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Нападающий. Броски и голы

The most difficult aspect of the game today is scoring. Coaches are constantly on the lookout for players who have a track record of producing from level to level. It’s very difficult to teach scoring, in part because it involves so many elements, including skill, confidence, and vision.

Scorers get multiple chances per game. They know where to go and when to get there. They have an ability to see what the goaltender is doing and can anticipate his reaction to their scoring opportunities. They know when to shoot, what type of shot to use, and where to put the puck, and they have the patience to execute.

Plus, everyone blocks shots these days. Players must keep their heads up when they shoot to increase their chances of getting their shots through traffic.

Most of today’s goaltenders are butterfly style, so traditional scoring areas are somewhat different from the past. When goalies remained on their feet more, the best scoring locations were the four corners and through the goalie’s legs (figure 9.1). Now that goalies drop more often and stay down, areas just above their pads and just inside the posts (1 and 2; figure 9.2) are the best targets. A high shot next to the goalie’s head (3 and 4) can be effective. All four of these areas are tough for goalies to reach with their hands. The 5 hole remains a good target.

FIGURE 9.1 Past scoring locations: the four corners and through the goalie’s legs.

FIGURE 9.2 Current scoring areas: above the pads and inside the posts, next to the goalie’s head, and through the goalie’s legs.

Driving to the Net

Another diminishing skill is driving to the net. This requires keeping the puck away from the defender, putting an arm or leg out to keep the opponent’s stick from getting to the puck, and being strong enough to fight through resistance. Most players drive better to the net on their backhand side than they do on their shooting side.