
      lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
      lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
      lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0;
      if (fcntl(fileno(exfp), F_SETLK, &lock) < 0)
        perror_msg("Couldn't lock file %s",filename);
      lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; //unlocking at a later stage
      newfp = xfopen(filenamesfx, "w+");
      while (getline(&line, &allocated_length, exfp) > 0) {
        sprintf(toybuf, "%s:",username);
        if (strncmp(line, toybuf, ulen+1)) {
          char *n, *p = strrchr(line, ':');
          if (p && *++p && (n = strstr(p, username))) {
            do {
              if (n[ulen] == ',') {
                *n = '\0';
                n += ulen + 1;
                fprintf(newfp, "%s%s\n", line, n);
              } else if (!n[ulen]) {
                if (n[-1] == ',') n[-1] = *n = '\0';
                if (n[-1] == ':') *n = '\0';
                fprintf(newfp, "%s%s\n", line, n);
              } else n += ulen;
            } while (*n && (n=strstr(n, username)));
            if (!n) fprintf(newfp, "%s\n", line);
          } else fprintf(newfp, "%s\n", line);
      fcntl(fileno(exfp), F_SETLK, &lock);
      errno = 0;
      rename(filenamesfx, filename);
      if (errno){
        perror_msg("File Writing/Saving failed: ");
    void userdel_main(void)
      struct passwd *pwd = xgetpwnam(*toys.optargs);
      update_password("/etc/passwd", pwd->pw_name, NULL);
      update_password("/etc/shadow", pwd->pw_name, NULL);
      // delete the group named USER, and remove user from group.
      // could update_password() be used for this? 
      // not a good idea, as update_passwd() updates one entry at a time
      // in this case it will be modifying the files as many times the 
      // USER appears in group database files. So the customized version
      // of update_passwd() is here.
      update_groupfiles("/etc/group", *toys.optargs);
      update_groupfiles("/etc/gshadow", *toys.optargs);
      if (FLAG(r)) {
        char *arg[] = {"rm", "-fr", pwd->pw_dir, NULL, NULL};
        sprintf(toybuf, "/var/spool/mail/%s",pwd->pw_name);
        arg[3] = toybuf;