Путь: Toys/Net, команды версии: Ver.4 Ver.9 netcat Комментарии в файле netcat.c :
Исходный текст в файле netcat.c #define FOR_netcat #include "toys.h" GLOBALS( char *f, *s; long q, p, W, w; ) static void timeout(int signum) { if (TT.w) error_exit("Timeout"); xexit(); } // open AF_UNIX socket static int usock(char *name, int type, int out) { int sockfd; struct sockaddr_un sockaddr; memset(&sockaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); if (strlen(name) + 1 > sizeof(sockaddr.sun_path)) error_exit("socket path too long %s", name); strcpy(sockaddr.sun_path, name); sockaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; sockfd = xsocket(AF_UNIX, type, 0); (out?xconnect:xbind)(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)); return sockfd; } void netcat_main(void) { int sockfd = -1, in1 = 0, in2 = 0, out1 = 1, out2 = 1, family = AF_UNSPEC, type = FLAG(u) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM; socklen_t len; pid_t child; // Addjust idle and quit_delay to ms or -1 for no timeout TT.W = TT.W ? TT.W*1000 : -1; TT.q = TT.q ? TT.q*1000 : -1; xsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); if (TT.w) { xsignal(SIGALRM, timeout); alarm(TT.w); } // The argument parsing logic can't make "<2" conditional on other // arguments like -f and -l, so do it by hand here. if (FLAG(f) ? toys.optc : (!FLAG(l) && !FLAG(L) && toys.optc!=(FLAG(U)?1:2))) help_exit("bad argument count"); if (FLAG(4)) family = AF_INET; else if (FLAG(6)) family = AF_INET6; else if (FLAG(U)) family = AF_UNIX; if (TT.f) in1 = out2 = xopen(TT.f, O_RDWR); else { // Setup socket if (!FLAG(l) && !FLAG(L)) { if (FLAG(U)) sockfd = usock(toys.optargs[0], type, 1); else sockfd = xconnectany(xgetaddrinfo(toys.optargs[0], toys.optargs[1], family, type, 0, AI_NUMERICHOST*!!FLAG(n))); // We have a connection. Disarm timeout and start poll/send loop. alarm(0); in1 = out2 = sockfd; pollinate(in1, in2, out1, out2, TT.W, TT.q); } else { // Listen for incoming connections if (FLAG(U)) { if (!FLAG(s)) error_exit("-s must be provided if using -U with -L/-l"); sockfd = usock(TT.s, type, 0); } else { sprintf(toybuf, "%ld", TT.p); sockfd = xbindany(xgetaddrinfo(TT.s, toybuf, family, type, 0, 0)); } if (!FLAG(u) && listen(sockfd, 5)) perror_exit("listen"); if (!TT.p && !FLAG(U)) { struct sockaddr* address = (void*)toybuf; short port_be; len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); getsockname(sockfd, address, &len); if (address->sa_family == AF_INET) port_be = ((struct sockaddr_in*)address)->sin_port; else if (address->sa_family == AF_INET6) port_be = ((struct sockaddr_in6*)address)->sin6_port; else perror_exit("getsockname: bad family"); dprintf(1, "%d\n", SWAP_BE16(port_be)); // Return immediately if no -p and -Ll has arguments, so wrapper // script can use port number. if (CFG_TOYBOX_FORK && toys.optc && xfork()) goto cleanup; } do { len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); if (FLAG(u)) { if (-1 == recvfrom(in1 = dup(sockfd), &child, 1, MSG_PEEK, (void *)toybuf, &len)) perror_exit("recvfrom"); } else if ((in1 = accept(sockfd, 0, 0))<0) perror_exit("accept"); out2 = in1; child = 0; // We have a connection. Disarm timeout. alarm(0); // Fork a child as necessary. Parent cleans up and continues here. if (toys.optc && FLAG(L)) NOEXIT(child = XVFORK()); if (child) { close(in1); continue; } if (FLAG(u)) xconnect(in1, (void *)toybuf, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); // Cleanup and redirect for exec if (toys.optc) { // Do we need a tty? // TODO nommu and -t only affects server mode... // if (FLAG(t)) child = forkpty(&fdout, NULL, NULL, NULL); close(sockfd); dup2(in1, 0); dup2(in1, 1); if (FLAG(E)) dup2(in1, 2); if (in1>2) close(in1); xexec(toys.optargs); // Copy stdin/out } else { pollinate(in1, in2, out1, out2, TT.W, TT.q); close(in1); } } while (FLAG(L)); } } cleanup: if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) { close(in1); close(sockfd); } } |