Справочник по консольным командам Toybox для Android 12

  Ver.0.8.4     Ver.0.8.9     Pending  

Путь: Toys/Other, команды версии: Ver.4     Ver.9

Комментарии в файле lsusb.c :

Команд: 2


usage: lspci [-ekmn] [-i FILE]

Список устройств PCI.
  • -e Расширенная (6-значная)
  • -i база данных идентификаторов классов (по умолчанию /etc/pci.ids[.gz])
  • -k Показать драйвер ядра
  • -m Машиночитаемый
  • -n числовой вывод (-nn для обоих)

  • usage: lspci [-ekmn] [-i FILE]

    List PCI devices.
  • -e Extended (6 digit) class
  • -i ID database (default /etc/pci.ids[.gz])
  • -k Show kernel driver
  • -m Machine readable
  • -n Numeric output (-nn for both)

  • lsusb

    usage: lsusb [-i]

    Список USB-хостов/устройств.
  • -i База данных идентификаторов (по умолчанию /etc/usb.ids[.gz])

  • usage: lsusb [-i]

    List USB hosts/devices.
  • -i ID database (default /etc/usb.ids[.gz])

  • Исходный текст в файле lsusb.c

    #define FOR_lsusb
    #include "toys.h"
      char *i;
      long n;
      void *ids, *class;
      int count;
    struct dev_ids {
      struct dev_ids *next, *child;
      int id;
      char name[];
    struct scanloop {
      char *pattern;
      void *d1, *d2;
    // Common function to read uevent file under /proc for both pci and usb
    // note that %s is omitted (because pointer is into toybuf, avoiding copy).
    static int scan_uevent(struct dirtree *new, int len, struct scanloop *sl)
      int ii, count = 0;
      off_t flen = sizeof(toybuf);
      char *ss, *yy;
      // Read data
      if (*new->name == '.') return 0;
      sprintf(toybuf, "%s/uevent", new->name);
      if (!readfileat(dirtree_parentfd(new), ss = toybuf, toybuf, &flen)) return 0;
      // Loop over lines
      while ((flen = strcspn(ss, "\n"))) {
        if (ss[flen]) ss[flen++] = 0;
        yy = ss+flen;
        // Try each pattern
        for (ii = 0; ii<len; ii++) {
          if (strchr(sl[ii].pattern, '%')) {
            if (2-!sl[ii].d2==sscanf(ss, sl[ii].pattern, sl[ii].d1, sl[ii].d2))
          } else if (strstart(&ss, sl[ii].pattern)) {
            *(void **)sl[ii].d1 = ss;
        if (ii!=len) count++;
        ss = yy;
      return count;
    static void get_names(struct dev_ids *ids, int id1, int id2,
      char **name1, char **name2)
      // Look up matching dev_ids (if any)
      *name1 = *name2 = "";
      for (; ids; ids = ids->next) {
        if (id1 != ids->id) continue;
        *name1 = ids->name;
        for (ids = ids->child; ids; ids = ids->next) {
          if (id2 != ids->id) continue;
          *name2 = ids->name;
    // Search for pci.ids or usb.ids and return parsed structure or NULL
    struct dev_ids *parse_dev_ids(char *name, struct dev_ids **and)
      char *path = "/etc:/vendor:/usr/share/misc";
      struct string_list *sl = 0;
      FILE *fp;
      char *s, *ss, *sss;
      struct dev_ids *ids = 0, *new;
      int fd = -1;
      // Open compressed or uncompressed file
      signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
      s = TT.i;
      if (!s) {
        sprintf(toybuf, "%s.gz", name);
        if ((sl = find_in_path(path, toybuf)) || (sl = find_in_path(path, name)))
          s = sl->str;
      if (s && strend(s, ".gz")) xpopen((char *[]){"zcat", sl->str, 0}, &fd, 1);
      else if (s) fd = xopen(s, O_RDONLY);
      llist_traverse(sl, free);
      if (fd == -1) return 0;
      for (fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); (s = ss = xgetline(fp)); free(s)) {
        // TODO parse and use third level instead of skipping it here
        if (s[strspn(s, " \t")]=='#' || strstart(&ss, "\t\t")) continue;
        // Switch to device class list?
        if (strstart(&ss, "C ") && and) {
          *and = ids;
          and = 0;
        fd = estrtol(sss = ss, &ss, 16);
        if (ss>sss && *ss++==' ') {
          while (isspace(*ss)) ss++;
          new = xmalloc(sizeof(*new)+strlen(ss)+1);
          new->child = 0;
          new->id = fd;
          strcpy(new->name, ss);
          if (!ids || *s!='\t') {
            new->next = ids;
            ids = new;
          } else {
            new->next = ids->child;
            ids->child = new;
      return ids;
    static int list_usb(struct dirtree *new)
      int busnum = 0, devnum = 0, pid = 0, vid = 0;
      char *n1, *n2;
      if (!new->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE;
      if (3 == scan_uevent(new, 3, (struct scanloop[]){{"BUSNUM=%u", &busnum, 0},
        {"DEVNUM=%u", &devnum, 0}, {"PRODUCT=%x/%x", &pid, &vid}}))
        get_names(TT.ids, pid, vid, &n1, &n2);
        printf("Bus %03d Device %03d: ID %04x:%04x %s %s\n",
          busnum, devnum, pid, vid, n1, n2);
      return 0;
    void lsusb_main(void)
      // Parse http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids file (if available)
      TT.ids = parse_dev_ids("usb.ids", 0);
      dirtree_read("/sys/bus/usb/devices/", list_usb);
    #define FOR_lspci
    #include "generated/flags.h"
    // TODO: -v
    static int list_pci(struct dirtree *new)
      char *driver = 0, buf[16], *ss, *names[3];
      int cvd[3] = {0}, ii, revision = 0;
      off_t len = sizeof(toybuf);
    // Output formats: -n, -nn, -m, -nm, -nnm, -k
      if (!new->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE;
      if (strlen(new->name)<6) return 0;
      TT.count = 0;
      // Load revision
      sprintf(toybuf, "%s/revision", new->name);
      if (readfileat(dirtree_parentfd(new), ss = toybuf, toybuf, &len)) {
        strstart(&ss, "0x");
        sscanf(ss, "%x", &revision);
      // Load uevent data, look up names in database
      if (3 != scan_uevent(new, 3, (struct scanloop[]){{"DRIVER=", &driver, 0},
        {"PCI_CLASS=%x", cvd, 0}, {"PCI_ID=%x:%x", cvd+1, cvd+2}})) return 0;
      get_names(TT.class, 255&(cvd[0]>>16), 255&(cvd[0]>>8), names, names);
      get_names(TT.ids, cvd[1], cvd[2], names+1, names+2);
      if (!FLAG(e)) cvd[0] >>= 8;
      // Output line according to flags
      printf("%s", new->name+5);
      for (ii = 0; ii<3; ii++) {
        sprintf(buf, "%0*x", 6-2*(ii||!FLAG(e)), cvd[ii]);
        if (!TT.n) printf(FLAG(m) ? " \"%s\"" : ": %s"+(ii!=1), names[ii] ? : buf);
        else if (TT.n==1) printf(FLAG(m) ? " \"%s\"" : (ii==2) ? "%s " : " %s:", buf);
        else if (!FLAG(m)) {
          // This one permutes the order, so do it all first time and abort loop
          printf(" %s [%s]: %s %s [%04x:%04x]", names[0], buf, names[1], names[2],
            cvd[1], cvd[2]);
        } else printf(" \"%s [%s]\"", names[ii], buf);
      printf(FLAG(m) ? " -r%02x" : " (rev %02x)", revision);
      if (FLAG(k)) printf(FLAG(m) ? " \"%s\"" : " %s", driver);
      return 0;
    void lspci_main(void)
      // Parse https://pci-ids.ucw.cz/v2.2/pci.ids (if available)
      if (TT.n != 1) TT.class = parse_dev_ids("pci.ids", (void *)&TT.ids);
      dirtree_read("/sys/bus/pci/devices/", list_pci);