Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/POSIX, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9

Комментарии в файле ps.c :

Команд: 5


usage: ps [-AadefLlnwZ] [-gG GROUP,] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-p PID,] [-t TTY,] [-uU USER,]

Список процессов. Какие процессы отображать (выборы -gGuUpPt могут быть списками, разделенными запятыми):
  • -A Все -a Имеет терминал без лидера сеанса
  • -d Все, кроме лидеров сеанса -e Синоним для -A
  • -g В ГРУППЫ -G В реальных ГРУПП (до sgid)
  • -p PID (--pid) -P Родительские PID (--ppid)
  • -s В идентификаторах сеанса -t Присоединен для выбранных TTY
  • -T Показать темы также -u Принадлежит выбранным ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯМ
  • -U Настоящие ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛИ (до suid) Выходные модификаторы:
  • -k Сортировать ПОЛЯ (-FIELD, чтобы инвертировать) -M Измерить/дополнить будущую ширину поля
  • -n Показать числовой ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ и ГРУППА -w Широкий вывод (не усекать поля) Какие ПОЛЯ показывать. (-o ПОМОЩЬ для списка, по умолчанию = -o PID,TTY,TIME,CMD)
  • -f Полный список (-o USER:12=UID,PID,PPID,C,STIME,TTY,TIME,ARGS=CMD)
  • -l Длинный список (-o F,S,UID,PID,PPID,C,PRI,NI,ADDR, SZ,WCHAN,TTY,TIME,CMD)
  • -o Выходные ПОЛЯ вместо значений по умолчанию, каждое с необязательными параметрами :size и =title
  • -O Добавить ПОЛЯ к значениям по умолчанию
  • -Z Включить LABEL

  • usage: ps [-AadefLlnwZ] [-gG GROUP,] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-p PID,] [-t TTY,] [-uU USER,]

    List processes. Which processes to show (-gGuUpPt selections may be comma separated lists):
  • -A All -a Has terminal not session leader
  • -d All but session leaders -e Synonym for -A
  • -g In GROUPs -G In real GROUPs (before sgid)
  • -p PIDs (--pid) -P Parent PIDs (--ppid)
  • -s In session IDs -t Attached to selected TTYs
  • -T Show threads also -u Owned by selected USERs
  • -U Real USERs (before suid) Output modifiers:
  • -k Sort FIELDs (-FIELD to reverse) -M Measure/pad future field widths
  • -n Show numeric USER and GROUP -w Wide output (don't truncate fields) Which FIELDs to show. (-o HELP for list, default = -o PID,TTY,TIME,CMD)
  • -f Full listing (-o USER:12=UID,PID,PPID,C,STIME,TTY,TIME,ARGS=CMD)
  • -o Output FIELDs instead of defaults, each with optional :size and =title
  • -O Add FIELDS to defaults
  • -Z Include LABEL

  • top

    usage: top [-Hhbq] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-s SORT] [-n NUMBER] [-m LINES] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]

    Отображение активности процесса в режиме реального времени.
  • -H Показать потоки
  • -h Графики использования вместо текста
  • -k Резервная сортировка ПОЛЯ (по умолчанию -S,-%CPU,-ETIME,-PID)
  • -o Показать ПОЛЯ (по умолчанию PID,USER,PR,NI,VIRT,RES,SHR,S,%CPU,%MEM ,TIME+,CMDLINE)
  • -O Добавить ПОЛЯ (заменив PR,NI,VIRT,RES,SHR,S по умолчанию)
  • -s Сортировать по номеру поля (1-X, по умолчанию 9)
  • -b Пакетный режим (без tty)
  • -d Задержка в СЕКУНДАХ между каждым циклом (по умолчанию 3) Максимальное
  • -m количество отображаемых задач Выход
  • -n после NUMBER итераций-p -u -q Курсор ВВЕРХ/ВНИЗ или ВЛЕВО/ВПРАВО для перемещения по списку, SHIFT ВЛЕВО/ВПРАВО для изменения сортировки, пробел для принудительного обновления, R для обратной сортировки, Q для выхода. # Требуется CONFIG_IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING в ядре для /proc/$$/io

  • usage: top [-Hhbq] [-k FIELD,] [-o FIELD,] [-s SORT] [-n NUMBER] [-m LINES] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]

    Show process activity in real time.
  • -H Show threads
  • -h Usage graphs instead of text
  • -k Fallback sort FIELDS (default -S,-%CPU,-ETIME,-PID)
  • -O Add FIELDS (replacing PR,NI,VIRT,RES,SHR,S from default)
  • -s Sort by field number (1-X, default 9)
  • -b Batch mode (no tty)
  • -d Delay SECONDS between each cycle (default 3)
  • -m Maximum number of tasks to show
  • -n Exit after NUMBER iterations
  • -p Show these PIDs
  • -u Show these USERs
  • -q Quiet (no header lines) Cursor UP/DOWN or LEFT/RIGHT to move list, SHIFT LEFT/RIGHT to change sort, space to force update, R to reverse sort, Q to exit. # Requires CONFIG_IRQ_TIME_ACCOUNTING in the kernel for /proc/$$/io

  • iotop

    usage: iotop [-AaKObq] [-n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]

    Ранжируйте процессы по вводу-выводу.
  • -A Весь ввод-вывод, а не только диск
  • -a Накопленный ввод-вывод (не в процентах)
  • -H Показать потоки
  • -K Килобайты
  • -k Резервная сортировка ПОЛЯ (по умолчанию -[D]IO,-ETIME,-PID)
  • -m Максимальное количество отображаемых задач Отображать
  • -O только процессы, выполняющие ввод-вывод
  • -o Показать ПОЛЯ (по умолчанию PID,PR,USER,[D]READ,[D]WRITE,SWAP,[D]IO,COMM)
  • -s Сортировка по номеру поля (0-X, по умолчанию 6)
  • -b Пакетный режим (без tty)
  • -d Задержка в СЕКУНДАХ между каждым цикл (по умолчанию 3)
  • -n Выйти после ЧИСЛА итераций
  • -p Показать эти PID
  • -u Показать этих ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЕЙ
  • -q Тихо (без строк заголовков) Курсор ВЛЕВО/ВПРАВО для изменения сортировки, ВВЕРХ/ВНИЗ переместить список, пробел для принудительного update, R для обратной сортировки, Q для выхода.

  • usage: iotop [-AaKObq] [-n NUMBER] [-d SECONDS] [-p PID,] [-u USER,]

    Rank processes by I/O.
  • -A All I/O, not just disk
  • -a Accumulated I/O (not percentage)
  • -H Show threads
  • -K Kilobytes
  • -k Fallback sort FIELDS (default -[D]IO,-ETIME,-PID)
  • -m Maximum number of tasks to show
  • -O Only show processes doing I/O
  • -s Sort by field number (0-X, default 6)
  • -b Batch mode (no tty)
  • -d Delay SECONDS between each cycle (default 3)
  • -n Exit after NUMBER iterations
  • -p Show these PIDs
  • -u Show these USERs
  • -q Quiet (no header lines) Cursor LEFT/RIGHT to change sort, UP/DOWN move list, space to force update, R to reverse sort, Q to exit.

  • pgrep

    usage: pgrep [-clfnovx] [-d DELIM] [-L SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]

    Найдите процесс(ы). PATTERN — расширенное регулярное выражение, проверенное против имен команд.
  • -c Показать только количество совпадений
  • -d Использовать DELIM вместо новой строки
  • -L Отправить SIGNAL вместо вывода имени
  • -l Показать имя команды
  • -f Проверить полную командную строку на наличие ШАБЛОНА
  • -G Сопоставить реальные идентификаторы групп
  • -g Сопоставить группы процессов (0 — текущий пользователь)
  • -n Только самое новое совпадение Только
  • -o самое старое совпадение
  • -P Совпадение ID родительского процесса
  • -s Совпадение ID сеанса (0 для текущего)
  • -t Совпадение терминала(ов)
  • -U Совпадение реального ID пользователя
  • -u Совпадение эффективного ID пользователя
  • -v Отменить совпадение
  • -x Совпадение всей команды (не подстроки)

  • usage: pgrep [-clfnovx] [-d DELIM] [-L SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]

    Search for process(es). PATTERN is an extended regular expression checked against command names.
  • -c Show only count of matches
  • -d Use DELIM instead of newline
  • -L Send SIGNAL instead of printing name
  • -l Show command name
  • -f Check full command line for PATTERN
  • -G Match real Group ID(s)
  • -g Match Process Group(s) (0 is current user)
  • -n Newest match only
  • -o Oldest match only
  • -P Match Parent Process ID(s)
  • -s Match Session ID(s) (0 for current)
  • -t Match Terminal(s)
  • -U Match real User ID(s)
  • -u Match effective User ID(s)
  • -v Negate the match
  • -x Match whole command (not substring)

  • pkill

    usage: pkill [-fnovx] [-SIGNAL|-l SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]

  • -l Отправить SIGNAL (по умолчанию SIGTERM)
  • -V Verbose
  • -f Проверить полную командную строку для PATTERN
  • -G Сопоставить идентификатор(ы) реальной группы
  • -g Сопоставить группу(ы) процесса (0 – текущий пользователь)
  • -n Только самое новое совпадение
  • -o Только самое старое совпадение
  • -P Сопоставить идентификатор(ы) родительского процесса
  • -s Сопоставить идентификатор(ы) сеанса ) (0 для текущего)
  • -t Совпадение с терминалом(ами)
  • -U Совпадение с реальным(и) идентификатором(ами) пользователя
  • -u Совпадение с действующим(и) идентификатором(ами) пользователя
  • -v Отменить совпадение
  • -x Совпадение со всей командой (не подстрокой)

  • usage: pkill [-fnovx] [-SIGNAL|-l SIGNAL] [PATTERN] [-G GID,] [-g PGRP,] [-P PPID,] [-s SID,] [-t TERM,] [-U UID,] [-u EUID,]

  • -l Send SIGNAL (default SIGTERM)
  • -V Verbose
  • -f Check full command line for PATTERN
  • -G Match real Group ID(s)
  • -g Match Process Group(s) (0 is current user)
  • -n Newest match only
  • -o Oldest match only
  • -P Match Parent Process ID(s)
  • -s Match Session ID(s) (0 for current)
  • -t Match Terminal(s)
  • -U Match real User ID(s)
  • -u Match effective User ID(s)
  • -v Negate the match
  • -x Match whole command (not substring)

  • Исходный текст в файле ps.c

    #define FOR_ps
    #include "toys.h"
      union {
        struct {
          struct arg_list *G, *g, *U, *u, *t, *s, *p, *O, *o, *P, *k;
        } ps;
        struct {
          long n, m, d, s;
          struct arg_list *u, *p, *o, *k, *O;
        } top;
        struct {
          char *L;
          struct arg_list *G, *g, *P, *s, *t, *U, *u;
          char *d;
          void *regexes, *snapshot;
          int signal;
          pid_t self, match;
        } pgrep;
      struct ps_ptr_len {
        void *ptr;
        long len;
      } gg, GG, pp, PP, ss, tt, uu, UU;
      struct dirtree *threadparent;
      unsigned width, height, scroll;
      dev_t tty;
      void *fields, *kfields;
      long long ticks, bits, time;
      int kcount, forcek, sortpos, pidlen;
      int (*match_process)(long long *slot);
      void (*show_process)(void *tb);
    // Linked list of -o fields selected for display, in order, with :len and =title
    struct ofields {
      struct ofields *next, *prev;
      short which, len, reverse;
      char *title;
    /* The function get_ps() reads all the data about one process, saving it in
     * toybox as a struct procpid. Simple ps calls then pass toybuf directly to
     * show_ps(), but features like sorting append a copy to a linked list
     * for further processing once all processes have been read.
     * struct procpid contains a slot[] array of 64 bit values, with the following
     * data at each position in the array. Most is read from /proc/$PID/stat (see
     * https://kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt table 1-4) but
     * we replace several fields with don't use with other data. */
    enum {
     SLOT_pid,      /*process id*/            SLOT_ppid,      // parent process id
     SLOT_pgrp,     /*process group*/         SLOT_sid,       // session id
     SLOT_ttynr,    /*tty the process uses*/  SLOT_ttypgrp,   // pgrp of the tty
     SLOT_flags,    /*task flags*/            SLOT_minflt,    // minor faults
     SLOT_cminflt,  /*minor faults+child*/    SLOT_majflt,    // major faults
     SLOT_cmajflt,  /*major faults+child*/    SLOT_utime,     // user+kernel jiffies
     SLOT_stime,    /*kernel mode jiffies*/   SLOT_cutime,    // utime+child utime
     SLOT_cstime,   /*stime+child*/           SLOT_priority,  // priority level
     SLOT_nice,     /*nice level*/            SLOT_numthreads,// thread count
     SLOT_vmlck,    /*locked memory*/         SLOT_starttime, // jiffies after boot
     SLOT_vsize,    /*virtual memory size*/   SLOT_rss,       // resident set size
     SLOT_rsslim,   /*limit in bytes on rss*/ SLOT_startcode, // code segment addr
     SLOT_endcode,  /*code segment address*/  SLOT_startstack,// stack address
     SLOT_esp,      /*task stack pointer*/    SLOT_eip,       // instruction pointer
     SLOT_iobytes,  /*All I/O bytes*/         SLOT_diobytes,  // disk I/O bytes
     SLOT_utime2,   /*relative utime (top)*/  SLOT_uid,       // user id
     SLOT_ruid,     /*real user id*/          SLOT_gid,       // group id
     SLOT_rgid,     /*real group id*/         SLOT_exitsig,   // sent to parent
     SLOT_taskcpu,  /*CPU running on*/        SLOT_rtprio,    // realtime priority
     SLOT_policy,   /*man sched_setscheduler*/SLOT_blkioticks,// IO wait time
     SLOT_gtime,    /*guest jiffies of task*/ SLOT_cgtime,    // gtime+child
     SLOT_startbss, /*data/bss address*/      SLOT_endbss,    // end addr data+bss
    // end of /proc/$PID/stat fields
     SLOT_upticks,  /*uptime-starttime*/      SLOT_argv0len,  // argv[0] length
     SLOT_uptime,   /*sysinfo.uptime*/        SLOT_totalram,  // sysinfo.totalram
     SLOT_vsz,      /*Virtual mem Size*/      SLOT_shr,       // Shared memory
     SLOT_pcy,      /*Android sched pol*/     SLOT_rchar,     // All bytes read
     SLOT_wchar,    /*All bytes written*/     SLOT_rbytes,    // Disk bytes read
     SLOT_wbytes,   /*Disk bytes written*/    SLOT_swap,      // Swap pages used
     SLOT_bits,     /*32 or 64*/              SLOT_tid,       // Thread ID
     SLOT_tcount,   /*Thread count*/
     SLOT_count /* Size of array */
    /* In addition to slot[], carevup contains 6 string fields to display
       command name, tty device, selinux label... They're stored one after the
       other in str[] (separated by null terminators), and offset[] contains the
       starting position of each string after the first (which is always 0). */
    // Data layout in toybuf
    struct procpid {
      long long slot[SLOT_count]; // data (see enum above)
      unsigned short offset[6];   // offset of fields in str[] (skip CMD, always 0)
      char state;
      char str[];                 // CMD, TTY, WCHAN, LABEL, COMM, ARGS, NAME
    /* The typos[] array lists all the types understood by "ps -o", I.E all the
     * columns ps and top know how to display. Each entry has:
     * name: the column name, displayed at top and used to select column with -o
     * width: the display width. Fields are padded to this width when displaying
     *        to a terminal (negative means right justified). Strings are truncated
     *        to fit, numerical fields are padded but not truncated (although
     *        the display code reclaims unused padding from later fields to try to
     *        get the overflow back).
     * slot: which slot[] out of procpid. Negative means it's a string field.
     *       value|XX requests extra display/sort processing.
     * The TAGGED_ARRAY plumbing produces an enum of indexes, the "tag" is the
     * first string argument and the prefix is the first argument to TAGGED_ARRAY
     * so in this case "NAME" becomes PS_NAME which is the offset into typos[]
     * for that entry, and also _PS_NAME (the bit position, 1<<PS_NAME).
     * We record active columns in TT.bits, ala:
     *   if (TT.bits & _PS_NAME) printf("-o included PS_NAME");
    #define XX 64 // force string representation for sorting, etc
    // TODO: Android uses -30 for LABEL, but ideally it would auto-size.
    struct typography {
      char *name, *help;
      signed char width, slot;
    } static const typos[] = TAGGED_ARRAY(PS,
      // Numbers. (What's in slot[] is what's displayed, sorted numerically.)
      {"PID", "Process ID", 6, SLOT_pid},
      {"PPID", "Parent Process ID", 6, SLOT_ppid},
      {"PRI", "Priority (dynamic 0 to 139)", 3, SLOT_priority},
      {"NI", "Niceness (static 19 to -20)", 3, SLOT_nice},
      {"ADDR", "Instruction pointer", 4+sizeof(long), SLOT_eip},
      {"SZ", "4k pages to swap out", 5, SLOT_vsize},
      {"RSS", "Resident Set Size (DRAM pages)", 6, SLOT_rss},
      {"PGID", "Process Group ID", 5, SLOT_pgrp},
      {"VSZ", "Virtual memory size (1k units)", 7, SLOT_vsize},
      {"MAJFL", "Major page faults", 6, SLOT_majflt},
      {"MINFL", "Minor page faults", 6, SLOT_minflt},
      {"PR", "Prio Reversed (dyn 39-0, RT)", 2, SLOT_priority},
      {"PSR", "Processor last executed on", 3, SLOT_taskcpu},
      {"RTPRIO", "Realtime priority", 6, SLOT_rtprio},
      {"SCH", "Scheduling policy (0=other, 1=fifo, 2=rr, 3=batch, 4=iso, 5=idle)",
       3, SLOT_policy},
      {"CPU", "Which processor running on", 3, SLOT_taskcpu},
      {"TID", "Thread ID", 5, SLOT_tid},
      {"TCNT", "Thread count", 4, SLOT_tcount},
      {"BIT", "32 or 64", 3, SLOT_bits},
      // String fields (-1 is procpid->str, rest are str+offset[1-slot])
      {"TTY", "Controlling terminal", -8, -2},
      {"WCHAN", "Wait location in kernel", -6, -3},
      {"LABEL", "Security label", -30, -4},
      {"COMM", "EXE filename (/proc/PID/exe)", -27, -5},
      {"NAME", "Process name (PID's argv[0])", -27, -7},
      {"COMMAND", "EXE path (/proc/PID/exe)", -27, -5},
      {"CMDLINE", "Command line (argv[])", -27, -6},
      {"ARGS", "CMDLINE minus initial path", -27, -6},
      {"CMD", "Thread name (/proc/TID/stat:2)", -15, -1},
      // user/group (may call getpwuid() or similar)
      {"UID", "User id", 5, SLOT_uid},
      {"USER", "User name", -12, XX|SLOT_uid},
      {"RUID", "Real (before suid) user ID", 4, SLOT_ruid},
      {"RUSER", "Real (before suid) user name", -8, XX|SLOT_ruid},
      {"GID", "Group ID", 8, SLOT_gid},
      {"GROUP", "Group name", -8, XX|SLOT_gid},
      {"RGID", "Real (before sgid) Group ID", 4, SLOT_rgid},
      {"RGROUP", "Real (before sgid) group name", -8, XX|SLOT_rgid},
      // clock displays (00:00:00)
      {"TIME", "CPU time consumed", 8, SLOT_utime},
      {"ELAPSED", "Elapsed time since PID start", 11, SLOT_starttime},
      {"TIME+", "CPU time (high precision)", 9, SLOT_utime},
      // Percentage displays (fixed point, one decimal digit. 123 -> 12.3)
      {"C", "Total %CPU used since start", 1, SLOT_utime2},
      {"%VSZ", "VSZ as % of physical memory", 5, SLOT_vsize},
      {"%MEM", "RSS as % of physical memory", 5, SLOT_rss},
      {"%CPU", "Percentage of CPU time used", 4, SLOT_utime2},
      // human_readable (function human_readable() in lib, 1.23M, 1.4G, etc)
      {"VIRT", "Virtual memory size", 4, SLOT_vsz},
      {"RES", "Short RSS", 4, SLOT_rss},
      {"SHR", "Shared memory", 4, SLOT_shr},
      {"READ", "Data read", 6, SLOT_rchar},
      {"WRITE", "Data written", 6, SLOT_wchar},
      {"IO", "Data I/O", 6, SLOT_iobytes},
      {"DREAD", "Data read from disk", 6, SLOT_rbytes},
      {"DWRITE", "Data written to disk", 6, SLOT_wbytes},
      {"SWAP", "Swap I/O", 6, SLOT_swap},
      {"DIO", "Disk I/O", 6, SLOT_diobytes},
      // Misc (special cases)
      {"STIME", "Start time (ISO 8601)", 5, SLOT_starttime},
      {"F", "Flags 1=FORKNOEXEC 4=SUPERPRIV", 1, XX|SLOT_flags},
      {"S", "Process state:\n"
       "\t  R (running) S (sleeping) D (device I/O) T (stopped)  t (trace stop)\n"
       "\t  X (dead)    Z (zombie)   P (parked)     I (idle)\n"
       "\t  Also between Linux 2.6.33 and 3.13:\n"
       "\t  x (dead)    K (wakekill) W (waking)\n",
       -1, XX},
      {"STAT", "Process state (S) plus:\n"
       "\t  < high priority          N low priority L locked memory\n"
       "\t  s session leader         + foreground   l multithreaded",
       -5, XX},
      {"PCY", "Android scheduling policy", 3, XX|SLOT_pcy},
    // Show sorted "-o help" text for fields listed in toybuf[len]
    static void help_fields(int len, int multi)
      int i, j, k, left = 0;
      struct typography *t;
      // Quick and dirty sort of toybuf[] entries (see TODO below)
      for (j = len; j--; ) {
        k = -1;
        for (i=0; i<j; i++) {
          if (strcmp(typos[toybuf[i]].name, typos[toybuf[i+1]].name)>0) {
            k = toybuf[i];
            toybuf[i] = toybuf[i+1];
            toybuf[i+1] = k;
        if (k == -1) break;
      // Display loop
      for (i = j = 0; i<len; i++, j++) {
        t = (void *)(typos+toybuf[i]);
        if (strlen(t->help)>30) {
          if (multi) printf("  %-8s%s\n", t->name, t->help);
          else j--;
        } else if (!multi) {
          left = !(j&1);
          printf("  %-8s%*s%c"+2*!left, t->name, -30*left, t->help, 10+22*left);
      if (!multi && left) xputc('\n');
    // Print help text for each -o field, with categories.
    static void help_help(void)
      int i, jump = PS_CMD+1-PS_COMM;
      // TODO: sort the array of -o types so they're already alphabetical and
      // don't need sorting here. A regex to find everything that currently cares
      // about symbol order might be: "which *[><]=* *PS"
      // First show the half-dozen variants of command line display.
      printf("Command line field types:\n\n");
      for (i = 0; i<jump; i++) toybuf[i] = PS_COMM+i;
      help_fields(jump, 0);
      // Show the rest of the -o types, starting with the ones that don't columnize
      printf("\nProcess attribute field types:\n\n");
      for (i = 0; i<ARRAY_LEN(typos)-jump; i++) toybuf[i] = i+(i>=PS_COMM)*jump;
      help_fields(ARRAY_LEN(typos)-jump, 1);
      help_fields(ARRAY_LEN(typos)-jump, 0);
    // process match filter for top/ps/pgrep: Return 0 to discard, nonzero to keep
    static int shared_match_process(long long *slot)
      struct ps_ptr_len match[] = {
        {&TT.gg, SLOT_gid}, {&TT.GG, SLOT_rgid}, {&TT.pp, SLOT_pid},
        {&TT.PP, SLOT_ppid}, {&TT.ss, SLOT_sid}, {&TT.tt, SLOT_ttynr},
        {&TT.uu, SLOT_uid}, {&TT.UU, SLOT_ruid}
      int i, j;
      long *ll = 0;
      // Do we have -g -G -p -P -s -t -u -U options selecting processes?
      for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(match); i++) {
        struct ps_ptr_len *mm = match[i].ptr;
        if (mm->len) {
          ll = mm->ptr;
          for (j = 0; j<mm->len; j++) if (ll[j] == slot[match[i].len]) return 1;
      return ll ? 0 : -1;
    // process match filter for ps: Return 0 to discard, nonzero to keep
    static int ps_match_process(long long *slot)
      int i = shared_match_process(slot);
      if (i>0) return 1;
      // If we had selections and didn't match them, don't display
      if (!i) return 0;
      // Filter implicit categories for other display types
      if ((FLAG(a)||FLAG(d)) && slot[SLOT_sid]==*slot) return 0;
      if (FLAG(a) && !slot[SLOT_ttynr]) return 0;
      if (!(FLAG(a)||FLAG(d)||FLAG(A)||FLAG(e)) && TT.tty!=slot[SLOT_ttynr])
        return 0;
      return 1;
    // Generate display string (260 bytes at end of toybuf) from struct ofield
    static char *string_field(struct procpid *tb, struct ofields *field)
      char *buf = toybuf+sizeof(toybuf)-260, *out = buf, *s;
      int which = field->which, sl = typos[which].slot;
      long long *slot = tb->slot, ll = (sl >= 0) ? slot[sl&(XX-1)] : 0;
      // numbers, mostly from /proc/$PID/stat
      if (which <= PS_BIT) {
        char *fmt = "%lld";
        if (which==PS_PRI) ll = 39-ll;
        if (which==PS_ADDR) fmt = "%llx";
        else if (which==PS_SZ) ll >>= 12;
        else if (which==PS_RSS) ll <<= 2;
        else if (which==PS_VSZ) ll >>= 10;
        else if (which==PS_PR && ll<-9) fmt="RT";
        else if ((which==PS_RTPRIO || which==PS_BIT) && ll == 0) fmt="-";
        sprintf(out, fmt, ll);
      // String fields
      } else if (sl < 0) {
        out = tb->str;
        sl *= -1;
        // First string slot has offset 0, others are offset[-slot-2]
        if (--sl) out += tb->offset[--sl];
        if (which==PS_ARGS || which==PS_COMM) {
          int i;
          s = out;
          for (i = 0; (which==PS_ARGS) ? i < slot[SLOT_argv0len] : out[i]; i++)
            if (out[i] == '/') s = out+i+1;
          out = s;
        if (which>=PS_COMM && !*out) sprintf(out = buf, "[%s]", tb->str);
      // user/group
      } else if (which <= PS_RGROUP) {
        sprintf(out, "%lld", ll);
        if (sl&XX) {
          if (which > PS_RUSER) {
            struct group *gr = bufgetgrgid(ll);
            if (gr) out = gr->gr_name;
          } else {
            struct passwd *pw = bufgetpwuid(ll);
            if (pw) out = pw->pw_name;
      // Clock displays
      } else if (which <= PS_TIME_) {
        int unit = 60, pad = 2, j = TT.ticks; 
        time_t seconds;
        if (which!=PS_TIME_) unit *= 60*24;
        else pad = 0;
        // top adjusts slot[SLOT_upticks], we want original meaning.
        if (which==PS_ELAPSED) ll = (slot[SLOT_uptime]*j)-slot[SLOT_starttime];
        seconds = ll/j;
        // Output days-hours:mins:secs, skipping non-required fields with zero
        // TIME has 3 required fields, ETIME has 2. (Posix!) TIME+ is from top
        for (s = 0, j = 2*(which==PS_TIME_); j<4; j++) {
          if (!s && (seconds>unit || j == 1+(which!=PS_TIME))) s = out;
          if (s) {
            s += sprintf(s, j ? "%0*ld": "%*ld", pad, (long)(seconds/unit));
            pad = 2;
            if ((*s = "-::"[j])) s++;
          seconds %= unit;
          unit /= j ? 60 : 24;
        if (which==PS_TIME_ && s-out<8)
          sprintf(s, ".%02lld", (100*(ll%TT.ticks))/TT.ticks);
      // Percentage displays
      } else if (which <= PS__CPU) {
        ll = slot[sl&(XX-1)]*1000;
        if (which==PS__VSZ || which==PS__MEM)
          ll /= slot[SLOT_totalram]/((which==PS__VSZ) ? 1024 : 4096);
        else if (slot[SLOT_upticks]) ll /= slot[SLOT_upticks];
        sl = ll;
        if (which==PS_C) sl += 5;
        sprintf(out, "%d", sl/10);
        if (which!=PS_C && sl<1000) sprintf(out+strlen(out), ".%d", sl%10);
      // Human readable
      } else if (which <= PS_DIO) {
        int i = abs(field->len);
        if (i<4) i = 4;
        s = out;
        if ((ll = slot[typos[which].slot])<0) {
          ll = -ll;
          *s++ = '-';
          if (i>4) i--;
        if (which <= PS_SHR) ll *= sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
        if (TT.forcek) sprintf(out, "%lldk", ll/1024);
        else human_readable_long(s, ll, i-1, 0, 0);
      // Posix doesn't specify what flags should say. Man page says
      // 1 for PF_FORKNOEXEC and 4 for PF_SUPERPRIV from linux/sched.h
      } else if (which==PS_F) sprintf(out, "%llo", (slot[SLOT_flags]>>6)&5);
      else if (which==PS_S || which==PS_STAT) {
        s = out;
        *s++ = tb->state;
        if (which==PS_STAT) {
          // TODO l = multithreaded
          if (slot[SLOT_nice]<0) *s++ = '<';
          else if (slot[SLOT_nice]>0) *s++ = 'N';
          if (slot[SLOT_sid]==*slot) *s++ = 's';
          if (slot[SLOT_vmlck]) *s++ = 'L';
          if (slot[SLOT_ttypgrp]==*slot) *s++ = '+';
        *s = 0;
      } else if (which==PS_STIME) {
        time_t t = time(0)-slot[SLOT_uptime]+slot[SLOT_starttime]/TT.ticks;
        // Padding behavior's a bit odd: default field size is just hh:mm.
        // Increasing stime:size reveals more data at left until full,
        // so move start address so yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm revealed on left at :16,
        // then add :ss on right for :19.
        strftime(out, 260, "%F %T", localtime(&t));
        out = out+strlen(out)-3-abs(field->len);
        if (out<buf) out = buf;
      } else if (which==PS_PCY) sprintf(out, "%.2s", get_sched_policy_name(ll));
      else if (CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG) error_exit("bad which %d", which);
      return out;
    // Display process data that get_ps() read from /proc, formatting via TT.fields
    static void show_ps(void *p)
      struct procpid *tb = p;
      struct ofields *field = TT.fields;
      int pad, len, width = TT.width, abslen, sign, olen, scroll, extra = 0;
      // Skip TT.scroll many fields (but not last one)
      for (scroll = TT.scroll; scroll && field->next; scroll--) field = field->next;
      // Loop through fields to display
      for (; field; field = field->next) {
        char *out = string_field(tb, field);
        // Output the field, appropriately padded
        // Minimum one space between each field
        if (width<2) break;
        if (field != TT.fields) {
          putchar(' ');
        // Don't truncate number fields, but try to reclaim extra offset from later
        // fields that can naturally be shorter
        abslen = abs(field->len);
        sign = field->len<0 ? -1 : 1;
        olen = (TT.tty) ? utf8len(out) : strlen(out);
        if ((field->which<=PS_BIT || FLAG(w)) && olen>abslen) {
          // overflow but remember by how much
          extra += olen-abslen;
          abslen = olen;
        } else if (extra && olen<abslen) {
          int unused = abslen-olen;
          // If later fields have slack space, take back overflow
          if (unused>extra) unused = extra;
          abslen -= unused;
          extra -= unused;
        if (abslen>width) abslen = width;
        len = pad = abslen;
        pad *= sign;
        // If last field is left justified, no trailing spaces.
        if (!field->next && sign<0) {
          pad = -1;
          len = width;
        // If we truncated a left-justified field, show + instead of last char
        if (olen>len && len>1 && sign<0) {
          if (field->next) pad++;
          abslen = 0;
        if (TT.tty) width -= draw_trim(out, pad, len);
        else width -= printf("%*.*s", pad, len, out);
        if (!abslen) putchar('+');
        if (!width) break;
      putchar(TT.time ? '\r' : '\n');
    // dirtree callback: read data about a process, then display or store it.
    // Fills toybuf with struct procpid and either DIRTREE_SAVEs a copy to ->extra
    // (in -k mode) or calls show_ps directly on toybuf (for low memory systems).
    static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
      struct {
        char *name;     // Path under /proc/$PID directory
        long long bits; // Only fetch extra data if an -o field is displaying it
      } fetch[] = {
        // sources for procpid->offset[] data
        {"fd/", _PS_TTY}, {"wchan", _PS_WCHAN}, {"attr/current", _PS_LABEL},
        {"exe", _PS_COMMAND|_PS_COMM}, {"cmdline", _PS_CMDLINE|_PS_ARGS|_PS_NAME},
        {"", _PS_NAME}
      struct procpid *tb = (void *)toybuf;
      long long *slot = tb->slot;
      char *name, *s, *buf = tb->str, *end = 0;
      struct sysinfo si;
      int i, j, fd;
      off_t len;
      // Recurse one level into /proc children, skip non-numeric entries
      if (!new->parent)
      // Grab PID and figure out if we're a thread or a process
      memset(slot, 0, sizeof(tb->slot));
      slot[SLOT_tid] = *slot = atol(new->name);
      if (TT.threadparent && TT.threadparent->extra) {
        struct procpid *tb2 = (struct procpid *)TT.threadparent->extra;
        *slot = *tb2->slot;
        // Parent also shows up as a thread, but we need to reread task/stat fields
        // to get non-collated info for just parent thread (vs whole process).
        if (*slot == slot[SLOT_tid]) slot = tb2->slot;
      fd = dirtree_parentfd(new);
      // Read /proc/$PID/stat into half of toybuf.
      len = 2048;
      sprintf(buf, "%lld/stat", slot[SLOT_tid]);
      if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &len)) return 0;
      // parse oddball fields: the first field is same as new->name (skip it)
      // and the second and third (name and state) are the only non-numeric fields.
      // Name has (parentheses) around it, and can have embedded ')' so match
      // _last_ ')' (VFS limits filenames to 255 bytes max, sanity check that).
      // TODO: kernel task struct actually limits name to 16 chars?
      if (!(name = strchr(buf, '('))) return 0;
      for (s = ++name; *s; s++) if (*s == ')') end = s;
      if (!end || end-name>255) return 0;
      if (1>sscanf(s = end, ") %c%n", &tb->state, &i)) return 0;
      // All remaining fields should be numeric, parse them into slot[] array
      // (skipping first 3 stat fields and first slot[], both were handled above)
      // yes this means the alignment's off: stat[4] becomes slot[1]
      for (j = SLOT_ppid; j<SLOT_upticks; j++)
        if (1>sscanf(s += i, " %lld%n", slot+j, &i)) break;
      // Now we've read the data, move status and name right after slot[] array,
      // and convert low chars to ? for non-tty display while we're at it.
      for (i = 0; i<end-name; i++)
        if ((tb->str[i] = name[i]) < ' ')
          if (!TT.tty) tb->str[i] = '?';
      buf = tb->str+i;
      *buf++ = 0;
      len = sizeof(toybuf)-(buf-toybuf);
      // Overwrite useless/obsolete stat fields with more interesting data.
      // save uid, ruid, gid, gid, and rgid int slots 31-34 (we don't use sigcatch
      // or numeric wchan, and the remaining two are always zero), and vmlck into
      // 18 (which is "obsolete, always 0" from stat)
      slot[SLOT_uid] = new->st.st_uid;
      slot[SLOT_gid] = new->st.st_gid;
      // TIME and TIME+ use combined value, ksort needs 'em added.
      slot[SLOT_utime] += slot[SLOT_stime];
      slot[SLOT_utime2] = slot[SLOT_utime];
      // Do we need to read "status"?
                   |_PS_IO|_PS_DIO)) || TT.GG.len || TT.UU.len)
        off_t temp = len;
        sprintf(buf, "%lld/status", slot[SLOT_tid]);
        if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp)) *buf = 0;
        s = strafter(buf, "\nUid:");
        slot[SLOT_ruid] = s ? atol(s) : new->st.st_uid;
        s = strafter(buf, "\nGid:");
        slot[SLOT_rgid] = s ? atol(s) : new->st.st_gid;
        if ((s = strafter(buf, "\nVmLck:"))) slot[SLOT_vmlck] = atoll(s)*1024;
        if ((s = strafter(buf, "\nVmSwap:"))) slot[SLOT_swap] = atoll(s)*1024;
      // Do we need to read "io"?
        off_t temp = len;
        sprintf(buf, "%lld/io", slot[SLOT_tid]);
        if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp)) *buf = 0;
        if ((s = strafter(buf, "rchar:"))) slot[SLOT_rchar] = atoll(s);
        if ((s = strafter(buf, "wchar:"))) slot[SLOT_wchar] = atoll(s);
        if ((s = strafter(buf, "read_bytes:"))) slot[SLOT_rbytes] = atoll(s);
        if ((s = strafter(buf, "write_bytes:"))) slot[SLOT_wbytes] = atoll(s);
        slot[SLOT_iobytes] = slot[SLOT_rchar]+slot[SLOT_wchar]+slot[SLOT_swap];
        slot[SLOT_diobytes] = slot[SLOT_rbytes]+slot[SLOT_wbytes]+slot[SLOT_swap];
      // If we were updating thread parent with its own task info, we're done.
      if (slot != tb->slot) return 0;
      // We now know enough to skip processes we don't care about.
      if (TT.match_process && !TT.match_process(slot)) return 0;
      // /proc data is generated as it's read, so for maximum accuracy on slow
      // systems (or ps | more) we re-fetch uptime as we fetch each /proc line.
      slot[SLOT_uptime] = si.uptime;
      slot[SLOT_totalram] = si.totalram;
      slot[SLOT_upticks] = slot[SLOT_uptime]*TT.ticks - slot[SLOT_starttime];
      // Do we need to read "statm"?
      if (TT.bits&(_PS_VIRT|_PS_SHR)) {
        off_t temp = len;
        sprintf(buf, "%lld/statm", slot[SLOT_tid]);
        if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp)) *buf = 0;
        // Skip redundant RSS field, we got it from stat.
        slot[SLOT_vsz] = slot[SLOT_shr] = 0;
        sscanf(buf, "%lld %*d %lld", &slot[SLOT_vsz], &slot[SLOT_shr]);
      // Do we need to read "exe"?
      if (TT.bits&_PS_BIT) {
        off_t temp = 6;
        sprintf(buf, "%lld/exe", slot[SLOT_tid]);
        if (readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp) && !smemcmp(buf, "\177ELF", 4)) {
          if (buf[4] == 1) slot[SLOT_bits] = 32;
          else if (buf[4] == 2) slot[SLOT_bits] = 64;
      // Do we need Android scheduling policy?
      if (TT.bits&_PS_PCY)
        get_sched_policy(slot[SLOT_tid], (void *)&slot[SLOT_pcy]);
      // Done using buf[] (tb->str) as scratch space, now read string data,
      // saving consective null terminated strings. (Save starting offsets into
      // str->offset to avoid strlen() loop to find relevant string.)
      // Fetch string data while parentfd still available, appending to buf.
      // (There's well over 3k of toybuf left. We could dynamically malloc, but
      // it'd almost never get used, querying length of a proc file is awkward,
      // fixed buffer is nommu friendly... Wait for somebody to complain. :)
      // The fetch[] array at the start of the function says what file to read
      // and what -o display field outputs it (to skip the ones we don't need).
      slot[SLOT_argv0len] = 0;
      for (j = 0; j<ARRAY_LEN(fetch); j++) {
        tb->offset[j] = buf-(tb->str);
        if (!(TT.bits&fetch[j].bits)) {
          *buf++ = 0;
        // Determine available space: reserve 256 bytes (guaranteed minimum) for
        // each string we haven't checked yet, tb->str starts after the numeric
        // arrays in struct procpid, and we reserve 260 bytes scratch space at the
        // end of toybuf for output conversion in string_field(). Other than that,
        // each use all available space, and future strings that don't use their
        // guaranteed minimum add to the pool.
        len = sizeof(toybuf)-256*(ARRAY_LEN(fetch)-j)-(buf-toybuf)-260;
        sprintf(buf, "%lld/%s", slot[SLOT_tid], fetch[j].name);
        // For exe (j==3) readlink() instead of reading file's contents
        // for -o NAME (j==5) copy data from threadparent (PID) into thread (TID).
        if (j==3 || j==5) {
          struct procpid *ptb = 0;
          int k;
          // Thread doesn't have exe or argv[0], so use parent's
          if (TT.threadparent && TT.threadparent->extra)
            ptb = (void *)TT.threadparent->extra;
          if (j==3 && !ptb) len = readlinkat0(fd, buf, buf, len);
          else {
            if (j==3) i = strlen(s = ptb->str+ptb->offset[3]);
            else {
              if (!ptb || slot[SLOT_argv0len]) ptb = tb;
              i = ptb->slot[SLOT_argv0len];
              s = ptb->str+ptb->offset[4];
              while (-1!=(k = stridx(s, '/')) && k<i) {
                s += k+1;
                i -= k+1;
            if (i<len) len = i;
            memcpy(buf, s, len);
            buf[len] = 0;
        // Turning stat's SLOT_ttynr into a string is an outright heuristic ordeal.
        } else if (!j) {
          int rdev = slot[SLOT_ttynr];
          struct stat st;
          // Call no tty "?" rather than "0:0".
          strcpy(buf, "?");
          if (rdev) {
            // Can we readlink() our way to a name?
            for (i = 0; i<3; i++) {
              sprintf(buf, "%lld/fd/%i", slot[SLOT_tid], i);
              if (!fstatat(fd, buf, &st, 0) && S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)
                && st.st_rdev == rdev && (len = readlinkat0(fd, buf, buf, len)))
            // Couldn't find it, try all the tty drivers.
            if (i == 3) {
              FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/tty/drivers", "r");
              int tty_major = 0, maj = dev_major(rdev), min = dev_minor(rdev);
              if (fp) {
                while (fscanf(fp, "%*s %256s %d %*s %*s", buf, &tty_major) == 2) {
                  // TODO: we could parse the minor range too.
                  if (tty_major == maj) {
                    len = strlen(buf);
                    len += sprintf(buf+len, "%d", min);
                    if (!stat(buf, &st) && S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) && st.st_rdev==rdev)
                  tty_major = 0;
              // Really couldn't find it, so just show major:minor.
              if (!tty_major) len = sprintf(buf, "%d:%d", maj, min);
            s = buf;
            if (strstart(&s, "/dev/")) memmove(buf, s, len -= 4);
        // For the rest, the data we want is in a file we can just read.
        } else {
          int temp = 0;
          // When command has no arguments, don't space over the NUL
          if (readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &len) && len>0) {
            // Trim trailing whitespace and NUL bytes
            while (len)
              if (!buf[len-1] || isspace(buf[len-1])) buf[--len] = 0;
              else break;
            // Turn NUL to space, other low ascii to ? (in non-tty mode), except
            // cmdline has a trailing NUL that we don't want to turn to space.
            for (i=0; i<len-1; i++) {
              char c = buf[i];
              if (!c) {
                if (!temp) temp = i;
                c = ' ';
              } else if (!TT.tty && c<' ') c = '?';
              buf[i] = c;
          } else *buf = len = 0;
          // Store end of argv[0] so ARGS and CMDLINE can differ.
          // We do it for each file string slot but last is cmdline, which sticks.
          slot[SLOT_argv0len] = temp ? temp : len;  // Position of _first_ NUL
        // Each case above calculated/retained len, so we don't need to re-strlen.
        buf += len+1;
      // Record that we saw another process, and display/return now if appropriate
      if (TT.show_process && !TT.threadparent) {
        return 0;
      // We're retaining data (probably to sort it), save copy in list.
      s = xmalloc(buf-toybuf);
      new->extra = (long)s;
      memcpy(s, toybuf, buf-toybuf);
      return DIRTREE_SAVE;
    // wrapper for get_ps() that also collects threads under each processes
    static int get_threads(struct dirtree *new)
      struct dirtree *dt;
      struct procpid *tb;
      unsigned pid, kcount;
      if (!new->parent) return get_ps(new);
      pid = atol(new->name);
      TT.threadparent = new;
      if (!get_ps(new)) {
        // it exited out from under us
        TT.threadparent = 0;
        return 0;
      // Recurse down into tasks, retaining thread groups.
      // Disable show_process at least until we can calculate tcount
      kcount = TT.kcount;
      sprintf(toybuf, "/proc/%u/task", pid);
      new->child = dirtree_flagread(toybuf, DIRTREE_SHUTUP|DIRTREE_PROC, get_ps);
      if (new->child == DIRTREE_ABORTVAL) new->child = 0;
      TT.threadparent = 0;
      kcount = TT.kcount-kcount+1;
      tb = (void *)new->extra;
      tb->slot[SLOT_tcount] = kcount;
      // Fill out tid and thread count for each entry in group (if it didn't exit
      // out from under us again; asynchronous reads of unlocked data are fun!)
      if (new->child) for (dt = new->child->child; dt; dt = dt->next) {
        tb = (void *)dt->extra;
        tb->slot[SLOT_pid] = pid;
        tb->slot[SLOT_tcount] = kcount;
      // Save or display
      if (!TT.show_process) return DIRTREE_SAVE;
      TT.show_process((void *)new->extra);
      if ((dt = new->child)) {
        new->child = 0;
        while (dt->child) {
          new = dt->child->next;
          TT.show_process((void *)dt->child->extra);
          dt->child = new;
      return 0;
    // Parse one FIELD argument (with optional =name :width) into struct ofields
    static char *parse_ko(void *data, char *type, int length)
      struct ofields *field;
      char *width, *title, *end, *s;
      int i, j, k;
      // Caller's WOULD_EXIT catches -o help and prints help
      if (length==4 && !strncasecmp(type, "HELP", length)) xexit();
      // Get title, length of title, type, end of type, and display width
      // Chip off =name to display
      if ((end = strchr(type, '=')) && length>(end-type)) {
        title = end+1;
        length -= (end-type)+1;
      } else {
        end = type+length;
        title = 0;
      // Chip off :width to display
      if ((width = strchr(type, ':')) && width<end) {
        if (!title) length = width-type;
      } else width = 0;
      // Allocate structure plus extra space to append a copy of title data
      // (this way it's same lifetime, freeing struct automatically frees title)
      field = xzalloc(sizeof(struct ofields)+(length+1)*!!title);
      if (title) {
        memcpy(field->title = (char *)(field+1), title, length);
        field->title[field->len = length] = 0;
      if (width) {
        field->len = strtol(++width, &title, 10);
        if (!isdigit(*width) || title != end) return title;
        end = --width;
      // Find type
      field->reverse = 1;
      if (*type == '-') field->reverse = -1;
      else if (*type != '+') type--;
      for (i = 0; i<ARRAY_LEN(typos); i++) {
        field->which = i;
        for (j = 0; j<2; j++) {
          if (!j) s = typos[i].name;
          // posix requires alternate names for some fields
          else if (-1==(k = stridx((char []){PS_NI, PS_SCH, PS_ELAPSED, PS__CPU,
            PS_VSZ, PS_USER, 0}, i))) continue;
            s = ((char *[]){"NICE", "SCHED", "ETIME", "PCPU", "VSIZE", "UNAME"})[k];
          if (!strncasecmp(type, s, end-type) && strlen(s)==end-type) break;
        if (j!=2) break;
      if (i==ARRAY_LEN(typos)) return type;
      if (!field->title) field->title = typos[field->which].name;
      k = i<2 ? TT.pidlen : typos[field->which].width;
      if (!field->len) field->len = k;
      else if (k<0) field->len *= -1;
      dlist_add_nomalloc(data, (void *)field);
      return 0;
    // Write FIELD list into display header string (truncating at blen),
    // and return bitfield of which FIELDs are used.
    static long long get_headers(struct ofields *field, char *buf, int blen)
      long long bits = 0;
      int len = 0, scroll;
      // Skip TT.scroll many fields (but not last one)
      for (scroll = TT.scroll; scroll && field->next; scroll--) field = field->next;
      for (; field; field = field->next) {
        len += snprintf(buf+len, blen-len, " %*s"+!bits, field->len,
        bits |= 1LL<<field->which;
      return bits;
    // Parse command line options -p -s -t -u -U -g -G
    static char *parse_rest(void *data, char *str, int len)
      struct ps_ptr_len *pl = (struct ps_ptr_len *)data;
      long *ll = pl->ptr;
      char *end;
      int num = 0;
      // Allocate next chunk of data
      if (!(15&pl->len))
        ll = pl->ptr = xrealloc(pl->ptr, sizeof(long)*(pl->len+16));
      // Parse numerical input
      if (isdigit(*str)) {
        ll[pl->len] = xstrtol(str, &end, 10);
        if (end==(len+str)) num++;
        // For pkill, -s 0 represents pkill's session id.
        if (pl==&TT.ss && ll[pl->len]==0) ll[pl->len] = getsid(0);
      if (pl==&TT.pp || pl==&TT.ss) {
        if (num && ll[pl->len]>0) {
          return 0;
      } else if (pl==&TT.tt) {
        // -t pts = 12,pts/12 tty = /dev/tty2,tty2,S0
        if (!num) {
          if (strstart(&str, strcpy(toybuf, "/dev/"))) len -= 5;
          if (strstart(&str, "pts/")) {
            len -= 4;
          } else if (strstart(&str, "tty")) len -= 3;
        if (len<256 && (!(end = strchr(str, '/')) || end-str>len)) {
          struct stat st;
          end = toybuf + sprintf(toybuf, "/dev/%s", num ? "pts/" : "tty");
          memcpy(end, str, len);
          end[len] = 0;
          xstat(toybuf, &st);
          ll[pl->len++] = st.st_rdev;
          return 0;
      } else if (len<255) {
        char name[256];
        if (num) {
          return 0;
        memcpy(name, str, len);
        name[len] = 0;
        if (pl==&TT.gg || pl==&TT.GG) {
          struct group *gr = getgrnam(name);
          if (gr) {
            ll[pl->len++] = gr->gr_gid;
            return 0;
        } else if (pl==&TT.uu || pl==&TT.UU) {
          struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(name);
          if (pw) {
            ll[pl->len++] = pw->pw_uid;
            return 0;
      // Return error
      return str;
    // sort processes by FIELD(s) listed in option -k
    static int ksort(void *aa, void *bb)
      struct ofields *field;
      struct procpid *ta = *(struct procpid **)aa, *tb = *(struct procpid **)bb;
      int ret = 0, slot;
      for (field = TT.kfields; field && !ret; field = field->next) {
        slot = typos[field->which].slot;
        // Can we do numeric sort?
        if (!(slot&XX)) {
          if (ta->slot[slot]<tb->slot[slot]) ret = -1;
          if (ta->slot[slot]>tb->slot[slot]) ret = 1;
        // fallback to string sort
        if (!ret) {
          memccpy(toybuf, string_field(ta, field), 0, 2048);
          toybuf[2048] = 0;
          ret = strcmp(toybuf, string_field(tb, field));
        ret *= field->reverse;
      return ret;
    // Collect ->extra field from leaf nodes DIRTREE_SAVEd by get_ps() into array
    // (recursion because tree from get_thread() isn't flat list of siblings)
    static struct procpid **collate_leaves(struct procpid **tb, struct dirtree *dt) 
      while (dt) {
        struct dirtree *next = dt->next;
        if (dt->extra) *(tb++) = (void *)dt->extra;
        if (dt->child) tb = collate_leaves(tb, dt->child);
        dt = next;
      return tb;
    // Allocate struct procpid array of length count and populate it with ->extra
    // fields from dirtree leaf nodes. (top diffs old & new array to show changes)
    static struct procpid **collate(int count, struct dirtree *dt)
      struct procpid **tbsort = xmalloc(count*sizeof(struct procpid *));
      collate_leaves(tbsort, dt);
      return tbsort;
    // parse command line arguments (ala -k -o) with a comma separated FIELD list
    static void default_ko(char *s, void *fields, char *err, struct arg_list *arg)
      struct arg_list def;
      int x;
      memset(&def, 0, sizeof(struct arg_list));
      def.arg = s;
      WOULD_EXIT(x, comma_args(arg ? arg : &def, fields, err, parse_ko));
      if (x) help_help();
    static void common_setup(void)
      char buf[128];
      int i;
      TT.ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); // units for starttime/uptime
      if (-1 != (i = tty_fd())) {
        struct stat st;
        if (!fstat(i, &st)) TT.tty = st.st_rdev;
      if (readfile("/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max", buf, 128))
        while (isdigit(buf[TT.pidlen])) TT.pidlen++;
      else TT.pidlen = 6;
    void ps_main(void)
      char **arg;
      struct dirtree *dt;
      char *not_o;
      int i;
      // If we can't query terminal size pad to 80 but do -w
      TT.width = 80;
      if (!isatty(1) || !terminal_size(&TT.width, 0)) toys.optflags |= FLAG_w;
      if (FLAG(w)) TT.width = 99999;
      // parse command line options other than -o
      comma_args(TT.ps.P, &TT.PP, "bad -P", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.p, &TT.pp, "bad -p", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.t, &TT.tt, "bad -t", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.s, &TT.ss, "bad -s", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.u, &TT.uu, "bad -u", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.U, &TT.UU, "bad -U", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.g, &TT.gg, "bad -g", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.G, &TT.GG, "bad -G", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.ps.k, &TT.kfields, "bad -k", parse_ko);
      // It's undocumented, but traditionally extra arguments are extra -p args
      for (arg = toys.optargs; *arg; arg++)
        if (parse_rest(&TT.pp, *arg, strlen(*arg))) error_exit("bad %s", *arg);
      // Figure out which fields to display
      not_o = "%sTTY,TIME,CMD";
      if (FLAG(f))
        sprintf(not_o = toybuf+128,
          "USER:12=UID,%%sPPID,%s,STIME,TTY,TIME,ARGS=CMD", FLAG(T) ? "TCNT" :"C");
      else if (FLAG(l))
      else if (CFG_TOYBOX_ON_ANDROID)
        sprintf(not_o = toybuf+128,
                FLAG(T) ? "CMD" : "NAME");
      sprintf(toybuf, not_o, FLAG(T) ? "PID,TID," : "PID,");
      // Init TT.fields. This only uses toybuf if TT.ps.o is NULL
      if (FLAG(Z)) default_ko("LABEL", &TT.fields, 0, 0);
      default_ko(toybuf, &TT.fields, "bad -o", TT.ps.o);
      if (TT.ps.O) {
        if (TT.fields) TT.fields = ((struct ofields *)TT.fields)->prev;
        comma_args(TT.ps.O, &TT.fields, "bad -O", parse_ko);
        if (TT.fields) TT.fields = ((struct ofields *)TT.fields)->next;
      // -f and -n change the meaning of some fields
      if (FLAG(f)||FLAG(n)) {
        struct ofields *field;
        for (field = TT.fields; field; field = field->next) {
          if (FLAG(n) && field->which>=PS_UID
            && field->which<=PS_RGROUP && (typos[field->which].slot&XX))
      // Calculate seen fields bit array, and if we aren't deferring printing
      // print headers now (for low memory/nommu systems).
      TT.bits = get_headers(TT.fields, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
      if (!FLAG(M)) printf("%.*s\n", TT.width, toybuf);
      if (!(FLAG(k)||FLAG(M))) TT.show_process = show_ps;
      TT.match_process = ps_match_process;
      dt = dirtree_flagread("/proc", DIRTREE_SHUTUP|DIRTREE_PROC,
        (FLAG(T) || (TT.bits&(_PS_TID|_PS_TCNT)))
          ? get_threads : get_ps);
      if ((dt != DIRTREE_ABORTVAL) && (FLAG(k)||FLAG(M))) {
        struct procpid **tbsort = collate(TT.kcount, dt);
        if (FLAG(M)) {
          for (i = 0; i<TT.kcount; i++) {
            struct ofields *field;
            for (field = TT.fields; field; field = field->next) {
              int len = strlen(string_field(tbsort[i], field));
              if (abs(field->len)<len) field->len = (field->len<0) ? -len : len;
          // Now that we've recalculated field widths, re-pad headers again
          get_headers(TT.fields, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
          printf("%.*s\n", TT.width, toybuf);
        if (FLAG(k)) qsort(tbsort, TT.kcount, sizeof(void *), (void *)ksort);
        for (i = 0; i<TT.kcount; i++) {
        if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) free(tbsort);
      if (!TT.kcount) toys.exitval = 1;
      if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) {
        llist_traverse(TT.fields, free);
    #define FOR_top
    #include "generated/flags.h"
    // select which of the -o fields to sort by
    static void setsort(int pos)
      struct ofields *field, *field2;
      int i = 0;
      if (pos<0) pos = 0;
      for (field = TT.fields; field; field = field->next) {
        if ((TT.sortpos = i++)<pos && field->next) continue;
        field2 = TT.kfields;
        field2->which = field->which;
        field2->len = field->len;
    // If we have both, adjust slot[deltas[]] to be relative to previous
    // measurement rather than process start. Stomping old.data is fine
    // because we free it after displaying.
    static int merge_deltas(long long *oslot, long long *nslot, int milis)
      char deltas[] = {SLOT_utime2, SLOT_iobytes, SLOT_diobytes, SLOT_rchar,
                       SLOT_wchar, SLOT_rbytes, SLOT_wbytes, SLOT_swap};
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i<ARRAY_LEN(deltas); i++)
        oslot[deltas[i]] = nslot[deltas[i]] - oslot[deltas[i]];
      oslot[SLOT_upticks] = (milis*TT.ticks)/1000;
      return 1;
    static int header_line(int line, int rev)
      if (!line) return 0;
      if (FLAG(b)) puts(toybuf);
      else {
        printf("%s%-*.*s%s\r\n", rev?"\e[7m":"", rev?TT.width:0, TT.width, toybuf,
      return line-1;
    static void top_cursor_cleanup(void)
    // Show a three color bar graph. spans: 0 total size, 1used, 2 nice, 3 sys
    static void bargraph(char *label, unsigned width, unsigned long span[4])
      char percent[16];
      long long ll;
      unsigned i, color, len;
      if (!*span) ++*span;
      i = ((span[1]+(unsigned long long)span[2]+span[3])*1000)/ *span;
      len = sprintf(percent, "%u.%u", i/10, i%10);
      printf("%s[", label);
      for (ll = i = color = 0; i<width; i++) {
        while (ll<1 && color<4) {
          if (color++!=3) {
            ll += span[color]*width;
            if (ll<*span/2) continue;
          // green, red, blue, grey
          if (color==4) printf("\e[1;2;37m");
          else printf("\e[%um", (char[]){32,34,31}[color-1]);
        if (color<4) ll -= *span;
        printf("%c", width-i>len ? (color==4 ? ' ' : '|') : percent[len-(width-i)]);
    static void top_common(
      int (*filter)(long long *oslot, long long *nslot, int milis))
      long long timeout = 0, now, stats[16];
      struct proclist {
        struct procpid **tb;
        int count;
        long long whence;
      } plist[2], *plold, *plnew, old, new, mix;
      char scratch[16], *pos, *cpufields[] = {"user", "nice", "sys", "idle",
        "iow", "irq", "sirq", "host"};
      unsigned tock = 0;
      int i, lines, topoff = 0, done = 0;
      char stdout_buf[BUFSIZ];
      if (!TT.fields) perror_exit("no -o");
      // Avoid flicker and hide the cursor in interactive mode.
      if (!FLAG(b)) {
        setbuf(stdout, stdout_buf);
      toys.signal = SIGWINCH;
      TT.bits = get_headers(TT.fields, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
      *scratch = 0;
      memset(plist, 0, sizeof(plist));
      memset(stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
      do {
        struct dirtree *dt;
        int recalc = 1;
        plold = plist+(tock++&1);
        plnew = plist+(tock&1);
        plnew->whence = millitime();
        dt = dirtree_flagread("/proc", DIRTREE_SHUTUP|DIRTREE_PROC,
          (FLAG(H) || (TT.bits&(_PS_TID|_PS_TCNT))) ? get_threads : get_ps);
        if (dt == DIRTREE_ABORTVAL) error_exit("no /proc");
        plnew->tb = collate(plnew->count = TT.kcount, dt);
        TT.kcount = 0;
        if (readfile("/proc/stat", pos = toybuf, sizeof(toybuf))) {
          long long *st = stats+8*(tock&1);
          // user nice system idle iowait irq softirq host
          sscanf(pos, "cpu %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld",
            st, st+1, st+2, st+3, st+4, st+5, st+6, st+7);
        // First time, wait a quarter of a second to collect a little delta data.
        if (!plold->tb) {
        // Collate old and new into "mix", depends on /proc read in pid sort order
        old = *plold;
        new = *plnew;
        mix.tb = xmalloc((old.count+new.count)*sizeof(struct procpid));
        mix.count = 0;
        while (old.count || new.count) {
          struct procpid *otb = old.count ? *old.tb : 0,
                         *ntb = new.count ? *new.tb : 0;
          // If we just have old for this process, it exited. Discard it.
          if (old.count && (!new.count || *otb->slot < *ntb->slot)) {
          // If we just have new, use it verbatim
          if (!old.count || *otb->slot > *ntb->slot) mix.tb[mix.count] = ntb;
          else {
            // Keep or discard
            if (filter(otb->slot, ntb->slot, new.whence-old.whence)) {
              mix.tb[mix.count] = otb;
        // Don't re-fetch data if it's not time yet, just re-display existing data.
        for (;;) {
          char was, is;
          if (recalc) {
            qsort(mix.tb, mix.count, sizeof(struct procpid *), (void *)ksort);
            if (!FLAG(b)) {
              if (toys.signal) {
                toys.signal = 0;
                terminal_probesize(&TT.width, &TT.height);
            if (TT.top.m) TT.height = TT.top.m+5;
            lines = TT.height;
          if (recalc && !FLAG(q)) {
            // Display "top" header.
            if (*toys.which->name == 't') {
              struct ofields field;
              char hr[4][32];
              long long ll, up = 0;
              long run[6];
              int j, k, cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
              // Count running, sleeping, stopped, zombie processes.
              // The kernel has more states (and different sets in different
              // versions), so we need to map them. (R)unning and (Z)ombie are
              // easy enough, and since "stopped" is rare (just T and t as of
              // Linux 4.20), we assume everything else is "sleeping".
              field.which = PS_S;
              memset(run, 0, sizeof(run));
              for (i = 0; i<mix.count; i++)
                run[1+stridx("RTtZ", *string_field(mix.tb[i], &field))]++;
                "%ss: %d total, %3ld running, %3ld sleeping, %3ld stopped, "
                "%3ld zombie", FLAG(H)?"Thread":"Task", mix.count, run[1], run[0],
                run[2]+run[3], run[4]);
              lines = header_line(lines, 0);
              if (readfile("/proc/meminfo", toybuf+256, sizeof(toybuf)-256)) {
                for (i = 0; i<6; i++) {
                  j = i%3;
                  pos = strafter(toybuf+256, (char *[]){"MemTotal:","\nMemFree:",
                  run[i] = pos ? atol(pos) : 0;
                  if (FLAG(h)) continue;
                  k = (*run>=10000000);
                  human_readable_long(hr[j+!!j], run[i]>>(10*k), 9, k+1, HR_NODOT);
                  if (j==1) human_readable_long(hr[1], (run[i-1]-run[i])>>(10*k),
                    8, k+1, HR_NODOT);
                  else if (j==2) {
                    sprintf(toybuf, " %s:%10s total,%10s used,%10s free,%10s %s",
                      (i<3) ? " Mem" : "Swap", hr[0], hr[1], hr[2], hr[3],
                      (i<3) ? "buffers" : "cached");
                    lines = header_line(lines, 0);
                if (FLAG(h)) {
                  unsigned long swp[] = {run[3], 0, 0, run[3]-run[4]},
                    mem[] = {run[0], run[0]-run[1]-run[2]-run[5], run[2], run[5]};
                  bargraph("Mem", 34, mem);
                  bargraph(" Swp", 34, swp);
              pos = toybuf;
              pos += sprintf(pos, "%d%%cpu", cpus*100);
              j = 4+(cpus>10);
              // If a processor goes idle it's powered down and its idle ticks don't
              // advance, so calculate idle time as potential time - used.
              if (mix.count) up = mix.tb[0]->slot[SLOT_upticks];
              if (!up) up = 1;
              now = up*cpus;
              ll = stats[3] = stats[11] = 0;
              for (i = 0; i<8; i++) ll += stats[i]-stats[i+8];
              stats[3] = now - llabs(ll);
              for (i = 0; i<8; i++) {
                ll = (llabs(stats[i]-stats[i+8])*1000)/up;
                pos += sprintf(pos, "% *lld%%%s", j, (ll+5)/10, cpufields[i]);
            // Display "iotop" header.
            } else {
              struct ofields *field;
              struct procpid tb;
              memset(&tb, 0, sizeof(struct procpid));
              pos = stpcpy(toybuf, "Totals:");
              for (field = TT.fields; field; field = field->next) {
                long long ll, bits = 0;
                int slot = typos[field->which].slot&(XX-1);
                if (field->which<PS_C || field->which>PS_DIO) continue;
                ll = 1LL<<field->which;
                if (bits&ll) continue;
                bits |= ll;
                for (i=0; i<mix.count; i++)
                  tb.slot[slot] += mix.tb[i]->slot[slot];
                pos += snprintf(pos, sizeof(toybuf)/2-(pos-toybuf),
                  " %s: %*s,", typos[field->which].name,
                  field->len, string_field(&tb, field));
              *--pos = 0;
            lines = header_line(lines, 0);
            // print line of header labels for currently displayed fields
            get_headers(TT.fields, pos = toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
            for (i = 0, is = ' '; *pos; pos++) {
              was = is;
              is = *pos;
              if (isspace(was) && !isspace(is) && i++==TT.sortpos && pos!=toybuf)
                pos[-1] = '[';
              if (!isspace(was) && isspace(is) && i==TT.sortpos+1) *pos = ']';
            if (FLAG(b)) while (isspace(*(pos-1))) --pos;
            *pos = 0;
            lines = header_line(lines, 1);
          if (!recalc && !FLAG(b)) printf("\e[%dH\e[J", 1+TT.height-lines);
          for (i = 0; i<lines && i+topoff<mix.count; i++) {
            // Running processes are shown in bold.
            int bold = !FLAG(b) && mix.tb[i+topoff]->state == 'R';
            if (!FLAG(b) && i) putchar('\n');
            if (bold) printf("\e[1m");
            if (bold) printf("\e[m");
          if (TT.top.n && !--TT.top.n) {
          now = millitime();
          if (timeout<=now) timeout = new.whence+TT.top.d;
          if (timeout<=now || timeout>now+TT.top.d) timeout = now+TT.top.d;
          // In batch mode, we ignore the keyboard.
          if (FLAG(b)) {
            // Make an obvious gap between datasets.
          } else fflush(stdout);
          recalc = 1;
          i = scan_key_getsize(scratch, timeout-now, &TT.width, &TT.height);
          if (i==-1 || i==3 || toupper(i)=='Q') {
          if (i==-2) break;
          if (i==-3) continue;
          // Flush unknown escape sequences.
          if (i==27) while (0<scan_key_getsize(scratch, 0, &TT.width, &TT.height));
          else if (i=='\r' || i==' ') {
            timeout = 0;
          } else if (toupper(i)=='R')
            ((struct ofields *)TT.kfields)->reverse *= -1;
          else {
            i -= 256;
            if (i == (KEY_SHIFT|KEY_LEFT)) setsort(TT.sortpos-1);
            else if (i == (KEY_SHIFT|KEY_RIGHT)) setsort(TT.sortpos+1);
            else if (i == KEY_RIGHT) TT.scroll++;
            else if (i == KEY_LEFT && TT.scroll) TT.scroll--;
            else if (recalc-- && i == KEY_UP) topoff--;
            else if (i == KEY_DOWN) topoff++;
            else if (i == KEY_PGDN) topoff += lines;
            else if (i == KEY_PGUP) topoff -= lines;
            else continue;
            if (topoff<0) topoff = 0;
            if (topoff>mix.count) topoff = mix.count;
        for (i=0; i<plold->count; i++) free(plold->tb[i]);
      } while (!done);
      if (!FLAG(b)) tty_reset();
    static void top_setup(char *defo, char *defk)
      // Are we doing "batch" output or interactive?
      if (FLAG(b)) TT.width = TT.height = 99999;
      else {
        // Grab starting time, make terminal raw, switch off cursor,
        // set signal handler to put terminal/cursor back to normal at exit.
        TT.time = millitime();
        start_redraw(&TT.width, &TT.height);
      comma_args(TT.top.u, &TT.uu, "bad -u", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.top.p, &TT.pp, "bad -p", parse_rest);
      TT.match_process = shared_match_process;
      default_ko(defo, &TT.fields, "bad -o", TT.top.o);
      // First (dummy) sort field is overwritten by setsort()
      default_ko("-S", &TT.kfields, 0, 0);
      default_ko(defk, &TT.kfields, "bad -k", TT.top.k);
    void top_main(void)
      sprintf(toybuf, "%cID,USER,%s%%CPU,%%MEM,TIME+,%s", FLAG(H) ? 'T' : 'P',
        TT.top.O ? "" : "PR,NI,VIRT,RES,SHR,S,",
      if (!TT.top.s) TT.top.s = TT.top.O ? 3 : 9;
      top_setup(toybuf, "-%CPU,-ETIME,-PID");
      if (TT.top.O) {
        struct ofields *field = TT.fields;
        field = field->next->next;
        comma_args(TT.top.O, &field, "bad -O", parse_ko);
    #define FOR_iotop
    #include "generated/flags.h"
    // Compare old and new proces lists to measure changes
    static int iotop_filter(long long *oslot, long long *nslot, int milis)
      // Current I/O, or accumulated since process start?
      if (!FLAG(a)) merge_deltas(oslot, nslot, milis);
      else oslot[SLOT_upticks] = ((millitime()-TT.time)*TT.ticks)/1000;
      return !FLAG(O)||oslot[SLOT_iobytes+!FLAG(A)];
    void iotop_main(void)
      char *s1 = 0, *s2 = 0, *d = "D"+!!FLAG(A);
      if (FLAG(K)) TT.forcek++;
      top_setup(s1 = xmprintf("PID,PR,USER,%sREAD,%sWRITE,SWAP,%sIO,COMM",d,d,d),
        s2 = xmprintf("-%sIO,-ETIME,-PID",d));
    // pkill's plumbing wraps pgrep's and thus mostly takes place in pgrep's flag
    // context, so force pgrep's flags on even when building pkill standalone.
    // (All the pgrep/pkill functions drop out when building ps standalone.)
    #define FORCE_FLAGS
    #define FOR_pgrep
    #include "generated/flags.h"
    struct regex_list {
      struct regex_list *next;
      regex_t reg;
    static void do_pgk(struct procpid *tb)
      if (TT.pgrep.signal) {
        if (kill(*tb->slot, TT.pgrep.signal)) {
          char *s = num_to_sig(TT.pgrep.signal);
          if (!s) sprintf(s = toybuf, "%d", TT.pgrep.signal);
          perror_msg("%s->%lld", s, *tb->slot);
      if (!FLAG(c) && (!TT.pgrep.signal || TT.tty)) {
        printf("%lld", *tb->slot);
        if (FLAG(l))
          printf(" %s", tb->str+tb->offset[4]*!!FLAG(f));
        printf("%s", TT.pgrep.d ? TT.pgrep.d : "\n");
    static void match_pgrep(void *p)
      struct procpid *tb = p;
      regmatch_t match;
      struct regex_list *reg;
      char *name = tb->str+tb->offset[4]*!!FLAG(f);
      // Never match ourselves.
      if (TT.pgrep.self == *tb->slot) return;
      if (TT.pgrep.regexes) {
        for (reg = TT.pgrep.regexes; reg; reg = reg->next) {
          if (regexec(®->reg, name, 1, &match, 0)) continue;
          if (FLAG(x))
            if (match.rm_so || match.rm_eo!=strlen(name)) continue;
        if (!FLAG(v) == !reg) return;
      // pgrep should return success if there's a match.
      toys.exitval = 0;
      // Repurpose a field for -c count.
      if (FLAG(n)||FLAG(o)) {
        long long ll = tb->slot[SLOT_starttime];
        if (FLAG(o)) ll *= -1;
        if (TT.time && TT.time>ll) return;
        TT.time = ll;
        TT.pgrep.snapshot = xmemdup(toybuf, (name+strlen(name)+1)-toybuf);
      } else do_pgk(tb);
    static int pgrep_match_process(long long *slot)
      return !FLAG(v) == !!shared_match_process(slot);
    void pgrep_main(void)
      char **arg;
      struct regex_list *reg;
      TT.pgrep.self = getpid();
      // No signal names start with "L", so no need for "L: " in optstr.
      if (TT.pgrep.L && 1>(TT.pgrep.signal = sig_to_num(TT.pgrep.L)))
        error_exit("bad -L '%s'", TT.pgrep.L);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.G, &TT.GG, "bad -G", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.g, &TT.gg, "bad -g", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.P, &TT.PP, "bad -P", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.s, &TT.ss, "bad -s", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.t, &TT.tt, "bad -t", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.U, &TT.UU, "bad -U", parse_rest);
      comma_args(TT.pgrep.u, &TT.uu, "bad -u", parse_rest);
      if ((toys.optflags&(FLAG_x|FLAG_f)) ||
        if (!toys.optc) help_exit("No PATTERN");
      if (FLAG(f)) TT.bits |= _PS_CMDLINE;
      for (arg = toys.optargs; *arg; arg++) {
        reg = xmalloc(sizeof(struct regex_list));
        xregcomp(®->reg, *arg, REG_EXTENDED);
        reg->next = TT.pgrep.regexes;
        TT.pgrep.regexes = reg;
      TT.match_process = pgrep_match_process;
      TT.show_process = match_pgrep;
      // pgrep should return failure if there are no matches.
      toys.exitval = 1;
      dirtree_flagread("/proc", DIRTREE_SHUTUP|DIRTREE_PROC, get_ps);
      if (FLAG(c)) printf("%d\n", TT.sortpos);
      if (TT.pgrep.snapshot) {
        if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) free(TT.pgrep.snapshot);
      if (TT.pgrep.d) xputc('\n');
    #define FOR_pkill
    #include "generated/flags.h"
    void pkill_main(void)
      char **args = toys.optargs;
      if (!FLAG(l) && *args && **args=='-') TT.pgrep.L = *(args++)+1;
      if (!TT.pgrep.L) TT.pgrep.signal = SIGTERM;
      if (FLAG(V)) TT.tty = 1;