Энциклопедии и справочники: спорт, техника, язык

Хоккейное мастерство

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Нападающий. Катание

Wide base: A wide base provides the strength and balance to play in traffic and win battles.

Quick five steps: Those first five steps are necessary to create separation from the opponent, which ultimately leads to scoring chances.

Edge control: Players must master using the inside and outside edges. The best skaters use limited ice and turn without losing time.

Pace: The smart forward moves at the same pace as the play, staying within striking distance of the puck to support or be a passing option. Too many players skate all out only when they have the puck or they’re sure they can be the primary passing option. Too many offensive and defensive opportunities are lost because of poor pace.

Players must work to develop fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibers to increase their quickness and endurance and to increase the amount of time they can play at full speed. Too many players hit the wall after 15 to 20 seconds of maximum exertion and have to leave the ice. Short recovery time is another key trait, since the player who can go all out and recover quickly for the next shift is very valuable to a coach.

All these areas can be developed and improved and must be worked on continually. The key is that the coach must be creative when working on skating development, so the players don’t always view it as conditioning or punishment.