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Оборона > форчекинг > система торпеда

Torpedo System

This interesting system was developed in Sweden and is not as commonly used in North America. It is very similar to the left-wing lock system but different in strategy.

The system is called torpedo because the first two forwards in on the forecheck buzz from corner to corner, pressuring the puck. The third forward (F3), who is usually the center, stays high on one side. The defensive defenseman stays in the center of the blue line and is more of a safety. On the opposite side of F3 is the offensive defenseman. The offensive defenseman and the center have the freedom to pinch down hard on all passes up their boards and also move in offensively when F1 and F2 have puck possession. Some coaches will allow F3 and D2 to pinch all the way down the boards to the goal line on that side (figure 6.19).

The advantage of this system is that F1 and F2 always provide pressure on the opposing defense, while passes up the boards are shut down by F3 and D2. Also when the puck is turned over, there are two potential passing options for F1 and F2. Offensively, F3 and D2 are always ready to jump in to receive a pass or take a shot. For this system to work effectively, the center (F3) must be good at playing back defensively because if D2 gets caught in the zone, F3 will have to play defense with D1. Few teams are as comfortable with their centers playing back as they are with their defense. Also the wingers who get in on the forecheck must be good, quick skaters who can “buzz” from side to side. As with other systems, the weakness in the torpedo system is that the middle of the ice is available for breakout plays. Although the torpedo is nontraditional and sometimes disregarded because of that, if you have the personnel to fit the descriptions of the positions, it is definitely worth trying.

Diagrams and descriptions for the breakout options have not been included here because the rotations are the same as 2-3 System. The one variation is that the center is back on the far side and the outside players F3 and D1 pinch very aggressively on any passes up the boards. They even try to anticipate the pass being made and pinch early, not giving the wingers any opportunity to get the puck.