1 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
A23 2 + 2 minutes
(delayed penalty after 3:00)
B Goal
at 4:00
A15 returns at 4:00
The delayed double-minor penalty to A23 is assessed at 4:00
Situation 2 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:30
A23 2 minutes
(delayed penalty after 3:30)
B Goal
at 4:10
No skater returns
Team B goal nullifies the signalled penalty to A23 because Team A was
not short-handed
Situation 3 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:30
A23 2 minutes
at 4:00
B Goal
at 4:30
A15 returns at 4:30 (he had the least amount of time to serve in his
minor penalty)
Situation 4 A15 5 minutes + GM
at 3:00
A23 2 minutes
at 3:30
B12 2 minutes
at 4:00
B Goal
at 4:30
A23 returns at 4:30 because the team was short-handed by reason of
a minor penalty
Situation 5 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:00
A23 2 minutes
at 3:15
B Goal
at 4:30
A23 returns at 4:30 because the team was short-handed by reason of
penalty to A23
Situation 6 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:30
A23 2 minutes
at 4:00
B3 2 minutes
(delayed penalty after 4:00)
A Goal
at 4:30
Delayed penalty to B3 is cancelled by goal because the penalty to B12
does not make Team B short-handed
Situation 7 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:30
A23 2 minutes
at 4:00
A6 2 minutes
(delayed penalty after 4:00)
B Goal
at 4:30
A15 returns at 4:30
The delayed penalty to A6 begins at 4:30
Situation 8 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:30
A23 2 minutes
at 4:00
B Goal
at 5:00
A15 returns at 5:00 because his minor penalty is finished
Teams are at equal strength at the time of the goal
Situation 9 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
A23 2 minutes
at 3:30
B12 2 minutes
at 4:00
B Goal
at 4:30
A15 returns at 4:30
Situation 10 B12 2 minutes
at 3:00
A15 2 minutes
at 3:30
A23 5 minutes + GM
at 4:00
B Goal
at 4:30
A15 returns at 4:30
Situation 11 A15 5 minutes + GM
at 3:00
B12 5 minutes + GM
at 3:30
A23 2 minutes
at 4:00
B Goal
at 4:30
A23 returns at 4:30 because Team A is short-handed by reason of a
minor penalty
Situation 12 A15 2 minutes
at 3:00
B12 2 minutes
at 3:00
A23 5 minutes + GM
at 3:30
A6 2 minutes
(delayed penalty after 3:30)
B Goal
at 4:30
The penalty to A6 is cancelled (unless it is a major or match penalty)
because Team A is not short-handed by reason of a minor penalty