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   pcrebuild    ( 3 )

Perl-совместимые регулярные выражения (Perl-compatible regular expressions)


Within a compiled pattern, offset values are used to point from
       one part to another (for example, from an opening parenthesis to
       an alternation metacharacter). By default, in the 8-bit and
       16-bit libraries, two-byte values are used for these offsets,
       leading to a maximum size for a compiled pattern of around 64K.
       This is sufficient to handle all but the most gigantic patterns.
       Nevertheless, some people do want to process truly enormous
       patterns, so it is possible to compile PCRE to use three-byte or
       four-byte offsets by adding a setting such as


to the configure command. The value given must be 2, 3, or 4. For the 16-bit library, a value of 3 is rounded up to 4. In these libraries, using longer offsets slows down the operation of PCRE because it has to load additional data when handling them. For the 32-bit library the value is always 4 and cannot be overridden; the value of --with-link-size is ignored.