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   tc-cake    ( 8 )

расширенные общие приложения (CAKE) (Common Applications Kept Enhanced (CAKE))

Имя (Name)

CAKE - Common Applications Kept Enhanced (CAKE)

Синопсис (Synopsis)

tc qdisc ... cake [ bandwidth RATE | unlimited* | autorate-ingress ] [ rtt TIME | datacentre | lan | metro | regional | internet* | oceanic | satellite | interplanetary ] [ besteffort | diffserv8 | diffserv4 | diffserv3* ] [ flowblind | srchost | dsthost | hosts | flows | dual-srchost | dual-dsthost | triple-isolate* ] [ nat | nonat* ] [ wash | nowash* ] [ split-gso* | no-split-gso ] [ ack-filter | ack-filter-aggressive | no-ack-filter* ] [ memlimit LIMIT ] [ fwmark MASK ] [ ptm | atm | noatm* ] [ overhead N | conservative | raw* ] [ mpu N ] [ ingress | egress* ] (* marks defaults)

Описание (Description)

CAKE (Common Applications Kept Enhanced) is a shaping-capable queue discipline which uses both AQM and FQ. It combines COBALT, which is an AQM algorithm combining Codel and BLUE, a shaper which operates in deficit mode, and a variant of DRR++ for flow isolation. 8-way set-associative hashing is used to virtually eliminate hash collisions. Priority queuing is available through a simplified diffserv implementation. Overhead compensation for various encapsulation schemes is tightly integrated.

All settings are optional; the default settings are chosen to be sensible in most common deployments. Most people will only need to set the bandwidth parameter to get useful results, but reading the Overhead Compensation and Round Trip Time sections is strongly encouraged.