Директивы Apache 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 Built in functions RU EN The request_rec object has (at least) the following methods: r:flush() -- flushes the output buffer. -- Returns true if the flush was successful, false otherwise. while we_have_stuff_to_send do r:puts("Bla bla bla\n") -- print something to client r:flush() -- flush the buffer (send to client) r.usleep(500000) -- fake processing time for 0.5 sec. and repeat end r:addoutputfilter(name|function) -- add an output filter: r:addoutputfilter("fooFilter") -- add the fooFilter to the output stream r:sendfile(filename) -- sends an entire file to the client, using sendfile if supported by the current platform: if use_sendfile_thing then r:sendfile("/var/www/large_file.img") end r:parseargs() -- returns two tables; one standard key/value table for regular GET data, -- and one for multi-value data (fx. foo=1&foo=2&foo=3): local GET, GETMULTI = r:parseargs() r:puts("Your name is: " .. GET['name'] or "Unknown") r:parsebody([sizeLimit]) -- parse the request body as a POST and return two lua tables, -- just like r:parseargs(). -- An optional number may be passed to specify the maximum number -- of bytes to parse. Default is 8192 bytes: local POST, POSTMULTI = r:parsebody(1024*1024) r:puts("Your name is: " .. POST['name'] or "Unknown") r:puts("hello", " world", "!") -- print to response body, self explanatory r:write("a single string") -- print to response body, self explanatory r:escape_html("<html>test</html>") -- Escapes HTML code and returns the escaped result r:base64_encode(string) -- Encodes a string using the Base64 encoding standard: local encoded = r:base64_encode("This is a test") -- returns VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q= r:base64_decode(string) -- Decodes a Base64-encoded string: local decoded = r:base64_decode("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=") -- returns 'This is a test' r:md5(string) -- Calculates and returns the MD5 digest of a string (binary safe): local hash = r:md5("This is a test") -- returns ce114e4501d2f4e2dcea3e17b546f339 r:sha1(string) -- Calculates and returns the SHA1 digest of a string (binary safe): local hash = r:sha1("This is a test") -- returns a54d88e06612d820bc3be72877c74f257b561b19 r:escape(string) -- URL-Escapes a string: local url = "http://foo.bar/1 2 3 & 4 + 5" local escaped = r:escape(url) -- returns 'http%3a%2f%2ffoo.bar%2f1+2+3+%26+4+%2b+5' r:unescape(string) -- Unescapes an URL-escaped string: local url = "http%3a%2f%2ffoo.bar%2f1+2+3+%26+4+%2b+5" local unescaped = r:unescape(url) -- returns 'http://foo.bar/1 2 3 & 4 + 5' r:construct_url(string) -- Constructs an URL from an URI local url = r:construct_url(r.uri) r.mpm_query(number) -- Queries the server for MPM information using ap_mpm_query: local mpm = r.mpm_query(14) if mpm == 1 then r:puts("This server uses the Event MPM") end r:expr(string) -- Evaluates an expr string. if r:expr("%{HTTP_HOST} =~ /^www/") then r:puts("This host name starts with www") end r:scoreboard_process(a) -- Queries the server for information about the process at position
r:scoreboard_worker(a, b) -- Queries for information about the worker thread, r:clock() -- Returns the current time with microsecond precision r:requestbody(filename) -- Reads and returns the request body of a request. -- If 'filename' is specified, it instead saves the -- contents to that file: local input = r:requestbody() r:puts("You sent the following request body to me:\n") r:puts(input) r:add_input_filter(filter_name) -- Adds 'filter_name' as an input filter r.module_info(module_name) -- Queries the server for information about a module local mod = r.module_info("mod_lua.c") if mod then for k, v in pairs(mod.commands) do r:puts( ("%s: %s\n"):format(k,v)) -- print out all directives accepted by this module end end r:loaded_modules() -- Returns a list of modules loaded by httpd: for k, module in pairs(r:loaded_modules()) do r:puts("I have loaded module " .. module .. "\n") end r:runtime_dir_relative(filename) -- Compute the name of a run-time file (e.g., shared memory "file") -- relative to the appropriate run-time directory. r:server_info() -- Returns a table containing server information, such as -- the name of the httpd executable file, mpm used etc. r:set_document_root(file_path) -- Sets the document root for the request to file_path r:set_context_info(prefix, docroot) -- Sets the context prefix and context document root for a request r:os_escape_path(file_path) -- Converts an OS path to a URL in an OS dependent way r:escape_logitem(string) -- Escapes a string for logging r.strcmp_match(string, pattern) -- Checks if 'string' matches 'pattern' using strcmp_match (globs). -- fx. whether 'www.example.com' matches '*.example.com': local match = r.strcmp_match("foobar.com", "foo*.com") if match then r:puts("foobar.com matches foo*.com") end r:set_keepalive() -- Sets the keepalive status for a request. Returns true if possible, false otherwise. r:make_etag() -- Constructs and returns the etag for the current request. r:send_interim_response(clear) -- Sends an interim (1xx) response to the client. -- if 'clear' is true, available headers will be sent and cleared. r:custom_response(status_code, string) -- Construct and set a custom response for a given status code. -- This works much like the ErrorDocument directive: r:custom_response(404, "Baleted!") r.exists_config_define(string) -- Checks whether a configuration definition exists or not: if r.exists_config_define("FOO") then r:puts("httpd was probably run with -DFOO, or it was defined in the configuration") end r:state_query(string) -- Queries the server for state information r:stat(filename [,wanted]) -- Runs stat() on a file, and returns a table with file information: local info = r:stat("/var/www/foo.txt") if info then r:puts("This file exists and was last modified at: " .. info.modified) end r:regex(string, pattern [,flags]) -- Runs a regular expression match on a string, returning captures if matched: local matches = r:regex("foo bar baz", [[foo (\w+) (\S*)]]) if matches then r:puts("The regex matched, and the last word captured ($2) was: " .. matches[2]) end -- Example ignoring case sensitivity: local matches = r:regex("FOO bar BAz", [[(foo) bar]], 1) -- Flags can be a bitwise combination of: -- 0x01: Ignore case -- 0x02: Multiline search r.usleep(number_of_microseconds) -- Puts the script to sleep for a given number of microseconds. r:dbacquire(dbType[, dbParams]) -- Acquires a connection to a database and returns a database class. -- See 'Database connectivity' for details. r:ivm_set("key", value) -- Set an Inter-VM variable to hold a specific value. -- These values persist even though the VM is gone or not being used, -- and so should only be used if MaxConnectionsPerChild is > 0 -- Values can be numbers, strings and booleans, and are stored on a -- per process basis (so they won't do much good with a prefork mpm) r:ivm_get("key") -- Fetches a variable set by ivm_set. Returns the contents of the variable -- if it exists or nil if no such variable exists. -- An example getter/setter that saves a global variable outside the VM: function handle(r) -- First VM to call this will get no value, and will have to create it local foo = r:ivm_get("cached_data") if not foo then foo = do_some_calcs() -- fake some return value r:ivm_set("cached_data", foo) -- set it globally end r:puts("Cached data is: ", foo) end r:htpassword(string [,algorithm [,cost]]) -- Creates a password hash from a string. -- algorithm: 0 = APMD5 (default), 1 = SHA, 2 = BCRYPT, 3 = CRYPT. -- cost: only valid with BCRYPT algorithm (default = 5). r:mkdir(dir [,mode]) -- Creates a directory and sets mode to optional mode parameter. r:mkrdir(dir [,mode]) -- Creates directories recursive and sets mode to optional mode parameter. r:rmdir(dir) -- Removes a directory. r:touch(file [,mtime]) -- Sets the file modification time to current time or to optional mtime msec value. r:get_direntries(dir) -- Returns a table with all directory entries. function handle(r) local dir = r.context_document_root for _, f in ipairs(r:get_direntries(dir)) do local info = r:stat(dir .. "/" .. f) if info then local mtime = os.date(fmt, info.mtime / 1000000) local ftype = (info.filetype == 2) and "[dir] " or "[file]" r:puts( ("%s %s %10i %s\n"):format(ftype, mtime, info.size, f) ) end end end r.date_parse_rfc(string) -- Parses a date/time string and returns seconds since epoche. r:getcookie(key) -- Gets a HTTP cookie r:setcookie{ key = [key], value = [value], expires = [expiry], secure = [boolean], httponly = [boolean], path = [path], domain = [domain] } -- Sets a HTTP cookie, for instance: r:setcookie{ key = "cookie1", value = "HDHfa9eyffh396rt", expires = os.time() + 86400, secure = true } r:wsupgrade() -- Upgrades a connection to WebSockets if possible (and requested): if r:wsupgrade() then -- if we can upgrade: r:wswrite("Welcome to websockets!") -- write something to the client r:wsclose() -- goodbye! end r:wsread() -- Reads a WebSocket frame from a WebSocket upgraded connection (see above): local line, isFinal = r:wsread() -- isFinal denotes whether this is the final frame. -- If it isn't, then more frames can be read r:wswrite("You wrote: " .. line) r:wswrite(line) -- Writes a frame to a WebSocket client: r:wswrite("Hello, world!") r:wsclose() -- Closes a WebSocket request and terminates it for httpd: if r:wsupgrade() then r:wswrite("Write something: ") local line = r:wsread() or "nothing" r:wswrite("You wrote: " .. line); r:wswrite("Goodbye!") r:wsclose() end RU EN |
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