Ýíöèêëîïåäèè è ñïðàâî÷íèêè: ñïîðò, êîìïüþòåðû, ÿçûê, ïðèðîäà


    Ðóññêèé         English    


ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ ! Åñòü íîâûå ïðàâèëà: Õîêêåé. Êíèãà ïðàâèë IIHF (ÈÈÕÔ) 2022–2023
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Ïðàâèëî 169 ÈÈÕÔ

Rule 169.    Illegal hit (women)
DEFINITION –In women’s hockey, a player is not allowed to deliver a bodycheck to an opponent.

1. A player who bodychecks an opponent will be assessed one of:

  • 1) a minor penalty;
  • 2) a major and automatic game-misconduct penalty;
  • 3) a match penalty.

    2. A player who recklessly endangers an opponent by bodychecking will be assessed either a major and automatic game-misconduct penalty or a match penalty.

    3. If two players are in pursuit of the puck, they are reasonably allowed to push and lean into each other provided that possession of the puck remains the sole object of the two players.

    4. If two or more players are fighting for possession of the puck, they are not allowed to use the boards to make contact with an opponent to eliminate her from the play, push her into the boards, or pin her along the boards. All of these actions indicate an absence of interest in gaining possession of the puck.

    5. A player who is stationary is entitled to that area of the ice. It is up to the opponent to avoid body contact with such a player. If that player is stationed between the opponent and the puck, the opponent is obliged to skate around the stationary player.

    6. If a player with the puck is skating directly at an opponent who is stationary, it is the obligation of the puck carrier to avoid contact. But, if the puck carrier makes every effort to avoid contact and the opponent moves into the puck carrier, that opponent will be assessed a minor penalty for bodychecking.

    7. Players are allowed to "hold their ground" any time that they have established their position on the ice. No player is required to move out of the way of an oncoming player to avoid a collision. Any move by a player to step or glide into an opposing player will be assessed a minor penalty for bodychecking.

    8. A player will not be penalized if her intention is to play the puck and insodoing she causes a collision with an opponent.

  • Gesture

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    Rule numbers:
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