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Зона защиты. Сужение площадки

Сужение площадки

Игра в зоне защиты основывается на нескольких вещах. В первую очередь необходимо усложнить сопернику задачу ввода шайбы в зону. Для нас желательно вынудить соперника вбросить шайбу в те участки площадки, где мы сможем оказать прессинг. Данные области обычно располагаются в углах площадки, где наши игроки могут создать численное преимущество и, фактически, сузить площадку, лишая соперника пространства. space. But it all begins and ends with the house, that area in front of the net where most goals are scored.

Once the puck is in one of the pressure zones, apply that pressure with the closest available defender, known as the contact player. Preferably this is the defenseman, but it could also be the center. She provides contact, and if she does a good job, the second person in, usually the center, gives support to either side.

The weak-side defender seals off any chance that the puck can come out of that corner and be carried toward the net. In the past, many coaches taught that the weak-side defenseman should begin at the far post and move toward the puck and the action in that corner. In today’s game, you want that defenseman at that near post immediately.

The strong-side wing moves down to about the hash marks, and the weak-side wing moves down to about the same depth on the other side of the circle. Having all this support in a small area is what we call shrinking the rink, outnumbering the opponents and giving them very few opportunities to make plays. Hopefully, your team will also get the puck back.

Break this area into zones and give specific responsibilities to the wings. The wing on the boards covers from the boards to the dot, and the other wing covers the dot to the other side of the circle. Any opponent in these quadrants is that wing’s responsibility. The wings also prevent the puck from getting back to opponents at the points (near the blue line).

These actions keep the puck from getting to the house, that dangerous area in front of the net. Players contain the puck by shrinking the rink, applying pressure through good stick-on-puck work, or otherwise neutralizing the opponents by pinning them against the boards. The intent is to separate the opponent from the puck in order to regain possession and start the attack. That is the goal of good defense.

Depending on how and where your team regains possession of the puck, players can send it around to the weak side and activate a breakout that way, or they can come directly up the strong side if that option is available.