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Защитник. Катание спиной вперед

Minimize Crossovers

How often have you seen a defenseman trying to pick up speed while skating backward by crossing her feet over again and again? Obviously, when the skater is starting to skate backward, she must cross over to pick up momentum, but once she has picked up some speed, power should be generated by making C-cuts with each skate. When a skater crosses her feet over, her mobility is limited and she is vulnerable to being beaten one on one. If the skater is crossing her feet over while going to her right, she cannot move to her left because all her weight is shifting to the right. The same holds true if she is crossing over to her left. The skater must stay balanced by limiting her crossovers, and she’ll be a better backward skater.

One Hand on the Stick

Keeping just one hand on the stick when the other team has the puck will help the defenseman stay low and increase his mobility. The first thing a defenseman does when he puts the second hand (the bottom hand) on the stick is raise his center of gravity. It is just a natural reaction. Instead he should keep the top hand on the stick and keep the stick on the ice in front of his body.

The position of the stick when holding it with one hand is very important. Players have a tendency to place their sticks on the sides of their bodies instead of in front of their bodies. This causes them to lose balance and mobility, two of the most important aspects of being a good backward skater. While keeping one hand on the stick, the defenseman should also remember to limit the movement of his arms. Defensemen have a tendency to swing their arms as they are skating backward. This causes them to lose some of their balance and throws off their center of gravity. Instead, they should keep the upper body as quiet as possible.