| Built in functions Объект request_rec имеет (как минимум) следующие методы:
r:flush() -- flushes the output buffer.
-- Returns true if the flush was successful, false otherwise.
while we_have_stuff_to_send do
r:puts("Bla bla bla\n") -- print something to client
r:flush() -- flush the buffer (send to client)
r.usleep(500000) -- fake processing time for 0.5 sec. and repeat
r:addoutputfilter(name|function) -- add an output filter:
r:addoutputfilter("fooFilter") -- add the fooFilter to the output stream
r:sendfile(filename) -- sends an entire file to the client, using sendfile if supported by the current platform:
if use_sendfile_thing then
r:parseargs() -- returns two tables; one standard key/value table for regular GET data,
-- and one for multi-value data (fx. foo=1&foo=2&foo=3):
local GET, GETMULTI = r:parseargs()
r:puts("Your name is: " .. GET['name'] or "Unknown")
r:parsebody([sizeLimit]) -- parse the request body as a POST and return two lua tables,
-- just like r:parseargs().
-- An optional number may be passed to specify the maximum number
-- of bytes to parse. Default is 8192 bytes:
local POST, POSTMULTI = r:parsebody(1024*1024)
r:puts("Your name is: " .. POST['name'] or "Unknown")
r:puts("hello", " world", "!") -- print to response body, self explanatory
r:write("a single string") -- print to response body, self explanatory
r:escape_html("<html>test</html>") -- Escapes HTML code and returns the escaped result
r:base64_encode(string) -- Encodes a string using the Base64 encoding standard:
local encoded = r:base64_encode("This is a test") -- returns VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=
r:base64_decode(string) -- Decodes a Base64-encoded string:
local decoded = r:base64_decode("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=") -- returns 'This is a test'
r:md5(string) -- Calculates and returns the MD5 digest of a string (binary safe):
local hash = r:md5("This is a test") -- returns ce114e4501d2f4e2dcea3e17b546f339
r:sha1(string) -- Calculates and returns the SHA1 digest of a string (binary safe):
local hash = r:sha1("This is a test") -- returns a54d88e06612d820bc3be72877c74f257b561b19
r:escape(string) -- URL-Escapes a string:
local url = "http://foo.bar/1 2 3 & 4 + 5"
local escaped = r:escape(url) -- returns 'http%3a%2f%2ffoo.bar%2f1+2+3+%26+4+%2b+5'
r:unescape(string) -- Unescapes an URL-escaped string:
local url = "http%3a%2f%2ffoo.bar%2f1+2+3+%26+4+%2b+5"
local unescaped = r:unescape(url) -- returns 'http://foo.bar/1 2 3 & 4 + 5'
r:construct_url(string) -- Constructs an URL from an URI
local url = r:construct_url(r.uri)
r.mpm_query(number) -- Queries the server for MPM information using ap_mpm_query:
local mpm = r.mpm_query(14)
if mpm == 1 then
r:puts("This server uses the Event MPM")
r:expr(string) -- Evaluates an expr string.
if r:expr("%{HTTP_HOST} =~ /^www/") then
r:puts("This host name starts with www")
r:scoreboard_process(a) -- Queries the server for information about the process at position a :
local process = r:scoreboard_process(1)
r:puts("Server 1 has PID " .. process.pid)
r:scoreboard_worker(a, b) -- Queries for information about the worker thread, b , in process a :
local thread = r:scoreboard_worker(1, 1)
r:puts("Server 1's thread 1 has thread ID " .. thread.tid .. " and is in " .. thread.status .. " status")
r:clock() -- Returns the current time with microsecond precision
r:requestbody(filename) -- Reads and returns the request body of a request.
-- If 'filename' is specified, it instead saves the
-- contents to that file:
local input = r:requestbody()
r:puts("You sent the following request body to me:\n")
r:add_input_filter(filter_name) -- Adds 'filter_name' as an input filter
r.module_info(module_name) -- Queries the server for information about a module
local mod = r.module_info("mod_lua.c")
if mod then
for k, v in pairs(mod.commands) do
r:puts( ("%s: %s\n"):format(k,v)) -- print out all directives accepted by this module
r:loaded_modules() -- Returns a list of modules loaded by httpd:
for k, module in pairs(r:loaded_modules()) do
r:puts("I have loaded module " .. module .. "\n")
r:runtime_dir_relative(filename) -- Compute the name of a run-time file (e.g., shared memory "file")
-- relative to the appropriate run-time directory.
r:server_info() -- Returns a table containing server information, such as
-- the name of the httpd executable file, mpm used etc.
r:set_document_root(file_path) -- Sets the document root for the request to file_path
r:set_context_info(prefix, docroot) -- Sets the context prefix and context document root for a request
r:os_escape_path(file_path) -- Converts an OS path to a URL in an OS dependent way
r:escape_logitem(string) -- Escapes a string for logging
r.strcmp_match(string, pattern) -- Checks if 'string' matches 'pattern' using strcmp_match (globs).
-- fx. whether 'www.example.com' matches '*.example.com':
local match = r.strcmp_match("foobar.com", "foo*.com")
if match then
r:puts("foobar.com matches foo*.com")
r:set_keepalive() -- Sets the keepalive status for a request. Returns true if possible, false otherwise.
r:make_etag() -- Constructs and returns the etag for the current request.
r:send_interim_response(clear) -- Sends an interim (1xx) response to the client.
-- if 'clear' is true, available headers will be sent and cleared.
r:custom_response(status_code, string) -- Construct and set a custom response for a given status code.
-- This works much like the ErrorDocument directive:
r:custom_response(404, "Baleted!")
r.exists_config_define(string) -- Checks whether a configuration definition exists or not:
if r.exists_config_define("FOO") then
r:puts("httpd was probably run with -DFOO, or it was defined in the configuration")
r:state_query(string) -- Queries the server for state information
r:stat(filename [,wanted]) -- Runs stat() on a file, and returns a table with file information:
local info = r:stat("/var/www/foo.txt")
if info then
r:puts("This file exists and was last modified at: " .. info.modified)
r:regex(string, pattern [,flags]) -- Runs a regular expression match on a string, returning captures if matched:
local matches = r:regex("foo bar baz", [[foo (\w+) (\S*)]])
if matches then
r:puts("The regex matched, and the last word captured ($2) was: " .. matches[2])
-- Example ignoring case sensitivity:
local matches = r:regex("FOO bar BAz", [[(foo) bar]], 1)
-- Flags can be a bitwise combination of:
-- 0x01: Ignore case
-- 0x02: Multiline search
r.usleep(number_of_microseconds) -- Puts the script to sleep for a given number of microseconds.
r:dbacquire(dbType[, dbParams]) -- Acquires a connection to a database and returns a database class.
-- See 'Database connectivity' for details.
r:ivm_set("key", value) -- Set an Inter-VM variable to hold a specific value.
-- These values persist even though the VM is gone or not being used,
-- and so should only be used if MaxConnectionsPerChild is > 0
-- Values can be numbers, strings and booleans, and are stored on a
-- per process basis (so they won't do much good with a prefork mpm)
r:ivm_get("key") -- Fetches a variable set by ivm_set. Returns the contents of the variable
-- if it exists or nil if no such variable exists.
-- An example getter/setter that saves a global variable outside the VM:
function handle(r)
-- First VM to call this will get no value, and will have to create it
local foo = r:ivm_get("cached_data")
if not foo then
foo = do_some_calcs() -- fake some return value
r:ivm_set("cached_data", foo) -- set it globally
r:puts("Cached data is: ", foo)
r:htpassword(string [,algorithm [,cost]]) -- Creates a password hash from a string.
-- algorithm: 0 = APMD5 (default), 1 = SHA, 2 = BCRYPT, 3 = CRYPT.
-- cost: only valid with BCRYPT algorithm (default = 5).
r:mkdir(dir [,mode]) -- Creates a directory and sets mode to optional mode parameter.
r:mkrdir(dir [,mode]) -- Creates directories recursive and sets mode to optional mode parameter.
r:rmdir(dir) -- Removes a directory.
r:touch(file [,mtime]) -- Sets the file modification time to current time or to optional mtime msec value.
r:get_direntries(dir) -- Returns a table with all directory entries.
function handle(r)
local dir = r.context_document_root
for _, f in ipairs(r:get_direntries(dir)) do
local info = r:stat(dir .. "/" .. f)
if info then
local mtime = os.date(fmt, info.mtime / 1000000)
local ftype = (info.filetype == 2) and "[dir] " or "[file]"
r:puts( ("%s %s %10i %s\n"):format(ftype, mtime, info.size, f) )
r.date_parse_rfc(string) -- Parses a date/time string and returns seconds since epoche.
r:getcookie(key) -- Gets a HTTP cookie
key = [key],
value = [value],
expires = [expiry],
secure = [boolean],
httponly = [boolean],
path = [path],
domain = [domain]
} -- Sets a HTTP cookie, for instance:
key = "cookie1",
value = "HDHfa9eyffh396rt",
expires = os.time() + 86400,
secure = true
r:wsupgrade() -- Upgrades a connection to WebSockets if possible (and requested):
if r:wsupgrade() then -- if we can upgrade:
r:wswrite("Welcome to websockets!") -- write something to the client
r:wsclose() -- goodbye!
r:wsread() -- Reads a WebSocket frame from a WebSocket upgraded connection (see above):
local line, isFinal = r:wsread() -- isFinal denotes whether this is the final frame.
-- If it isn't, then more frames can be read
r:wswrite("You wrote: " .. line)
r:wswrite(line) -- Writes a frame to a WebSocket client:
r:wswrite("Hello, world!")
r:wsclose() -- Closes a WebSocket request and terminates it for httpd:
if r:wsupgrade() then
r:wswrite("Write something: ")
local line = r:wsread() or "nothing"
r:wswrite("You wrote: " .. line);