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   nping    ( 1 )

инструмент генерации сетевых пакетов / утилита ping (Network packet generation tool / ping utility)


-p port_spec, --dest-port port_spec (Target ports)
           This option specifies which ports you want to try to connect
           to. It can be a single port, a comma-separated list of ports
           (e.g.  80,443,8080), a range (e.g.  1-1023), and any
           combination of those (e.g.  21-25,80,443,1024-2048). The
           beginning and/or end values of a range may be omitted,
           causing Nping to use 1 and 65535, respectively. So you can
           specify -p- to target ports from 1 through 65535. Using port
           zero is allowed if you specify it explicitly.

-g portnumber, --source-port portnumber (Spoof source port) This option asks Nping to use the specified port as source port for the TCP connections. Note that this might not work on all systems or may require root privileges. Specified value must be an integer in the range [0–65535].