Apache. Документация на русском

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Список директив: Core  |  ModRewrite  |  Lua  |  Proxy  |  SSL

Директивы Core Features

  1. AcceptFilter

  2. AcceptPathInfo

  3. AccessFileName

  4. AddDefaultCharset

  5. AllowEncodedSlashes

  6. AllowOverride

  7. AllowOverrideList

  8. CGIMapExtension

  9. CGIPassAuth

  10. CGIVar

  11. ContentDigest

  12. DefaultRuntimeDir

  13. DefaultType

  14. Define

  15. Directory

  16. DirectoryMatch

  17. DocumentRoot

  18. Else

  19. ElseIf

  20. EnableMMAP

  21. EnableSendfile

  22. Error

  23. ErrorDocument

  24. ErrorLog

  25. ErrorLogFormat

  26. ExtendedStatus

  27. FileETag

  28. Files

  29. FilesMatch

  30. ForceType

  31. GprofDir

  32. HostnameLookups

  33. HttpProtocolOptions

  34. If

  35. IfDefine

  36. IfModule

  37. Include

  38. IncludeOptional

  39. KeepAlive

  40. KeepAliveTimeout

  41. Limit

  42. LimitExcept

  43. LimitInternalRecursion

  44. LimitRequestBody

  45. LimitRequestFields

  46. LimitRequestFieldSize

  47. LimitRequestLine

  48. LimitXMLRequestBody

  49. Location

  50. LocationMatch

  51. LogLevel

  52. MaxKeepAliveRequests

  53. MaxRangeOverlaps

  54. MaxRangeReversals

  55. MaxRanges

  56. MergeTrailers

  57. Mutex

  58. NameVirtualHost

  59. Options

  60. Protocol

  61. Protocols

  62. ProtocolsHonorOrder

  63. QualifyRedirectURL

  64. RegisterHttpMethod

  65. RLimitCPU

  66. RLimitMEM

  67. RLimitNPROC

  68. ScriptInterpreterSource

  69. SeeRequestTail

  70. ServerAdmin

  71. ServerAlias

  72. ServerName

  73. ServerPath

  74. ServerRoot

  75. ServerSignature

  76. ServerTokens

  77. SetHandler

  78. SetInputFilter

  79. SetOutputFilter

  80. TimeOut

  81. TraceEnable

  82. UnDefine

  83. UseCanonicalName

  84. UseCanonicalPhysicalPort

  85. VirtualHost

    Директивы ModRewrite

  86. Summary and logging

  87. RewriteBase

  88. RewriteCond

  89. RewriteEngine

  90. RewriteMap

  91. RewriteOptions

  92. RewriteRule

    Модули Lua

  93. Summary

  94. Basic Configuration

  95. Writing Handlers

  96. Writing Authorization Providers

  97. Writing Hooks

  98. Data Structures

  99. Built in functions

  100. Logging Functions

  101. apache2 Package

  102. Modifying contents with Lua filters

  103. Database connectivity

  104. LuaAuthzProvider

  105. LuaCodeCache

  106. LuaHookAccessChecker

  107. LuaHookAuthChecker

  108. LuaHookCheckUserID

  109. LuaHookFixups

  110. LuaHookInsertFilter

  111. LuaHookLog

  112. LuaHookMapToStorage

  113. LuaHookTranslateName

  114. LuaHookTypeChecker

  115. LuaInherit

  116. LuaInputFilter

  117. LuaMapHandler

  118. LuaOutputFilter

  119. LuaPackageCPath

  120. LuaPackagePath

  121. LuaQuickHandler

  122. LuaRoot

  123. LuaScope

    Модули Proxy

  124. Summary

  125. Forward Proxies and Reverse Proxies/Gateways

  126. Basic Examples

  127. Access via Handler

  128. Workers

  129. Controlling Access to Your Proxy

  130. Slow Startup

  131. Intranet Proxy

  132. Protocol Adjustments

  133. Request Bodies

  134. Reverse Proxy Request Headers

  135. BalancerGrowth

  136. BalancerInherit

  137. BalancerMember

  138. BalancerPersist

  139. NoProxy

  140. <Proxy>

  141. ProxyAddHeaders

  142. ProxyBadHeader

  143. ProxyBlock

  144. ProxyDomain

  145. ProxyErrorOverride

  146. ProxyIOBufferSize

  147. <ProxyMatch>

  148. ProxyMaxForwards

  149. ProxyPass

  150. ProxyPassInherit

  151. ProxyPassInterpolateEnv

  152. ProxyPassMatch

  153. ProxyPassReverse

  154. ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain

  155. ProxyPassReverseCookiePath

  156. ProxyPreserveHost

  157. ProxyReceiveBufferSize

  158. ProxyRemote

  159. ProxyRemoteMatch

  160. ProxyRequests

  161. ProxySet

  162. ProxySourceAddress

  163. ProxyStatus

  164. ProxyTimeout

  165. ProxyVia

    Модули SSL

  166. Summary

  167. Environment Variables

  168. Custom Log Formats

  169. Request Notes

  170. Expression Parser Extension

  171. Authorization providers for use with Require

  172. SSLCACertificateFile

  173. SSLCACertificatePath

  174. SSLCADNRequestFile

  175. SSLCADNRequestPath

  176. SSLCARevocationCheck

  177. SSLCARevocationFile

  178. SSLCARevocationPath

  179. SSLCertificateChainFile

  180. SSLCertificateFile

  181. SSLCertificateKeyFile

  182. SSLCipherSuite

  183. SSLCompression

  184. SSLCryptoDevice

  185. SSLEngine

  186. SSLFIPS

  187. SSLHonorCipherOrder

  188. SSLInsecureRenegotiation

  189. SSLOCSPDefaultResponder

  190. SSLOCSPEnable

  191. SSLOCSPNoverify

  192. SSLOCSPOverrideResponder

  193. SSLOCSPProxyURL

  194. SSLOCSPResponderCertificateFile

  195. SSLOCSPResponderTimeout

  196. SSLOCSPResponseMaxAge

  197. SSLOCSPResponseTimeSkew

  198. SSLOCSPUseRequestNonce

  199. SSLOpenSSLConfCmd

  200. SSLOptions

  201. SSLPassPhraseDialog

  202. SSLProtocol

  203. SSLProxyCACertificateFile

  204. SSLProxyCACertificatePath

  205. SSLProxyCARevocationCheck

  206. SSLProxyCARevocationFile

  207. SSLProxyCARevocationPath

  208. SSLProxyCheckPeerCN

  209. SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire

  210. SSLProxyCheckPeerName

  211. SSLProxyCipherSuite

  212. SSLProxyEngine

  213. SSLProxyMachineCertificateChainFile

  214. SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile

  215. SSLProxyMachineCertificatePath

  216. SSLProxyProtocol

  217. SSLProxyVerify

  218. SSLProxyVerifyDepth

  219. SSLRandomSeed

  220. SSLRenegBufferSize

  221. SSLRequire

  222. SSLRequireSSL

  223. SSLSessionCache

  224. SSLSessionCacheTimeout

  225. SSLSessionTicketKeyFile

  226. SSLSessionTickets

  227. SSLSRPUnknownUserSeed

  228. SSLSRPVerifierFile

  229. SSLStaplingCache

  230. SSLStaplingErrorCacheTimeout

  231. SSLStaplingFakeTryLater

  232. SSLStaplingForceURL

  233. SSLStaplingResponderTimeout

  234. SSLStaplingResponseMaxAge

  235. SSLStaplingResponseTimeSkew

  236. SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors

  237. SSLStaplingStandardCacheTimeout

  238. SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck

  239. SSLUserName

  240. SSLUseStapling

  241. SSLVerifyClient

  242. SSLVerifyDepth
