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   lvcreate    ( 8 )

создать логический том (Create a logical volume)

Использование (Usage)

Create a linear LV.

lvcreate -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ --type linear ] (implied) [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a striped LV.

lvcreate -i|--stripes Number -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ --type striped ] (implied) [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a raid1 or mirror LV.

lvcreate -m|--mirrors Number -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ --type raid1|mirror ] (implied) [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -R|--regionsize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --mirrorlog core|disk ] [ --[raid]minrecoveryrate Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --[raid]maxrecoveryrate Size[k|UNIT] ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a raid LV (a specific raid level must be used, e.g. raid1).

lvcreate --type raid -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -m|--mirrors Number ] [ -R|--regionsize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --[raid]minrecoveryrate Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --[raid]maxrecoveryrate Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --raidintegrity y|n ] [ --raidintegritymode String ] [ --raidintegrityblocksize Number ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a raid10 LV.

lvcreate -m|--mirrors Number -i|--stripes Number -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ --type raid10 ] (implied) [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -R|--regionsize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --[raid]minrecoveryrate Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --[raid]maxrecoveryrate Size[k|UNIT] ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a COW snapshot LV of an origin LV.

lvcreate -s|--snapshot -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] LV [ --type snapshot ] (implied) [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -c|--chunksize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a thin pool.

lvcreate --type thin-pool -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -T|--thin ] [ -c|--chunksize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --thinpool LV_new ] [ --discards passdown|nopassdown|ignore ] [ --errorwhenfull y|n ] [ --poolmetadatasize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --poolmetadataspare y|n ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a cache pool.

lvcreate --type cache-pool -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -H|--cache ] [ -c|--chunksize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --cachemode writethrough|writeback|passthrough ] [ --cachepolicy String ] [ --cachesettings String ] [ --cachemetadataformat auto|1|2 ] [ --poolmetadatasize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --poolmetadataspare y|n ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a thin LV in a thin pool.

lvcreate -V|--virtualsize Size[m|UNIT] --thinpool LV VG [ --type thin ] (implied) [ -T|--thin ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

Create a thin LV that is a snapshot of an existing thin LV.

lvcreate -s|--snapshot LV1 [ --type thin ] (implied) [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

LV1 types: thin

Create a thin LV that is a snapshot of an external origin LV.

lvcreate --type thin --thinpool LV LV [ -T|--thin ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

Create a LV that returns VDO when used.

lvcreate --type vdo -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -V|--virtualsize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --vdo ] [ --vdopool LV_new ] [ --compression y|n ] [ --deduplication y|n ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachepool which converts the new LV to type cache.

lvcreate --type cache -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] --cachepool LV VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -H|--cache ] [ -c|--chunksize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --cachemode writethrough|writeback|passthrough ] [ --cachepolicy String ] [ --cachesettings String ] [ --cachemetadataformat auto|1|2 ] [ --poolmetadatasize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --poolmetadataspare y|n ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachevol which converts the new LV to type cache.

lvcreate --type cache -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] --cachevol LV VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -c|--chunksize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --cachemode writethrough|writeback|passthrough ] [ --cachepolicy String ] [ --cachesettings String ] [ --cachemetadataformat auto|1|2 ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a new LV, then attach a cachevol created from the specified cache device, which converts the new LV to type cache.

lvcreate --type cache -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] --cachedevice PV VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ -c|--chunksize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --cachesize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --cachemode writethrough|writeback|passthrough ] [ --cachepolicy String ] [ --cachesettings String ] [ --cachemetadataformat auto|1|2 ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a new LV, then attach the specified cachevol which converts the new LV to type writecache.

lvcreate --type writecache -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] --cachevol LV VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --cachesettings String ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Create a new LV, then attach a cachevol created from the specified cache device, which converts the new LV to type writecache.

lvcreate --type writecache -L|--size Size[m|UNIT] --cachedevice PV VG [ -l|--extents Number[PERCENT] ] [ -i|--stripes Number ] [ -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT] ] [ --cachesize Size[m|UNIT] ] [ --cachesettings String ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] [ PV ... ]

Common options for command: [ -a|--activate y|n|ay ] [ -A|--autobackup y|n ] [ -C|--contiguous y|n ] [ -K|--ignoreactivationskip ] [ -j|--major Number ] [ -n|--name String ] [ -p|--permission rw|r ] [ -M|--persistent y|n ] [ -r|--readahead auto|none|Number ] [ -k|--setactivationskip y|n ] [ -W|--wipesignatures y|n ] [ -Z|--zero y|n ] [ --addtag Tag ] [ --alloc contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere| inherit ] [ --ignoremonitoring ] [ --metadataprofile String ] [ --minor Number ] [ --monitor y|n ] [ --nosync ] [ --noudevsync ] [ --reportformat basic|json ] [ --setautoactivation y|n ]

Common options for lvm: [ -d|--debug ] [ -h|--help ] [ -q|--quiet ] [ -t|--test ] [ -v|--verbose ] [ -y|--yes ] [ --commandprofile String ] [ --config String ] [ --devices PV ] [ --devicesfile String ] [ --driverloaded y|n ] [ --lockopt String ] [ --longhelp ] [ --nolocking ] [ --profile String ] [ --version ]