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   pcrebuild    ( 3 )

Perl-совместимые регулярные выражения (Perl-compatible regular expressions)


By default, a library called libpcre is built, containing functions that take string arguments contained in vectors of bytes, either as single-byte characters, or interpreted as UTF-8 strings. You can also build a separate library, called libpcre16, in which strings are contained in vectors of 16-bit data units and interpreted either as single-unit characters or UTF-16 strings, by adding


to the configure command. You can also build yet another separate library, called libpcre32, in which strings are contained in vectors of 32-bit data units and interpreted either as single- unit characters or UTF-32 strings, by adding


to the configure command. If you do not want the 8-bit library, add


as well. At least one of the three libraries must be built. Note that the C++ and POSIX wrappers are for the 8-bit library only, and that pcregrep is an 8-bit program. None of these are built if you select only the 16-bit or 32-bit libraries.