Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/POSIX, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9


Комментарии в файле wc.c :

usage: wc -lwcm [FILE...]

Подсчет строк, слов и символов во входных данных.
  • -l Показать строки
  • -w Показать слова
  • -c Показать байты
  • -m Показать символы По умолчанию выводит строки, слова, байты и имя файла для каждого аргумент (или из стандартного ввода, если нет). Отображает только байты или символы.

  • usage: wc -lwcm [FILE...]

    Count lines, words, and characters in input.
  • -l Show lines
  • -w Show words
  • -c Show bytes
  • -m Show characters By default outputs lines, words, bytes, and filename for each argument (or from stdin if none). Displays only either bytes or characters.

  • Исходный текст в файле wc.c

    #define FOR_wc
    #include "toys.h"
      unsigned long totals[4];
    static void show_lengths(unsigned long *lengths, char *name)
      int i, space = 0, first = 1;
      // POSIX says there should never be leading spaces, but accepts that
      // traditional implementations use 7 spaces, unless only one file (or
      // just stdin) is being counted, when there should be no leading spaces,
      // *except* for the case where we're going to output multiple numbers.
      // And, yes, folks have test scripts that rely on all this nonsense :-(
      // Note: sufficiently modern versions of coreutils wc will use the smallest
      // column width necessary to have all columns be equal width rather than 0.
      if (!(!toys.optc && !(toys.optflags & (toys.optflags-1))) && toys.optc!=1)
        space = 7;
      for (i = 0; i<4; i++) {
        if (toys.optflags&(1<<i)) {
          printf(" %*ld"+first, space, lengths[i]);
          first = 0;
        TT.totals[i] += lengths[i];
      if (*toys.optargs) printf(" %s", name);
    static void do_wc(int fd, char *name)
      int len = 0, clen = 1, space = 0;
      unsigned long word = 0, lengths[] = {0,0,0,0};
      // Speed up common case: wc -c normalfile is file length.
      if (toys.optflags == FLAG_c) {
        struct stat st;
        // On Linux, files in /proc often report their size as 0.
        if (!fstat(fd, &st) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && st.st_size) {
          lengths[2] = st.st_size;
          goto show;
      for (;;) {
        int pos, done = 0, len2 = read(fd, toybuf+len, sizeof(toybuf)-len);
        unsigned wchar;
        if (len2<0) perror_msg_raw(name);
        else len += len2;
        if (len2<1) done++;
        for (pos = 0; pos<len; pos++) {
          if (toybuf[pos]=='\n') lengths[0]++;
          if (FLAG(m)) {
            // If we've consumed next wide char
            if (--clen<1) {
              // next wide size, don't count invalid, fetch more data if necessary
              clen = utf8towc(&wchar, toybuf+pos, len-pos);
              if (clen == -1) continue;
              if (clen == -2 && !done) break;
              space = iswspace(wchar);
          } else space = isspace(toybuf[pos]);
          if (space) word=0;
          else {
            if (!word) lengths[1]++;
        if (done) break;
        if (pos != len) memmove(toybuf, toybuf+pos, len-pos);
        len -= pos;
      show_lengths(lengths, name);
    void wc_main(void)
      if (!toys.optflags) toys.optflags = FLAG_l|FLAG_w|FLAG_c;
      loopfiles(toys.optargs, do_wc);
      if (toys.optc>1) show_lengths(TT.totals, "total");