Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/POSIX, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9


Комментарии в файле tar.c :

usage: tar [-cxt] [-fvohmjkOS] [-XTCf NAME] [--selinux] [FILE...]

Создавайте, извлекайте или перечисляйте файлы в файле .tar (или сжатом t?z). Параметры: c Создать тест x Извлечь t (список) f tar FILE (по умолчанию -) C Сначала перейти на DIR v Подробный дисплей o Игнорировать владельца h Следовать символическим ссылкам m Игнорировать mtime J сжатие xz j сжатие bzip2 z сжатие gzip O Извлечь в стандартный вывод X Исключить имена из ФАЙЛА T Включить имена в ФАЙЛ
  • --exclude ИМЯ ФАЙЛА для исключения --full-time Показать секунды с помощью -tv
  • --mode РЕЖИМ Настроить разрешения --owner ИМЯ[:UID] Установить владельца файла
  • --mtime ВРЕМЯ Переопределить метки времени --group ИМЯ[:GID] Установить группу файлов
  • --sparse Записать разреженные файлы --selinux Сохранить/восстановить labels
  • --restrict Все в одном каталоге --no-recursion Пропустить содержимое каталога
  • --numeric-owner Использовать числовой uid/gid, а не имена пользователей/групп
  • --null Имена файлов в -T FILE разделены нулем, а не новой строкой
  • --strip-components NUM Игнорировать первые NUM компоненты каталога при извлечении
  • --xform=SED Изменить имена файлов с помощью выражения SED ( ala s/find/replace/g)
  • -I PROG Отфильтровать через PROG для сжатия или PROG -d для распаковки

  • usage: tar [-cxt] [-fvohmjkOS] [-XTCf NAME] [--selinux] [FILE...]

    Create, extract, or list files in a .tar (or compressed t?z) file. Options: c Create x Extract t Test (list) f tar FILE (default -) C Change to DIR first v Verbose display o Ignore owner h Follow symlinks m Ignore mtime J xz compression j bzip2 compression z gzip compression O Extract to stdout X exclude names in FILE T include names in FILE
  • --exclude FILENAME to exclude --full-time Show seconds with -tv
  • --mode MODE Adjust permissions --owner NAME[:UID] Set file ownership
  • --mtime TIME Override timestamps --group NAME[:GID] Set file group
  • --sparse Record sparse files --selinux Save/restore labels
  • --restrict All under one dir --no-recursion Skip dir contents
  • --numeric-owner Use numeric uid/gid, not user/group names
  • --null Filenames in -T FILE are null-separated, not newline
  • --strip-components NUM Ignore first NUM directory components when extracting
  • --xform=SED Modify filenames via SED expression (ala s/find/replace/g)
  • -I PROG Filter through PROG to compress or PROG -d to decompress

  • Исходный текст в файле tar.c

    #define FOR_tar
    #include "toys.h"
      char *f, *C, *I;
      struct arg_list *T, *X, *xform;
      long strip;
      char *to_command, *owner, *group, *mtime, *mode;
      struct arg_list *exclude;
      struct double_list *incl, *excl, *seen;
      struct string_list *dirs;
      char *cwd, **xfsed;
      int fd, ouid, ggid, hlc, warn, sparselen, pid, xfpipe[2];
      struct dev_ino archive_di;
      long long *sparse;
      time_t mtt;
      // hardlinks seen so far (hlc many)
      struct {
        char *arg;
        struct dev_ino di;
      } *hlx;
      // Parsed information about a tar header.
      struct tar_header {
        char *name, *link_target, *uname, *gname;
        long long size, ssize;
        uid_t uid;
        gid_t gid;
        mode_t mode;
        time_t mtime;
        dev_t device;
      } hdr;
    // The on-disk 512 byte record structure.
    struct tar_hdr {
      char name[100], mode[8], uid[8], gid[8], size[12], mtime[12], chksum[8],
           type, link[100], magic[8], uname[32], gname[32], major[8], minor[8],
           prefix[155], padd[12];
    // Tar uses ASCII octal when it fits, base-256 otherwise.
    static int ascii_fits(unsigned long long val, int len)
      return !(val>>(3*(len-1)));
    // convert from int to octal (or base-256)
    static void itoo(char *str, int len, unsigned long long val)
      if (ascii_fits(val, len)) sprintf(str, "%0*llo", len-1, val);
      else {
        for (str += len; len--; val >>= 8) *--str = val;
        *str = 128;
    #define ITOO(x, y) itoo(x, sizeof(x), y)
    // convert octal (or base-256) to int
    static unsigned long long otoi(char *str, unsigned len)
      unsigned long long val = 0;
      // When tar value too big or octal, use binary encoding with high bit set
      if (128&*str) while (--len) {
        if (val<<8 < val) error_exit("bad header");
        val = (val<<8)+*++str;
      } else {
        while (len && *str == ' ') str++;
        while (len && *str>='0' && *str<='7') val = val*8+*str++-'0', len--;
        if (len && *str && *str != ' ') error_exit("bad header");
      return val;
    #define OTOI(x) otoi(x, sizeof(x))
    static void write_prefix_block(char *data, int len, char type)
      struct tar_hdr tmp;
      memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
      sprintf(tmp.name, "././@%s", type=='x' ? "PaxHeaders" : "LongLink");
      ITOO(tmp.uid, 0);
      ITOO(tmp.gid, 0);
      ITOO(tmp.size, len);
      ITOO(tmp.mtime, 0);
      tmp.type = type;
      strcpy(tmp.magic, "ustar  ");
      // Historical nonsense to match other implementations. Never used.
      ITOO(tmp.mode, 0644);
      strcpy(tmp.uname, "root");
      strcpy(tmp.gname, "root");
      // Calculate checksum. Since 512*255 = 0377000 in octal, this can never
      // use more than 6 digits. The last byte is ' ' for historical reasons.
      itoo(tmp.chksum, sizeof(tmp.chksum)-1, tar_cksum(&tmp));
      tmp.chksum[7] = ' ';
      // write header and name, padded with NUL to block size
      xwrite(TT.fd, &tmp, 512);
      xwrite(TT.fd, data, len);
      if (len%512) xwrite(TT.fd, toybuf, 512-(len%512));
    static void maybe_prefix_block(char *data, int check, int type)
      int len = strlen(data);
      if (len>check) write_prefix_block(data, len+1, type);
    static struct double_list *filter(struct double_list *lst, char *name)
      struct double_list *end = lst;
      if (lst)
        // constant is FNM_LEADING_DIR
        do if (!fnmatch(lst->data, name, 1<<3)) return lst;
        while (end != (lst = lst->next));
      return 0;
    static void skippy(long long len)
      if (lskip(TT.fd, len)) perror_exit("EOF");
    // allocate and read data from TT.fd
    static void alloread(void *buf, int len)
      // actually void **, but automatic typecasting doesn't work with void ** :(
      char **b = buf;
      *b = xmalloc(len+1);
      xreadall(TT.fd, *b, len);
      (*b)[len] = 0;
    static char *xform(char **name, char type)
      char buf[9], *end;
      off_t len;
      if (!TT.xform) return 0;
      buf[8] = 0;
      if (dprintf(TT.xfpipe[0], "%s%c%c", *name, type, 0) != strlen(*name)+2
        || readall(TT.xfpipe[1], buf, 8) != 8
        || !(len = estrtol(buf, &end, 16)) || errno ||*end) error_exit("bad xform");
      xreadall(TT.xfpipe[1], *name = xmalloc(len+1), len);
      (*name)[len] = 0;
      return *name;
    // callback from dirtree to create archive
    static int add_to_tar(struct dirtree *node)
      struct stat *st = &(node->st);
      struct tar_hdr hdr;
      struct passwd *pw = pw;
      struct group *gr = gr;
      int i, fd = -1, recurse = 0;
      char *name, *lnk, *hname, *xfname = 0;
      if (!dirtree_notdotdot(node)) return 0;
      if (same_dev_ino(st, &TT.archive_di)) {
        error_msg("'%s' file is the archive; not dumped", node->name);
        return 0;
      i = 1;
      name = hname = dirtree_path(node, &i);
      // exclusion defaults to --no-anchored and --wildcards-match-slash
      for (lnk = name; *lnk;) {
        if (filter(TT.excl, lnk)) goto done;
        while (*lnk && *lnk!='/') lnk++;
        while (*lnk=='/') lnk++;
      // Consume the 1 extra byte alocated in dirtree_path()
      if (S_ISDIR(st->st_mode) && lnk[-1] != '/') strcpy(lnk, "/");
      // remove leading / and any .. entries from saved name
      if (!FLAG(P)) {
        while (*hname == '/') hname++;
        for (lnk = hname;;) {
          if (!(lnk = strstr(lnk, ".."))) break;
          if (lnk == hname || lnk[-1] == '/') {
            if (!lnk[2]) goto done;
            if (lnk[2]=='/') {
              lnk = hname = lnk+3;
          lnk += 2;
        if (!*hname) hname = "./";
      if (!*hname) goto done;
      if (TT.warn && hname != name) {
        dprintf(2, "removing leading '%.*s' from member names\n",
               (int)(hname-name), name);
        TT.warn = 0;
      // Override dentry data from command line and fill out header data
      if (TT.owner) st->st_uid = TT.ouid;
      if (TT.group) st->st_gid = TT.ggid;
      if (TT.mode) st->st_mode = string_to_mode(TT.mode, st->st_mode);
      if (TT.mtime) st->st_mtime = TT.mtt;
      memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr));
      ITOO(hdr.mode, st->st_mode &07777);
      ITOO(hdr.uid, st->st_uid);
      ITOO(hdr.gid, st->st_gid);
      ITOO(hdr.size, 0); //set size later
      ITOO(hdr.mtime, st->st_mtime);
      strcpy(hdr.magic, "ustar  ");
      // Are there hardlinks to a non-directory entry?
      lnk = 0;
      if (st->st_nlink>1 && !S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)) {
        // Have we seen this dev&ino before?
        for (i = 0; i<TT.hlc; i++) if (same_dev_ino(st, &TT.hlx[i].di)) break;
        if (i != TT.hlc) lnk = TT.hlx[i].arg;
        else {
          // first time we've seen it. Store as normal file, but remember it.
          if (!(TT.hlc&255))
            TT.hlx = xrealloc(TT.hlx, sizeof(*TT.hlx)*(TT.hlc+256));
          TT.hlx[TT.hlc].arg = xstrdup(hname);
          TT.hlx[TT.hlc].di.ino = st->st_ino;
          TT.hlx[TT.hlc].di.dev = st->st_dev;
      xfname = xform(&hname, 'r');
      strncpy(hdr.name, hname, sizeof(hdr.name));
      // Handle file types: 0=reg, 1=hardlink, 2=sym, 3=chr, 4=blk, 5=dir, 6=fifo
      if (lnk || S_ISLNK(st->st_mode)) {
        hdr.type = '1'+!lnk;
        if (lnk) {
          if (!xform(&lnk, 'h')) lnk = xstrdup(lnk);
        } else if (!(lnk = xreadlink(name))) {
          goto done;
        } else xform(&lnk, 's');
        maybe_prefix_block(lnk, sizeof(hdr.link), 'K');
        strncpy(hdr.link, lnk, sizeof(hdr.link));
      } else if (S_ISREG(st->st_mode)) {
        hdr.type = '0';
        ITOO(hdr.size, st->st_size);
      } else if (S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)) hdr.type = '5';
      else if (S_ISFIFO(st->st_mode)) hdr.type = '6';
      else if (S_ISBLK(st->st_mode) || S_ISCHR(st->st_mode)) {
        hdr.type = (S_ISCHR(st->st_mode))?'3':'4';
        ITOO(hdr.major, dev_major(st->st_rdev));
        ITOO(hdr.minor, dev_minor(st->st_rdev));
      } else {
        error_msg("unknown file type '%o'", st->st_mode & S_IFMT);
        goto done;
      // write out 'x' prefix header for --selinux data
      if (FLAG(selinux)) {
        int start = 0, sz = 0, temp, len = 0;
        char *buf = 0, *sec = "security.selinux";
        for (;;) {
          // First time get length, second time read data into prepared buffer
          len = (S_ISLNK(st->st_mode) ? xattr_lget : xattr_get)
            (name, sec, buf+start, sz);
          // Handle data or error
          if (len>999999 || (sz && len>sz)) len = -1, errno = E2BIG;
          if (buf || len<1) {
            if (len>0) {
              strcpy(buf+start+sz, "\n");
              write_prefix_block(buf, start+sz+2, 'x');
            } else if (errno==ENODATA || errno==ENOTSUP) len = 0;
            if (len) perror_msg("getfilecon %s", name);
          // Allocate buffer. Length includes prefix: calculate twice (wrap 99->100)
          temp = snprintf(0, 0, "%d", sz = (start = 22)+len+1);
          start += temp + (temp != snprintf(0, 0, "%d", temp+sz));
          buf = xmprintf("%u RHT.%s=%.*s", start+len+1, sec, sz = len, "");
      maybe_prefix_block(hname, sizeof(hdr.name), 'L');
      if (!FLAG(numeric_owner)) {
        if ((TT.owner || (pw = bufgetpwuid(st->st_uid))) &&
            ascii_fits(st->st_uid, sizeof(hdr.uid)))
          strncpy(hdr.uname, TT.owner ? : pw->pw_name, sizeof(hdr.uname));
        if ((TT.group || (gr = bufgetgrgid(st->st_gid))) &&
            ascii_fits(st->st_gid, sizeof(hdr.gid)))
          strncpy(hdr.gname, TT.group ? : gr->gr_name, sizeof(hdr.gname));
      TT.sparselen = 0;
      if (hdr.type == '0') {
        // Before we write the header, make sure we can read the file
        if ((fd = open(name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
          perror_msg("can't open '%s'", name);
          return 0;
        if (FLAG(S)) {
          long long lo, ld = 0, len = 0;
          // Enumerate the extents
          while ((lo = lseek(fd, ld, SEEK_HOLE)) != -1) {
            if (!(TT.sparselen&511))
              TT.sparse = xrealloc(TT.sparse, (TT.sparselen+514)*sizeof(long long));
            if (ld != lo) {
              TT.sparse[TT.sparselen++] = ld;
              len += TT.sparse[TT.sparselen++] = lo-ld;
            if (lo == st->st_size || (ld = lseek(fd, lo, SEEK_DATA)) < lo) break;
          // If there were extents, change type to S record
          if (TT.sparselen>2) {
            TT.sparse[TT.sparselen++] = st->st_size;
            TT.sparse[TT.sparselen++] = 0;
            hdr.type = 'S';
            lnk = (char *)&hdr;
            for (i = 0; i<TT.sparselen && i<8; i++)
              itoo(lnk+386+12*i, 12, TT.sparse[i]);
            // Record if there's overflow records, change length to sparse length,
            // record apparent length
            if (TT.sparselen>8) lnk[482] = 1;
            itoo(lnk+483, 12, st->st_size);
            ITOO(hdr.size, len);
          } else TT.sparselen = 0;
          lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
      itoo(hdr.chksum, sizeof(hdr.chksum)-1, tar_cksum(&hdr));
      hdr.chksum[7] = ' ';
      if (FLAG(v)) dprintf(1+(TT.fd==1), "%s\n", hname);
      // Write header and data to archive
      xwrite(TT.fd, &hdr, 512);
      if (TT.sparselen>8) {
        char buf[512];
        // write extent overflow blocks
        for (i=8;;i++) {
          int j = (i-8)%42;
          if (!j || i==TT.sparselen) {
            if (i!=8) {
              if (i!=TT.sparselen) buf[504] = 1;
              xwrite(TT.fd, buf, 512);
            if (i==TT.sparselen) break;
            memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
          itoo(buf+12*j, 12, TT.sparse[i]);
      TT.sparselen >>= 1;
      if (hdr.type == '0' || hdr.type == 'S') {
        if (hdr.type == '0') xsendfile_pad(fd, TT.fd, st->st_size);
        else for (i = 0; i<TT.sparselen; i++) {
          if (TT.sparse[i*2] != lseek(fd, TT.sparse[i*2], SEEK_SET))
            perror_msg("%s: seek %lld", name, TT.sparse[i*2]);
          xsendfile_pad(fd, TT.fd, TT.sparse[i*2+1]);
        if (st->st_size%512) writeall(TT.fd, toybuf, (512-(st->st_size%512)));
      recurse = !FLAG(no_recursion);
      return recurse*(DIRTREE_RECURSE|(FLAG(h)?DIRTREE_SYMFOLLOW:0));
    static void wsettime(char *s, long long sec)
      struct timespec times[2] = {{sec, 0},{sec, 0}};
      if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, s, times, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW))
        perror_msg("settime %lld %s", sec, s);
    // Do pending directory utimes(), NULL to flush all.
    static int dirflush(char *name, int isdir)
      char *s = 0, *ss;
      // Barf if name not in TT.cwd
      if (name) {
        if (!(ss = s = xabspath(name, isdir ? ABS_LAST : 0))) {
          error_msg("'%s' bad symlink", name);
          return 1;
        if (TT.cwd[1] && (!strstart(&ss, TT.cwd) || (*ss && *ss!='/'))) {
          error_msg("'%s' %s not under '%s'", name, s, TT.cwd);
          return 1;
        // --restrict means first entry extracted is what everything must be under
        if (FLAG(restrict)) {
          TT.cwd = strdup(s);
          toys.optflags ^= FLAG_restrict;
        // use resolved name so trailing / is stripped
        if (isdir) unlink(s);
      // Set deferred utimes() for directories this file isn't under.
      // (Files must be depth-first ordered in tarball for this to matter.)
      while (TT.dirs) {
        // If next file is under (or equal to) this dir, keep waiting
        if (name && strstart(&ss, ss = s) && (!*ss || *ss=='/')) break;
        wsettime(TT.dirs->str+sizeof(long long), *(long long *)TT.dirs->str);
      // name was under TT.cwd
      return 0;
    // write data to file
    static void sendfile_sparse(int fd)
      long long len, used = 0, sent;
      int i = 0, j;
      do {
        if (TT.sparselen) {
          // Seek past holes or fill output with zeroes.
          if (-1 == lseek(fd, len = TT.sparse[i*2], SEEK_SET)) {
            sent = 0;
            while (len) {
              // first/last 512 bytes used, rest left zeroes
              j = (len>3072) ? 3072 : len;
              if (j != writeall(fd, toybuf+512, j)) goto error;
              len -= j;
          } else {
            sent = len;
            if (!(len = TT.sparse[i*2+1]) && ftruncate(fd, sent+len))
          if (len+used>TT.hdr.size) error_exit("sparse overflow");
        } else len = TT.hdr.size;
        len -= sendfile_len(TT.fd, fd, len, &sent);
        used += sent;
        if (len) {
          if (fd!=1) perror_msg(0);
      } while (++i<TT.sparselen);
    static void extract_to_disk(char *name)
      int ala = TT.hdr.mode;
      if (dirflush(name, S_ISDIR(ala))) {
        if (S_ISREG(ala) && !TT.hdr.link_target) skippy(TT.hdr.size);
      // create path before file if necessary
      if (strrchr(name, '/') && mkpath(name) && errno!=EEXIST)
          return perror_msg(":%s: can't mkdir", name);
      // remove old file, if exists
      if (!FLAG(k) && !S_ISDIR(ala) && rmdir(name) && errno!=ENOENT && unlink(name))
        return perror_msg("can't remove: %s", name);
      if (S_ISREG(ala)) {
        // hardlink?
        if (TT.hdr.link_target) {
          if (link(TT.hdr.link_target, name))
            return perror_msg("can't link '%s' -> '%s'", name, TT.hdr.link_target);
        // write contents
        } else {
          int fd = WARN_ONLY|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|(FLAG(overwrite) ? O_TRUNC : O_EXCL);
          if ((fd = xcreate(name, fd, ala&07777)) != -1) sendfile_sparse(fd);
          else return skippy(TT.hdr.size);
      } else if (S_ISDIR(ala)) {
        if ((mkdir(name, 0700) == -1) && errno != EEXIST)
          return perror_msg("%s: can't create", name);
      } else if (S_ISLNK(ala)) {
        if (symlink(TT.hdr.link_target, name))
          return perror_msg("can't link '%s' -> '%s'", name, TT.hdr.link_target);
      } else if (mknod(name, ala, TT.hdr.device))
        return perror_msg("can't create '%s'", name);
      // Set ownership
      if (!FLAG(o) && !geteuid()) {
        int u = TT.hdr.uid, g = TT.hdr.gid;
        if (TT.owner) TT.hdr.uid = TT.ouid;
        else if (!FLAG(numeric_owner) && *TT.hdr.uname) {
          struct passwd *pw = bufgetpwnamuid(TT.hdr.uname, 0);
          if (pw) TT.hdr.uid = pw->pw_uid;
        if (TT.group) TT.hdr.gid = TT.ggid;
        else if (!FLAG(numeric_owner) && *TT.hdr.uname) {
          struct group *gr = bufgetgrnamgid(TT.hdr.gname, 0);
          if (gr) TT.hdr.gid = gr->gr_gid;
        if (lchown(name, u, g)) perror_msg("chown %d:%d '%s'", u, g, name);;
      if (!S_ISLNK(ala)) chmod(name, FLAG(p) ? ala : ala&0777);
      // Apply mtime.
      if (!FLAG(m)) {
        if (S_ISDIR(ala)) {
          struct string_list *sl;
          // Writing files into a directory changes directory timestamps, so
          // defer mtime updates until contents written.
          sl = xmalloc(sizeof(struct string_list)+sizeof(long long)+strlen(name)+1);
          *(long long *)sl->str = TT.hdr.mtime;
          strcpy(sl->str+sizeof(long long), name);
          sl->next = TT.dirs;
          TT.dirs = sl;
        } else wsettime(name, TT.hdr.mtime);
    static void unpack_tar(char *first)
      struct double_list *walk, *delete;
      struct tar_hdr tar;
      int i, sefd = -1, and = 0;
      unsigned maj, min;
      char *s, *name;
      for (;;) {
        if (first) {
          memcpy(&tar, first, i = 512);
          first = 0;
        } else {
          // align to next block and read it
          if (TT.hdr.size%512) skippy(512-TT.hdr.size%512);
          i = readall(TT.fd, &tar, 512);
        if (i && i!=512) error_exit("short header");
        // Two consecutive empty headers ends tar even if there's more data
        if (!i || !*tar.name) {
          if (!i || and++) return;
          TT.hdr.size = 0;
        // ensure null temination even of pathological packets
        tar.padd[0] = and = 0;
        // Is this a valid TAR header?
        if (!is_tar_header(&tar)) error_exit("bad header");
        TT.hdr.size = OTOI(tar.size);
        // If this header isn't writing something to the filesystem
        if ((tar.type<'0' || tar.type>'7') && tar.type!='S'
            && (*tar.magic && tar.type))
          // Skip to next record if unknown type or payload > 1 megabyte
          if (!strchr("KLx", tar.type) || TT.hdr.size>1<<20) skippy(TT.hdr.size);
          // Read link or long name
          else if (tar.type != 'x')
            alloread(tar.type=='K'?&TT.hdr.link_target:&TT.hdr.name, TT.hdr.size);
          // Loop through 'x' payload records in "LEN NAME=VALUE\n" format
          else {
            char *p, *pp, *buf = 0;
            unsigned i, len, n;
            alloread(&buf, TT.hdr.size);
            for (p = buf; (p-buf)<TT.hdr.size; p += len) {
              i = TT.hdr.size-(p-buf);
              if (1!=sscanf(p, "%u %n", &len, &n) || len<n+4 || len>i || n>i) {
                error_msg("bad header");
              p[len-1] = 0;
              pp = p+n;
              // Ignore "RHT." prefix, if any.
              strstart(&pp, "RHT.");
              if ((FLAG(selinux) && !(FLAG(t)|FLAG(O)))
                  && strstart(&pp, "security.selinux="))
                i = strlen(pp);
                sefd = xopen("/proc/self/attr/fscreate", O_WRONLY|WARN_ONLY);
                if (sefd==-1 ||  i!=write(sefd, pp, i))
                  perror_msg("setfscreatecon %s", pp);
              } else if (strstart(&pp, "path=")) {
                TT.hdr.name = xstrdup(pp);
        // Handle sparse file type
        TT.sparselen = 0;
        if (tar.type == 'S') {
          char sparse[512];
          int max = 8;
          // Load 4 pairs of offset/len from S block, plus 21 pairs from each
          // continuation block, list says where to seek/write sparse file contents
          s = 386+(char *)&tar;
          *sparse = i = 0;
          for (;;) {
            if (!(TT.sparselen&511))
              TT.sparse = xrealloc(TT.sparse, (TT.sparselen+512)*sizeof(long long));
            // If out of data in block check continue flag, stop or load next block
            if (++i>max || !*s) {
              if (!(*sparse ? sparse[504] : ((char *)&tar)[482])) break;
              xreadall(TT.fd, s = sparse, 512);
              max = 41;
              i = 0;
            // Load next entry
            TT.sparse[TT.sparselen++] = otoi(s, 12);
            s += 12;
          // Odd number of entries (from corrupted tar) would be dropped here
          TT.sparselen /= 2;
          if (TT.sparselen)
            TT.hdr.ssize = TT.sparse[2*TT.sparselen-1]+TT.sparse[2*TT.sparselen-2];
        } else TT.hdr.ssize = TT.hdr.size;
        // At this point, we have something to output. Convert metadata.
        TT.hdr.mode = OTOI(tar.mode)&0xfff;
        if (tar.type == 'S' || !tar.type) TT.hdr.mode |= 0x8000;
        else TT.hdr.mode |= (char []){8,8,10,2,6,4,1,8}[tar.type-'0']<<12;
        TT.hdr.uid = OTOI(tar.uid);
        TT.hdr.gid = OTOI(tar.gid);
        TT.hdr.mtime = OTOI(tar.mtime);
        maj = OTOI(tar.major);
        min = OTOI(tar.minor);
        TT.hdr.device = dev_makedev(maj, min);
        TT.hdr.uname = xstrndup(TT.owner ? : tar.uname, sizeof(tar.uname));
        TT.hdr.gname = xstrndup(TT.group ? : tar.gname, sizeof(tar.gname));
        if (TT.owner) TT.hdr.uid = TT.ouid;
        else if (!FLAG(numeric_owner)) {
          struct passwd *pw = bufgetpwnamuid(TT.hdr.uname, 0);
          if (pw && (TT.owner || !FLAG(numeric_owner))) TT.hdr.uid = pw->pw_uid;
        if (TT.group) TT.hdr.gid = TT.ggid;
        else if (!FLAG(numeric_owner)) {
          struct group *gr = bufgetgrnamgid(TT.hdr.gname, 0);
          if (gr) TT.hdr.gid = gr->gr_gid;
        if (!TT.hdr.link_target && *tar.link)
          TT.hdr.link_target = xstrndup(tar.link, sizeof(tar.link));
        if (!TT.hdr.name) {
          // Glue prefix and name fields together with / if necessary
          i = (tar.type=='S') ? 0 : strnlen(tar.prefix, sizeof(tar.prefix));
          TT.hdr.name = xmprintf("%.*s%s%.*s", i, tar.prefix,
            (i && tar.prefix[i-1] != '/') ? "/" : "",
            (int)sizeof(tar.name), tar.name);
        // Old broken tar recorded dir as "file with trailing slash"
        if (S_ISREG(TT.hdr.mode) && (s = strend(TT.hdr.name, "/"))) {
          *s = 0;
          TT.hdr.mode = (TT.hdr.mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFDIR;
        // Non-regular files don't have contents stored in archive.
        if ((TT.hdr.link_target && *TT.hdr.link_target)
          || (tar.type && !S_ISREG(TT.hdr.mode)))
            TT.hdr.size = 0;
        // Files are seen even if excluded, so check them here.
        // TT.seen points to first seen entry in TT.incl, or NULL if none yet.
        if ((delete = filter(TT.incl, TT.hdr.name)) && TT.incl != TT.seen) {
          if (!TT.seen) TT.seen = delete;
          // Move seen entry to end of list.
          if (TT.incl == delete) TT.incl = TT.incl->next;
          else for (walk = TT.incl; walk != TT.seen; walk = walk->next) {
            if (walk == delete) {
              dlist_add_nomalloc(&TT.incl, delete);
        // Skip excluded files, filtering on the untransformed name.
        if (filter(TT.excl, name = TT.hdr.name) || (TT.incl && !delete)) {
          goto done;
        // We accept --show-transformed but always do, so it's a NOP.
        name = TT.hdr.name;
        if (xform(&name, 'r')) {
          TT.hdr.name = name;
        if ((i = "\0hs"[stridx("12", tar.type)+1])) xform(&TT.hdr.link_target, i);
        for (i = 0; i<TT.strip; i++) {
          char *s = strchr(name, '/');
          if (s && s[1]) name = s+1;
          else {
            if (S_ISDIR(TT.hdr.mode)) *name = 0;
        if (!*name) skippy(TT.hdr.size);
        else if (FLAG(t)) {
          if (FLAG(v)) {
            struct tm *lc = localtime(TT.mtime ? &TT.mtt : &TT.hdr.mtime);
            char perm[12], gname[12];
            mode_to_string(TT.hdr.mode, perm);
            printf("%s", perm);
            sprintf(perm, "%u", TT.hdr.uid);
            sprintf(gname, "%u", TT.hdr.gid);
            printf(" %s/%s ", *TT.hdr.uname ? TT.hdr.uname : perm,
              *TT.hdr.gname ? TT.hdr.gname : gname);
            if (tar.type=='3' || tar.type=='4') printf("%u,%u", maj, min);
            else printf("%9lld", TT.hdr.ssize);
            sprintf(perm, ":%02d", lc->tm_sec);
            printf("  %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d%s ", 1900+lc->tm_year, 1+lc->tm_mon,
              lc->tm_mday, lc->tm_hour, lc->tm_min, FLAG(full_time) ? perm : "");
          printf("%s", name);
          if (TT.hdr.link_target)
            printf(" %s %s", tar.type=='2' ? "->" : "link to", TT.hdr.link_target);
        } else {
          if (FLAG(v)) printf("%s\n", name);
          if (FLAG(O)) sendfile_sparse(1);
          else if (FLAG(to_command)) {
            if (S_ISREG(TT.hdr.mode)) {
              int fd, pid;
              xsetenv("TAR_FILETYPE", "f");
              xsetenv(xmprintf("TAR_MODE=%o", TT.hdr.mode), 0);
              xsetenv(xmprintf("TAR_SIZE=%lld", TT.hdr.ssize), 0);
              xsetenv("TAR_FILENAME", name);
              xsetenv("TAR_UNAME", TT.hdr.uname);
              xsetenv("TAR_GNAME", TT.hdr.gname);
              xsetenv(xmprintf("TAR_MTIME=%llo", (long long)TT.hdr.mtime), 0);
              xsetenv(xmprintf("TAR_UID=%o", TT.hdr.uid), 0);
              xsetenv(xmprintf("TAR_GID=%o", TT.hdr.gid), 0);
              pid = xpopen((char *[]){"sh", "-c", TT.to_command, NULL}, &fd, 0);
              // todo: short write exits tar here, other skips data.
              fd = xpclose_both(pid, 0);
              if (fd) error_msg("%d: Child returned %d", pid, fd);
          } else extract_to_disk(name);
        if (sefd != -1) {
          // zero length write resets fscreate context to default
          (void)write(sefd, 0, 0);
          sefd = -1;
        TT.hdr.name = TT.hdr.link_target = 0;
    // Add copy of filename (minus trailing \n and /) to dlist **
    static void trim2list(void *list, char *pline)
      char *n = xstrdup(pline);
      int i = strlen(n);
      dlist_add(list, n);
      if (i && n[i-1]=='\n') i--;
      while (i>1 && n[i-1] == '/') i--;
      n[i] = 0;
    // do_lines callback, selects TT.incl or TT.excl based on call order
    static void do_XT(char **pline, long len)
      if (pline) trim2list(TT.X ? &TT.excl : &TT.incl, *pline);
    static  char *get_archiver()
      return FLAG(I) ? TT.I : FLAG(z) ? "gzip" : FLAG(j) ? "bzip2" : "xz";
    void tar_main(void)
      char *s, **xfsed, **args = toys.optargs;
      int len = 0, ii;
      // Needed when extracting to command
      signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
      // Get possible early errors out of the way
      if (!geteuid()) toys.optflags |= FLAG_p;
      if (TT.owner) {
        if (!(s = strchr(TT.owner, ':'))) TT.ouid = xgetuid(TT.owner);
        else {
          TT.owner = xstrndup(TT.owner, s++-TT.owner);
          TT.ouid = atolx_range(s, 0, INT_MAX);
      if (TT.group) {
        if (!(s = strchr(TT.group, ':'))) TT.ggid = xgetgid(TT.group);
        else {
          TT.group = xstrndup(TT.group, s++-TT.group);
          TT.ggid = atolx_range(s, 0, INT_MAX);
      if (TT.mtime) xparsedate(TT.mtime, &TT.mtt, (void *)&s, 1);
      // Collect file list.
      for (; TT.exclude; TT.exclude = TT.exclude->next)
        trim2list(&TT.excl, TT.exclude->arg);
      for (;TT.X; TT.X = TT.X->next) do_lines(xopenro(TT.X->arg), '\n', do_XT);
      for (args = toys.optargs; *args; args++) trim2list(&TT.incl, *args);
      for (;TT.T; TT.T = TT.T->next)
        do_lines(xopenro(TT.T->arg), FLAG(null) ? '\0' : '\n', do_XT);
      // If include file list empty, don't create empty archive
      if (FLAG(c)) {
        if (!TT.incl) error_exit("empty archive");
        TT.fd = 1;
      if (TT.xform) {
        struct arg_list *al;
        for (ii = 0, al = TT.xform; al; al = al->next) ii++;
        xfsed = xmalloc((ii+2)*2*sizeof(char *));
        xfsed[0] = "sed";
        xfsed[1] = "--tarxform";
        for (ii = 2, al = TT.xform; al; al = al->next) {
          xfsed[ii++] = "-e";
          xfsed[ii++] = al->arg;
        xfsed[ii] = 0;
        TT.xfpipe[0] = TT.xfpipe[1] = -1;
        xpopen_both(xfsed, TT.xfpipe);
      // nommu reentry for nonseekable input skips this, parent did it for us
      if (toys.stacktop) {
        if (TT.f && strcmp(TT.f, "-"))
          TT.fd = xcreate(TT.f, TT.fd*(O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC), 0666);
        // Get destination directory
        if (TT.C) xchdir(TT.C);
      // Get destination directory
      TT.cwd = xabspath(s = xgetcwd(), ABS_PATH);
      // Remember archive inode so we don't overwrite it or add it to itself
        struct stat st;
        if (!fstat(TT.fd, &st)) {
          TT.archive_di.ino = st.st_ino;
          TT.archive_di.dev = st.st_dev;
      // Are we reading?
      if (FLAG(x)||FLAG(t)) {
        char *hdr = 0;
        // autodetect compression type when not specified
        if (!(FLAG(j)||FLAG(z)||FLAG(I)||FLAG(J))) {
          len = xread(TT.fd, hdr = toybuf+sizeof(toybuf)-512, 512);
          if (len!=512 || !is_tar_header(hdr)) {
            // detect gzip and bzip signatures
            if (SWAP_BE16(*(short *)hdr)==0x1f8b) toys.optflags |= FLAG_z;
            else if (!smemcmp(hdr, "BZh", 3)) toys.optflags |= FLAG_j;
            else if (peek_be(hdr, 7) == 0xfd377a585a0000UL) toys.optflags |= FLAG_J;
            else error_exit("Not tar");
            // if we can seek back we don't need to loop and copy data
            if (!lseek(TT.fd, -len, SEEK_CUR)) hdr = 0;
        if (FLAG(j)||FLAG(z)||FLAG(I)||FLAG(J)) {
          int pipefd[2] = {hdr ? -1 : TT.fd, -1}, i, pid;
          struct string_list *zcat = FLAG(I) ? 0 : find_in_path(getenv("PATH"),
            FLAG(z) ? "zcat" : FLAG(j) ? "bzcat" : "xzcat");
          // Toybox provides more decompressors than compressors, so try them first
          TT.pid = xpopen_both(zcat ? (char *[]){zcat->str, 0} :
            (char *[]){get_archiver(), "-d", 0}, pipefd);
          if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) llist_traverse(zcat, free);
          if (!hdr) {
            // If we could seek, child gzip inherited fd and we read its output
            TT.fd = pipefd[1];
          } else {
            // If we autodetected type but then couldn't lseek to put the data back
            // we have to loop reading data from TT.fd and pass it to gzip ourselves
            // (starting with the block of data we read to autodetect).
            // dirty trick: move gzip input pipe to stdin so child closes spare copy
            dup2(pipefd[0], 0);
            if (pipefd[0]) close(pipefd[0]);
            // Fork a copy of ourselves to handle extraction (reads from zip output
            // pipe, writes to stdout).
            pipefd[0] = pipefd[1];
            pipefd[1] = 1;
            pid = xpopen_both(0, pipefd);
            // loop writing collated data to zip proc
            xwrite(0, hdr, len);
            for (;;) {
              if ((i = read(TT.fd, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf)))<1) {
              xwrite(0, toybuf, i);
        dirflush(0, 0);
        // Shut up archiver about inability to write all trailing NULs to pipe buf
        if (TT.pid>0) kill(TT.pid, 9);
        // Each time a TT.incl entry is seen it's moved to the end of the list,
        // with TT.seen pointing to first seen list entry. Anything between
        // TT.incl and TT.seen wasn't encountered in archive..
        if (TT.seen != TT.incl) {
          if (!TT.seen) TT.seen = TT.incl;
          while (TT.incl != TT.seen) {
            error_msg("'%s' not in archive", TT.incl->data);
            TT.incl = TT.incl->next;
      // are we writing? (Don't have to test flag here, one of 3 must be set)
      } else {
        struct double_list *dl = TT.incl;
        // autodetect compression type based on -f name. (Use > to avoid.)
        if (TT.f && !FLAG(j) && !FLAG(z) && !FLAG(I) && !FLAG(J)) {
          char *tbz[] = {".tbz", ".tbz2", ".tar.bz", ".tar.bz2"};
          if (strend(TT.f, ".tgz") || strend(TT.f, ".tar.gz"))
            toys.optflags |= FLAG_z;
          if (strend(TT.f, ".txz") || strend(TT.f, ".tar.xz"))
            toys.optflags |= FLAG_J;
          else for (len = 0; len<ARRAY_LEN(tbz); len++)
            if (strend(TT.f, tbz[len])) toys.optflags |= FLAG_j;
        if (FLAG(j)||FLAG(z)||FLAG(I)||FLAG(J)) {
          int pipefd[2] = {-1, TT.fd};
          xpopen_both((char *[]){get_archiver(), 0}, pipefd);
          TT.fd = pipefd[0];
        do {
          TT.warn = 1;
          dirtree_flagread(dl->data, FLAG(h) ? DIRTREE_SYMFOLLOW : 0, add_to_tar);
        } while (TT.incl != (dl = dl->next));
        writeall(TT.fd, toybuf, 1024);
      if (toys.exitval) error_msg("had errors");
      if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) {
        llist_traverse(TT.excl, llist_free_double);
        llist_traverse(TT.incl, llist_free_double);
        while(TT.hlc) free(TT.hlx[--TT.hlc].arg);