Ýíöèêëîïåäèè è ñïðàâî÷íèêè: ñïîðò, êîìïüþòåðû, ÿçûê, ïðèðîäà


    Ðóññêèé         English    


ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ ! Åñòü íîâûå ïðàâèëà: Õîêêåé. Êíèãà ïðàâèë IIHF (ÈÈÕÔ) 2022–2023
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Ïðàâèëî 135 ÈÈÕÔ

Rule 135.    Delay of game / shooting or throwing

1. A player who shoots, throws, kicks, or bats the puck directly out of the playing area from inside his defending zone anywhere in the rink (except where there is no protective glass) during game action, without any deflection, will be assessed a minor penalty. The determining factor will be the position of the puck when it is played.

2. No penalty will be assessed if a player shoots the puck directly over the boards at the players’ benches but not over the protective glass behind the players’ benches.

3. No penalty will be assessed if a player shoots the puck directly over the boards at any areas of the rink without protective glass directly above the boards.

4. A player who deliberately shoots the puck out of play anywhere on the ice during play or after a stoppage will be assessed a minor penalty.

5. A player who lifts the puck from the defending zone and hits the scoreclock or any structural object above the ice surface, causing a stoppage of play, will not be assessed a penalty.

Game situation 1: If the puck is shot and hits a skater’s or a goaltender’s stick or any part of his equipment and is unintentionally deflected over the boards, no penalty will be assessed.

Game situation 2: If a player shoots the puck through an open gate, no penalty will be assessed.

Game situation 3: If the puck is shot from the defending zone over the protective glass at the opposite end of the ice, a minor penalty for delay of game will be assessed (this action supersedes icing).

Game situation 4: A minor penalty is being signalled by the referee against A3. If A6, who is in his defending zone, gains control of the puck as the whistle blows and shoots it directly over the protective glass, no penalty will be assessed to A6. If, however, the referee believes A6 shot the puck over the protective glass deliberately, in anger, or to dispute the call, a penalty may be assessed.


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Rule numbers:
  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17  |  18  |  19  |  20  |  21  |  22  |  23  |  24  |  25  |  26  |  27  |  28  |  29  |  30  |  31  |  32  |  33  |  34  |  35  |  36  |  37  |  38  |  39  |  40  |  41  |  42  |  43  |  44  |  45  |  46  |  47  |  48  |  49  |  50  |  51  |  52  |  53  |  54  |  55  |  56  |  57  |  58  |  59  |  60  |  61  |  62  |  63  |  64  |  65  |  66  |  67  |  68  |  69  |  70  |  71  |  72  |  73  |  74  |  75  |  76  |  77  |  78  |  79  |  80  |  81  |  82  |  83  |  84  |  85  |  86  |  87  |  88  |  89  |  90  |  91  |  92  |  93  |  94  |  95  |  96  |  97  |  98  |  99  |  100  |  101  |  102  |  103  |  104  |  105  |  106  |  107  |  108  |  109  |  110  |  111  |  112  |  113  |  114  |  115  |  116  |  117  |  118  |  119  |  120  |  121  |  122  |  123  |  124  |  125  |  126  |  127  |  128  |  129  |  130  |  131  |  132  |  133  |  134  |  135  |  136  |  137  |  138  |  139  |  140  |  141  |  142  |  143  |  144  |  145  |  146  |  147  |  148  |  149  |  150  |  151  |  152  |  153  |  154  |  155  |  156  |  157  |  158  |  159  |  160  |  161  |  162  |  163  |  164  |  165  |  166  |  167  |  168  |  169  |  170  |  171  |  172  |  173  |  174  |  175  |  176  |  177  |  178  |  179  |  180  |  181  |  182  |  183  |  184  |  185  |  186  |  187  |  188  |  189  |  190  |  191  |  192  |  193  |  194  |  195  |  196  |  197  |  198  |  199  |  200  |  201  |  202  |  203  |  204  |  205  |  206  |  207  |  208  |  209  |  210  |  211  |  212  |  213  |  214  |  215  |  216  |  217  |  218  |  219  |  220  |  221  |  222  |  223  |  224  |  225  |  226  |