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   pcrebuild    ( 3 )

Perl-совместимые регулярные выражения (Perl-compatible regular expressions)


If your C compiler is gcc, you can build a version of PCRE that can generate a code coverage report for its test suite. To enable this, you must install lcov version 1.6 or above. Then specify


to the configure command and build PCRE in the usual way.

Note that using ccache (a caching C compiler) is incompatible with code coverage reporting. If you have configured ccache to run automatically on your system, you must set the environment variable


before running make to build PCRE, so that ccache is not used.

When --enable-coverage is used, the following addition targets are added to the Makefile:

make coverage

This creates a fresh coverage report for the PCRE test suite. It is equivalent to running "make coverage-reset", "make coverage- baseline", "make check", and then "make coverage-report".

make coverage-reset

This zeroes the coverage counters, but does nothing else.

make coverage-baseline

This captures baseline coverage information.

make coverage-report

This creates the coverage report.

make coverage-clean-report

This removes the generated coverage report without cleaning the coverage data itself.

make coverage-clean-data

This removes the captured coverage data without removing the coverage files created at compile time (*.gcno).

make coverage-clean

This cleans all coverage data including the generated coverage report. For more information about code coverage, see the gcov and lcov documentation.