Ýíöèêëîïåäèè è ñïðàâî÷íèêè: ñïîðò, êîìïüþòåðû, ÿçûê, ïðèðîäà


    Ðóññêèé         English    


ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ ! Åñòü íîâûå ïðàâèëà: Õîêêåé. Êíèãà ïðàâèë IIHF (ÈÈÕÔ) 2022–2023
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Ïðàâèëî 20 ÈÈÕÔ

Rule 20.    Goal net

1. Each rink must have two goal nets, one at either end of the rink.

2. The goal net is comprised of a goal frame and netting.

3. The open end of the goal net must face centre ice.

4. Each goal net must be located in the centre of the goal line at either end and must be installed in such manner as to remain stationary during the progress of the game. For top-level IIHF competitions, flexible goal pegs to hold the goal frame in place but which displace the goal net from its moorings upon significant contact are mandatory. These are strongly recommended for other competitions. The holes for the goal pegs must be located exactly on the goal line.

5. The goal posts must extend vertically 1.22 metres above the ice surface and be 1.83 metres apart (internal measurements). The goal posts and crossbar that form the tubular steel goal frame must be of a specified design with a diameter of 5 cm .

6. The goal posts and crossbar must be red. All other parts of the net and frame must be white.

7. The goal posts and crossbar must be completed by a white frame inside the base of the goal frame along the ice and top extending from post to post towards the end boards and supporting the netting, the deepest point of which must be 0.60 – 1.12 metres.

8. A netting of durable white nylon cord must be attached securely over the entire back of the goal frame in such a manner as to trap the puck in the goal net after it has entered and to prevent the puck from entering the goal net in any way other than from the front.

9. On-ice officials are required to check the netting before the start of each period of play. If they find any damage to the netting, game action cannot begin until the necessary repairs have been made.

10. The inside parts of the supports of the white frame, other than the goal posts and the crossbar, must be covered by white padding. The padding of the base frame must start not less than 10 cm from the goal post and must be attached in a manner that does not restrict the puck from completely crossing the goal line.

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Rule numbers:
  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17  |  18  |  19  |  20  |  21  |  22  |  23  |  24  |  25  |  26  |  27  |  28  |  29  |  30  |  31  |  32  |  33  |  34  |  35  |  36  |  37  |  38  |  39  |  40  |  41  |  42  |  43  |  44  |  45  |  46  |  47  |  48  |  49  |  50  |  51  |  52  |  53  |  54  |  55  |  56  |  57  |  58  |  59  |  60  |  61  |  62  |  63  |  64  |  65  |  66  |  67  |  68  |  69  |  70  |  71  |  72  |  73  |  74  |  75  |  76  |  77  |  78  |  79  |  80  |  81  |  82  |  83  |  84  |  85  |  86  |  87  |  88  |  89  |  90  |  91  |  92  |  93  |  94  |  95  |  96  |  97  |  98  |  99  |  100  |  101  |  102  |  103  |  104  |  105  |  106  |  107  |  108  |  109  |  110  |  111  |  112  |  113  |  114  |  115  |  116  |  117  |  118  |  119  |  120  |  121  |  122  |  123  |  124  |  125  |  126  |  127  |  128  |  129  |  130  |  131  |  132  |  133  |  134  |  135  |  136  |  137  |  138  |  139  |  140  |  141  |  142  |  143  |  144  |  145  |  146  |  147  |  148  |  149  |  150  |  151  |  152  |  153  |  154  |  155  |  156  |  157  |  158  |  159  |  160  |  161  |  162  |  163  |  164  |  165  |  166  |  167  |  168  |  169  |  170  |  171  |  172  |  173  |  174  |  175  |  176  |  177  |  178  |  179  |  180  |  181  |  182  |  183  |  184  |  185  |  186  |  187  |  188  |  189  |  190  |  191  |  192  |  193  |  194  |  195  |  196  |  197  |  198  |  199  |  200  |  201  |  202  |  203  |  204  |  205  |  206  |  207  |  208  |  209  |  210  |  211  |  212  |  213  |  214  |  215  |  216  |  217  |  218  |  219  |  220  |  221  |  222  |  223  |  224  |  225  |  226  |