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   nping    ( 1 )

инструмент генерации сетевых пакетов / утилита ping (Network packet generation tool / ping utility)


In most cases Nping sends packets at the raw IP level. This means
       that Nping creates its own IP packets and transmits them through
       a raw socket. However, in some cases it may be necessary to send
       packets at the raw Ethernet level. This happens, for example,
       when Nping is run under Windows (as Microsoft has disabled raw
       socket support since Windows XP SP2), or when Nping is asked to
       send ARP packets. Since in some cases it is necessary to
       construct ethernet frames, Nping offers some options to
       manipulate the different fields.

--dest-mac mac (Ethernet Destination MAC Address) This option sets the destination MAC address that should be set in outgoing Ethernet frames. This is useful in case Nping can't determine the next hop's MAC address or when you want to route probes through a router other than the configured default gateway. The MAC address should have the usual format of six colon-separated bytes, e.g. 00:50:56:d4:01:98. Alternatively, hyphens may be used instead of colons. Use the word random or rand to generate a random address, and broadcast or bcast to use ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. If you set up a bogus destination MAC address your probes may not reach the intended targets.

--source-mac mac (Ethernet Source MAC Address) This option sets the source MAC address that should be set in outgoing Ethernet frames. This is useful in case Nping can't determine your network interface MAC address or when you want to inject traffic into the network while hiding your network card's real address. The syntax is the same as for --dest-mac. If you set up a bogus source MAC address you may not receive probe replies.

--ether-type type (Ethertype) This option sets the Ethertype field of the ethernet frame. The Ethertype is used to indicate which protocol is encapsulated in the payload. type can be supplied in two different ways. You can use the official numbers listed by the IEEE[3] (e.g. --ether-type 0x0800 for IP version 4), or one of the mnemonics from the section called 'Ethernet Types'.

Ethernet Types These identifiers may be used as mnemonics for the Ethertype numbers given to the --arp-type option.

ipv4, ip, 4 Internet Protocol version 4 (type 0x0800).

ipv6, 6 Internet Protocol version 6 (type 0x86DD).

arp Address Resolution Protocol (type 0x0806).

rarp Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (type 0x8035).

frame-relay, frelay, fr Frame Relay (type 0x0808).

ppp Point-to-Point Protocol (type 0x880B).

gsmp General Switch Management Protocol (type 0x880C).

mpls Multiprotocol Label Switching (type 0x8847).

mps-ual, mps Multiprotocol Label Switching with Upstream-assigned Label (type 0x8848).

mcap Multicast Channel Allocation Protocol (type 0x8861).

pppoe-discovery, pppoe-d PPP over Ethernet Discovery Stage (type 0x8863).

pppoe-session, pppoe-s PPP over Ethernet Session Stage (type 0x8864).

ctag Customer VLAN Tag Type (type 0x8100).

epon Ethernet Passive Optical Network (type 0x8808).

pbnac Port-based network access control (type 0x888E).

stag Service VLAN tag identifier (type 0x88A8).

ethexp1 Local Experimental Ethertype 1 (type 0x88B5).

ethexp2 Local Experimental Ethertype 2 (type 0x88B6).

ethoui OUI Extended Ethertype (type 0x88B7).

preauth Pre-Authentication (type 0x88C7).

lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol (type 0x88CC).

mac-security, mac-sec, macsec Media Access Control Security (type 0x88E5).

mvrp Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (type 0x88F5).

mmrp Multiple Multicast Registration Protocol (type 0x88F6).

frrr Fast Roaming Remote Request (type 0x890D).